This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 276 People are sitting on the road, bad news comes from all directions

Since it was the blue crystal that came out, Lin Cheng, who got the first blood, had a bright light in the first wave of comebacks. At this time, it was Dolan who had a hard time facing Karma.

Lin Cheng placed the bucket at his feet and began to fight aggressively.

At this time, the captain could knock out a large amount of Karma's health with a combo of barrels and Q. Dolan did not dare to show off, and focused on his own development.

Come up and become calm for a while.

Bonon got blue instead, so he came back and gave his first blue BUFF to the card in the middle.

With the blue BUFF on the card in the early stage, there are opportunities to push back Morgana's line.

Just at five minutes, KT's duo pushed the line back first, and DRX's duo moved from the jungle to the middle while pushing the line back.

Junri: "Hey! Why did EZ and Braum come to the middle to gank? The skateboard shoes pushed the lane home first. EZ with 34 dollars came to help Morgana with 47 dollars in the middle. Is Mr. Dai crazy? You're not right Is it online?"

Corgi: "It's really hard to catch this wave of cards if they have flash, and the river has a field of vision. They will be discovered if they try to touch it."

As soon as the commentary finished, I saw EZ leading Bron from the jungle intersection on the back of the blue BUFF to the top of the river wall.

EZ used arcane jump to jump down, and Braum stepped forward to follow the river grass.

Since the blue side's field of vision was placed in the grass in the middle of the river, the two people's operations happened to bypass this eye position.

Kuro's card is still clearing the line outside the red square tower.

At this time, the blind monk was spotted in the grass above the river, and Kuro quickly retreated.

As a result, at this time, the DRX duo suddenly found the grass on the other side of the river against the wall below, blocking the card's escape route.

At the five-minute mark, the duo came in to catch Kuro, catching Kuro off guard.

Originally, the river grass in the upper half had a field of vision, so Kuro carefully positioned himself against the upper half when pushing the lane. Now the blind monk came to gank and was discovered in advance.

But I didn't expect the opponent to be so ruthless. It wasn't the center and jungle teamwork, but a four-person encirclement and suppression.

Braun threw his Q skill far away.

Kuro took stock and realized that even though he was blocked on all sides, he did not dodge.

Bronn is still weak, and he can't escape from this position.

The card is slowed down, and Braum's passive is connected to Morgana's Q skill to complete the control combo.

EZ fired a Q skill to finish it off, but the card was burned to death by Morgana's W when it almost did damage.

Junri: "Working spirit! Mr. Dai traveled thousands of miles to help Chovy win the card kill, but he himself was about to suffer a loss. Kalista on the other side had replenished their equipment and returned. EZ was still in the middle and did not return home. "

Corgi: "Although this wave of DRX has captured people, it is really not profitable. Even if Morgana is fatter, she will not be able to provide much stable output in the mid-term. EZ is their core output."

Kuro was still communicating with his teammates just now. He has blue and can push the lane. When his card reaches level 6, he can come to the side lane to do some work.

Unexpectedly, before he could take action, the other party took action first.

This time, the blue BUFF was given to Morgana again. The card was revived and pushed to the lane. It was temporarily immobile, and the field fell into silence.

There is nothing that can be done about this. The cards cannot be moved, and others cannot cooperate with the pig girl's GANK, which is not yet level six.

The same is true for DRX. The heroes selected in each lane have too low damage and are not easy to cooperate with the jungle Lee Sin.

In this way, everyone developed peacefully with a tacit understanding.

At 8 and a half minutes, Blind Sin found an opportunity in the second half to knock off Kalista's form and then started to move the dragon.

But KT didn't want to let go of this dragon.

Although Kalista only has half health, the captain in the upper half has a big move that everyone can try together.

Therefore, the three players from KT's field gathered in the river on the side of their triangle grass and stared at DRX's man who was fighting the dragon.

Seeing that Xiaolong's health was getting lower and lower, Lin Cheng opened a large cover directly above, and the barrage enveloped the river outside the entrance of Longkeng, forcing the DRX personnel to pull upward.

Bono wants to use this opportunity to take over Xiaolong.

Just when Bono went up to attract the dragon, the blind monk in the river suddenly hit the dragon with his Q, and the second stage of his Q was activated.

Morgana had already put on the black shield. Without the threat of control, Pyosik touched his eyes and adjusted his position after the second Q landed.


Blind Sin flashed to Kalista's side and kicked her upwards.

When Kalista was kicked back, Kuro used his ultimate move to hit the captain's cannon screen, hoping for a yellow card to save his teammates.

However, Aiming originally had no double summons and was in poor condition. Now he was directly weakened by Braum. EZ jumped into the captain's ultimate move and instantly took Kalista away.

At this time, the card's ultimate move came to fruition. The yellow card locked EZ inside the cannon screen and threw out the universal card.

But Kuro himself was suppressed by Morgana and imprisoned in place.

Bono's pig girl swung a big move from a distance but Braun raised his shield to block it.

Mr. Dai was hit a lot by the cannon screen, so he quickly handed over the treatment, flashed back and pulled away.

On the contrary, Chovy's Morgana directly flashed her ultimate move at this time, crossing the range of the cannon screen and holding the three people on the blue side.

Kuro was embarrassed now.

Although he was under the cover of the captain's ultimate move, there were Morgana and Blind Sin behind him holding a chain, and there were Braum and EZ in front.

The card can only flash backward to cooperate with teammates who want to deal with Morgana first.

But just now, Pig Girl was fighting with the blind monk for the first time, and Tarik also handed over his skills. The three of them were unable to deal with Morgana quickly, and they were all frozen in place.

The captain's ultimate move ended, and EZ and Braum came closer.

When they had no skills, KT's Nakano and Suke could all be said to be short-legged fools, and were chased crazily by their opponents in the river.

Except for Tariq who escaped with a flash, the others were all killed.

EZ scored three kills.

Junri: "KT still didn't understand this wave. He forced himself to fight for the dragon when Kalista was in such a bad state. The card is famous for not doing damage in the early stage, and the captain has no TP and only has one ultimate move. The damage is not enough, they don’t know how to fight Kalista after she dies.”

Keji: "Maybe this is KT. Although KT has a strong snowballing ability this season, don't ignore that they often force team fights under unreasonable circumstances.

It can be said that they not only have the traditional operation of LCK, but also have superiority and toughness. This is the reason why KT is so popular this season. "

Junri: "That's right! Puosik did seize the opportunity well. KT didn't expect that the blind monk would forcefully attack when the captain's ultimate move fell. The state of taking off his skateboard shoes just now was so critical."

Corgi: "However, this wave gave Deft a triple kill, which was very crucial. Although the selfless roaming for five minutes just delayed his development, this time he received an overabundance of rewards.

Tianfei EZ has a chance to carry in this game. The opponent's lineup is not easy to encounter EZ. Mr. Dai's stage is very big. "

"Is KT trying to kill birds this time? Can he get three kills?"

"With KT's performance, the T1 championship is guaranteed."

"Mr. Dai is getting well and ready to take off."

"The opponent never has to worry about Deft being too fat, because you never know when he will send it."

"Brother Cheng: What are you doing?"

"Brother Chengzi is sitting on the road, bad news is coming from all directions."

The code is finally out. The state is very poor recently. If there are any mistakes, please help remind me and I will correct them as soon as possible.


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