This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 283 Strike first to gain the upper hand

The hero Nightmare has been fixed in the jungle position for a long time since its birth, and Nightmare in other positions rarely appears in the game.

Later, the mid laner Nightmare gradually began to enter people's field of vision due to its excellent support roaming ability, but soon faded out of the game again.

Because this thing not only affects the lineup and rhythm, but compared with the traditional mid-lane mage, the disadvantages of Nightmare are still too obvious. It does not have the control and burst that can be triggered quickly. It is disadvantageous that it cannot defend the line at all, and it is not like an assassin like Enchantress who can fight and retreat.

In other words, once the rhythm fails to pick up, the mid laner Nightmare basically becomes a tool that turns off the lights.

However, the communication and cooperation of professional players is not at the same level as RANK. In many cases, the effect of turning off the lights is not necessarily good.

Cap King once turned his head to look at his teammates' screens to confirm the opponent's position when his LEC opponent Nightmare turned off the lights.

However, Riot still doesn’t think that Cap King committed a foul by looking at his teammate’s screen, which undoubtedly gives another heavy blow to players who use Nightmare.

Obviously my ultimate move is to limit the opponent's field of vision, but he can still look at his teammates' screens to draw pictures. This is too bad.

For various reasons, nightmares gradually disappeared from the middle.

As for the top lane, Nightmare's appearance records are even rarer.

Because it is passive, it cannot control the lane, and Nightmare itself has no displacement, making it easy for Nightmare to be ganked on the top lane.

However, despite its obvious weaknesses, Nightmare is actually extremely capable in a duel on the top lane, and most warriors would be very uncomfortable facing Nightmare.

When Lin Cheng used Riven in the Korean server, he encountered a thousand-point king who specialized in nightmares. As a result, everyone else was beaten stupidly.

So, Lin Cheng also ran to try the nightmare top laner.

So delicious.

Of course, Aoun, an old bastard, is not particularly afraid of Nightmare. Lin Cheng brought out Nightmare mainly to match the lineup, and did not intend to beat up Dolan on the top lane.

After all, our own jungler is a dead ringer, so the top laner shouldn't have too many radical ideas in the early stage.

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng chose the main series of Precision: Conqueror, Triumph, Joy, and Fatal Blow, and the secondary series of Dominance: Sudden Impact, Ultimate Hunter.

In fact, Lin Cheng was torn between Triumph and Calmness for a long time. After all, Nightmare online still lacked mana.

But in the end, Lin Cheng still believed in his blue control skills and resolutely chose Triumph, which had saved countless lives.

Entering the game, Lin Cheng chose the Corruption Potion as his starting outfit, and went straight to the upper road and stood in the grass on the river.

In this game, DRX did not engage in the showy routine of level one invasion. Both sides started with a peaceful start with good vision.

After confirming that the opponent's field of view did not extend to his own jungle area, Lin Cheng deliberately used a late-level line to cover Death Song's jungle route.

By the time Lin Cheng came online, Aoun was already standing in the middle of the line attacking the minions.

Seeing Nightmare approaching blankly, Dolan waited for a moment, and after the health of the two melee minions on the blue side became disabled, he launched the Q skill Volcano Sudden.

Lava ravines spread from the ground, and after killing two minion soldiers with residual health, they also hit the Nightmare who happened to be behind his own long-range soldier.

Lin Cheng threw out the Q skill Nightmare Path, and a dark path spread, passing through the front and rear rows of minions and hitting Ornn in the middle.

Relying on the fact that he had two more minions, Ornn moved forward and struck out the damage from the Grasp of Eternity before turning around and retreating.

Even if the distance was sufficient, Lin Cheng did not immediately attack Ornn, but continued to press forward.

Nightmare ignored the collision volume in the path of darkness. Lin Cheng took two steps forward and passed through the red side's melee minions, standing between the six red side's minions.

Nightmare swung two arm blades in an arc.

Since there was another melee minion from the blue side, the troop line was not stretched. Now Nightmare's passive AOE hit all the red side minions and Ornn who turned around at the same time.


Green numbers popped up, and the blood consumed by Orn just now returned.

In addition, the three melee soldiers with residual health were all passively taken away by Lin Cheng, and the three long-range soldiers were directly beaten to less than half health.

Instead, Ornn is now the one losing health.

The passive not only gives Nightmare an exaggerated line-clearing ability in the early stage, but also provides recovery so that Nightmare is not very afraid of consumption.

Without the advantage of the military line just now, Dolan rationally shrank back and waited for Lin Cheng to push the line.

Lin Cheng pushed the second wave of soldiers into the tower, ran to the triangle grass on the red side and put down the ornament eye to prevent being ganked by the opponent.

Dolan was very scheming and deliberately used no skills to clear the line under the tower, which happened to make the third wave of soldiers get stuck a little outside the tower.

As soon as I control the line, Jungler Dad will come over and arrange your move.

Lin Cheng didn't care about him. A Q skill and passive suppressed the health of the soldiers in the line. He quickly pushed the line and entered the red square jungle area.

Are you stuck?

You have the ability to always be stuck.

Corgi: "Brother Orange has such a great line advantage! He ran to the wild area to catch Pig Girl."

Junri: "Okay! This wave is about attacking first. I heard that you all think that the hero Nightmare is easy to catch online? Then I will go and catch the opposite jungler first."

The pig girl on the red side is a brush-type play that opens blue and swipes the entire area. Lin Cheng touched the red BUFF grass and happened to find the pig girl buffing.

He glanced at the center line of troops.

"Li Shiheng, come quickly and cover me to make me sick of Pig Girl."

Just as Pig Girl was pulling the red BUFF towards the grass, a dark path extended from the grass.

Lin Cheng's nightmare came out and brandished his arm blade, activating the E skill Silent Fear.

Pig Girl turned around and ran away, waving her whip and striking W Winter's Wrath.

But with the W skill Dark Asylum, Zhu Mei's W only increased the attack speed of the nightmare. Lin Cheng chased Zhu Mei and slashed at her.

After Pig Girl was frightened, Nightmare also played the Conqueror. After two sword blows, Pyosik had already reached a very dangerous level of health.

In desperation, Pyosik could only retaliate with punishment and quickly pull away.

At this time, Kuro's Ziggs had not arrived to support, and Lin Cheng had no intention of killing the pig girl, so he turned around and returned to the line with satisfaction.

Anyway, the red BUFF has returned to health, and Pig Girl wasted too much time this time.

Corgi: "Wow! This nightmare is too much. We have seen level 3 junglers catch them a lot. It is still very rare for level 3 top laners to come and catch junglers. Pyosik is really hurt now. It's a waste of time. He said the punishment was handed over."

Junri: "This is the fact that DRX has no lane rights in the top and middle lanes. Ornn in the top lane is still taking lanes under the tower, and Bomberman has already finished pushing the lanes and disappeared in the lane. Chovy can only say: Don't fight, brother, I am being pushed. ”

Corgi: "I have to say that Brother Chengzi is a very sneaky player. If he plays 1V1 correctly, Nightmare will be invincible. He will not lose troops even after clearing the lane and running to the wild area. Most people really don't have the courage."

Junri: "Dolan still has to try his best to clear the lane. Although pushing the lane will definitely not push the Nightmare, you can't always release the lane and play at the back. Syndra in the middle can't push Bomberman in front. The two lanes are pushed like Pig Girl. How can you play with heroes? On the contrary, Death Song is very comfortable."

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