This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 281 The BP who tries to show off his tricks

Under the strong opposition of all the other teammates, Lin Cheng's vicious proposal was naturally not approved, and after a short break, the second round of BP was entered.

In the second game, DRX came to the blue side and BAN first, while KT was on the red side.

As soon as DRX comes up, he bans the prince first.

Compared with the red side, which has to bear more version ban positions, the blue side's banners have to be much more direct, targeting the players.

KT on the red side disabled Varus with a backhand.

Although Varus' BP rate in the LCK is still far lower than that of Aphelios and Senna, this hero's ability to compete for the right to move down the lane far exceeds that of any other AD.

In the current KT tactical system, the line rights of the two wingers are extremely important, which is related to whether KT can establish an advantage in the early stage and snowball.

The second BAN position of blue side DRX was given to the troll.

Junri: "Oh? DRX banned Troll in the second hand. This almost told KT that there will definitely be a big front row in my lineup."

Keji: "Yes, Troll is not a popular jungler in the LCK, but he is very profitable when used against the opposing team's tank lineup. In the past, when KT used Pig Girl as a jungler, they would usually ban this hero themselves. Look. Brother Laimai also has ideas."

Seeing that the troll was banned, the red side chose to BAN Senna.

The tactical genius Mai Ge clearly knows how to take advantage of the ban by banning trolls, but there are too many tank heroes available on the field now, and it makes little sense to block one hero alone.

On the contrary, Senna is a hero who earns very high profits when he has a large front row. Before, Mike also produced a lineup with four pieces of meat to match Senna.

That’s right! The genius coach Mike can not only control five guarantees and zero coaches, four guarantees and one EZ, but also let Mr. Dai play Senna and one guarantee four.

Although this extreme tank lineup is very silly in the later stage, it is really powerful in the early and mid-term.

Many tank heroes have one thing in common, that is, their base values ​​are very high.

A guy like Ornn is not only naturally strong, but also has very high basic skill damage. When equipped with one or two pieces of equipment, he is very powerful and can also fight well.

At this time, except for Vayne, almost no AD can cut the meat. A few strong men directly use their rich group-opening methods and strong muscles to run over. Generally speaking, the team is really difficult to defeat in the mid-term.

In the third move, the blue side chose to continue banning Qinggang Shadow, and Lin Cheng's signature hero still enjoyed special care.

KT thought for a while on the red side and sent Kalista to the BAN position.

Junri: "Skateboard shoes? Then you directly release Aphelios to the opponent. KT's ban is a bit confusing. I banned three AD and then released Aphelios. Isn't it a little bit? Too much?"

Corgi: "I think so too. Even if you really want to let Aphelios go, you shouldn't ban Kalista again. Let's go one by one. The current version can only have so many ADs like last time."

Junil: "Look at KT's lineup. If you go to BAN like this, you must know that your opponent will definitely take Aphelios. They should have already figured out how to target Deft's Aphelios."

The blue side did not hesitate and decisively locked Aphelios on the first floor.

Regardless of whether the opponent placed it intentionally or not, it would be too much if the hand is not locked.

The red side locked Jhin with a backhand on the first floor.

Junri: "Oh? Jhin? Is this the answer KT gave? Jhin is not a popular hero in this version. Can he really fight against Aphelios?"

Keji: "Maybe what KT wants is lane rights. Jinshou is really good at pushing lanes in the early stage. At least he won't lose lane rights, which can give Bono more room to play."

Junri: "No! There is no problem with Jhin online, but the output is much worse than Aphelios. Especially in the mid-term, Jhin is very weak, but Aphelios is very strong with the two-piece set of endless splitting bow.

Moreover, DRX's second BAN Troll has almost made it clear that he wants to take a big front row. Jhin, a hero, really can't handle the front row. "

Corgi: "Let's wait and see what the effect of Jhin will be. Many teams are actually trying to release Aphelios and then find a way to solve Aphelios. KT is obviously trying too."

Immediately afterwards, KT locked Seti in a swing position on the second floor.

Although Sett has been nerfed round after round now, his three-line swing characteristics destined him to remain a popular hero.

The blue side locked Thresh on the second floor and walked down with Aphelios, and Pig Girl was revealed on the third floor.

Junri: "Pig girl! Pyosik took away the hero Bono used in the last game. Sure enough, DRX has a front row tank."

Corgi: "Yeah~~~ It's very smart to use grab to replace BAN. In recent games, most of KT's team starting burden has been on Bono's head. If they are given the pig girl Garseti, Apheliu The pressure on Si was very great.”

Seeing that Pig Girl was robbed, red party Kuro first showed his death song on the third floor. It seemed that he was going to choose a classic brush to fight against Pig Girl in the wild, but he never locked it down.

Until the last second, Death Song was suddenly replaced by Nightmare Lock.

Junri: "Nightmare jungler! This is the first time that Nightmare appears in the LCK Spring Split this season. Unexpectedly, it was in the semi-finals. Indeed, there is nothing that Pig Girl can do when she encounters Nightmare in the jungle. Nightmare is very capable in one-on-one combat.”

Corgi: "The main purpose of selecting this Nightmare is to restrict Aphelios, but it is impossible for Nightmare to kill Aphelios alone, and Mike is not stupid! DRX will definitely ban Galio in the second round .”

Junri: "Looking at it, Jhin in front may also have this consideration. Nightmare rushes in with full force to kill Aphelios, and Jhin is also sniping from behind, but Jhin's bullets will be blocked!"

Take a look at the hero selection behind KT. Since Nightmare has been selected, there must be heroes who can cooperate with Nightmare. "

The second round of BAN begins.

The red side KT first banned Enchantress on the fourth floor. This is the mage hero with the second highest selection rate by Chovy. Although it is not as eye-catching as his Zoe, it is a real threat to the crispy ones.

DRX backhanded BAN and dropped Galio.

Nightmare turns off the lights and takes Galio to fly to the back row, which is considered a classic combination, and Mag didn't hesitate to let Galio out in the second round.

KT's last move sent Jayce to the BAN position.

Junri: "Huh? What's going on with KT's BAN Jayce? Why are you banning Jayce when Nightmare is the jungler? Dolan dares to pick Jayce, but he has to be arranged clearly? Nightmare uses a lot of coordination skills It’s too easy for Hao to capture a hero like Jace.”

Corgi: "Then it's possible that Seti isn't used by Brother Orange? Now that the wrist power value has been reduced for several rounds, there are indeed many fewer single-lane players. It may be used by Tusin."

DRX finally chose to ban Dao Mei to prevent Nightmare from turning off the lights to protect Dao Mei from charging into the formation.

It's hard for the hero Sword Girl to perform well if she rushes in under the sight of others, but it's terrifying once she cuts in under the black light.

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