This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 2292 Praise for the Motherland

Lin Cheng never expected that with his own image, sitting on the street with his arms folded would be considered a homeless person.

Obviously that guy's image is more like homeless.

He has an unkempt beard, sunken eye sockets, and a slovenly appearance full of decadence.

However, his eyes are very bright and his body is very clean, so he will not keep people away.

Not feeling uncomfortable about being misunderstood, Lin Cheng thanked the younger brother for his kindness and started chatting with him.

As Lin Cheng thought, this person was truly homeless.

"Are you an e-sports player? I don't know much about this profession, but it sounds cool!"

"Me? I used to be a structural engineer...and now I'm in some trouble. As you can see I'm broke. Maybe it's because of the unlucky name?"

Probably because he seldom talked to others after becoming a homeless man, this homeless man named Bob was willing to talk to Lin Cheng.

"A job? Of course I'm trying to find a job."

"But before that I had to have a fixed place to live, and few people were willing to hire homeless people to work for them."

"Even if someone was willing to hire homeless people, I would have a much harder time getting my first paycheck."

"Once I get a job, I have to leave the relief shelter. Then I have no place to sleep, no place to bathe, and no place to store my clothes and quilts. These things are more tedious than finding a job."

"See my shoes? I had a pair of shoes that fit before this, but one day they were stolen while I was sleeping."

"Isn't it ironic? A homeless man's shoes are worthless, but people still steal them."

"When you wake up early in the morning and don't have shoes, you have to walk barefoot on broken glass until you find a new pair of shoes... All of this will make you lose your fighting spirit."

"Of course! I still haven't given up. I don't belong here. I know much better than them... I think so."

Lin Cheng had never lived a hard life, so it was difficult to empathize with him, but he saw something touching his soul in this man's helpless but bright eyes.

All I can say is that no place in the world is paradise.

There are many drug addicts and mentally ill people in America's homeless population, but there are also bankrupts, and even many of these bankrupts are engineers and financiers.

Once bankrupt, some people will quickly become property owners again with the help of family and friends, but some people will be trapped in an endless cycle without the help of family members.

If you don’t have a fixed place to live, you can’t find a job, and if you don’t have a job, you can’t afford to rent a house. The rent in the United States is very high, and you have to pay at least two months’ rent in advance, which usually costs at least two to three thousand US dollars.

Surrounded by robbers and drug addicts, it would be difficult for a homeless man to save so much money.

If you have hands and feet, you will not starve to death. This sentence applies to China, but it may not apply to other places.

Lin Cheng quietly listened to Bob talk about the current situation and imagined the future.

Probably because he felt that he was very compatible with Lin Cheng, Bob mysteriously told Lin Cheng: "Now I have saved more than two thousand US dollars, hiding it in a place where thieves will never find it. I can go there when I can rent a house." Looking for a job.”

Lin Cheng smiled and was about to say something when his teammates came out of Starbucks.

"I'm leaving, Bob."

Lin Cheng stood up and stretched out his hand.

He also stood up, stretched out his hand to shake Lin Cheng's hand seriously, just like he did when he was still decent.

"Thank you for listening to me and have a nice night."

"Thank you, and I wish you will settle down soon."

Lin Cheng and his teammates turned and left.

Chi Shengxi looked at him curiously, "What's wrong? What did you talk to that person?"

"Nothing, just chat."

Lin Cheng looked back again.

Bob put the sparkling water can that Lin Cheng had just put on the chair into his bag. Each can could be exchanged for five cents. When he saved enough money to rent a house and find a job, he could get out of his current situation.

When he found Lin Cheng looking over, he smiled and gave Lin Cheng a thumbs up.

Lin Cheng also gave him a thumbs up.

Just now Lin Cheng asked him if he needed help, but he refused.

He said that he had to rely on his own hands to get rid of the current situation, and he was not even willing to receive government relief funds.

A somewhat stubborn and pedantic American!

But Lin Cheng somehow admired this guy.

Many people think that homeless people in the United States are just slackers and drug addicts. This view is actually only partially correct. There are indeed slackers and drug addicts, but there are also many people who are forced by life.

All I can say is... Praise the motherland!

After going to the Empire State Building to see the bustling night view of New York, everyone returned to the hotel.

Since the game ended early, it was just before ten o'clock in the evening, and all the night owls went to the training room to play on the computer.

The only exception is Lin Cheng.

Seeing Lin Cheng following him into the room, Chi Shengxi rolled his eyes at him angrily.


Lin Cheng looked around mischievously, "I'll sit here for a while."

"Sister, you need to take a bath! You go back to your room and play."

Lin Cheng curled his lips, "Let me sit here for a while, you stingy man!"

Chi Shengxi smiled helplessly. She stretched out her hand and pulled Lin Cheng's face, "Ah! Don't think that sister doesn't know what you want to do? Last night...sister was very tired, you know? She's about to die."

The more she spoke, the quieter she became. In the end, Lin Cheng almost didn't hear her clearly.

"Really? Show me, are there any injuries there?"


Chi Shengxi glanced at him.

Lin Cheng scratched his head, feeling a little guilty.

"I'm sorry, Sister Sheng Xi."

The girl with black stockings and glasses last night was so astringent that Lin Chengcheng couldn't help but move in and out when Sister Sheng Xi was exhausted and convulsing. Now he was a little worried after hearing her words.

"Hey! You go back first, sister wants to take a bath."


Seeing Lin Cheng leaving obediently, Chi Shengxi couldn't help but smile.

Lin Cheng returned to his room, lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

He was still thinking about Sister Sheng Xi's words.

Was I really too cruel at that time?

But...the bespectacled girl's physical reaction is simply irresistible!

Sighing, Lin Cheng put aside his worries and prepared to play with his mobile phone for a while.

The domestic Internet should be very lively at this time. Let’s take a look at the direction of the trend.

As expected, RNG Chaohua fell.

"Starting today, our RNG also has the title of global finals champion! S race racing champion! 》

"The skewers are almost done!" Be more understanding and less malicious. As the fourth seed, it is not easy to enter the top eight in a poisonous circle."

"The second and third seeds also lost, why don't you go complain about TES and EDG!" 》

"Please note: RNG is only the fourth seed, it doesn't matter if they lose"

"Huang Za's face changes so quickly. Isn't that what he said before meeting KT?" 》

"The moment the RNG crystal exploded, my phone rang. I opened it and saw: Your nationality has been returned."

"KT3: 0 won with difficulty, RNG0: 3 tried its best to lose"

"no! Why do you only deal the games that KT wins? RNG doesn't win the round, right? (anger)"

"Director KRD! 》

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