If in the first two rounds, teammates needed to fight around Lin Cheng as the core in order to expand their advantage, in this round Lin Cheng took the initiative to cooperate with his teammates when he got Qinggang Shadow.

An unexpected change of direction, an unpreventable surprise attack, this is Lin Cheng's Qinggang Ying.

Even a pig can give him an advantage.

It just so happened that Brother Shui Zi had the advantage of being a tough-talking guy, so Lin Cheng helped him in two waves and the benefits were greater than expected.

After breaking the outer tower of the bottom lane, the Chinese team chose to switch lanes from the middle to the bottom lane, allowing Delevingne to go to the middle lane to secure the lane rights, while the Fox went to take advantage of the more dangerous bottom lane and push the lane forward.

"Deploy the field of view as close to the center as possible to protect Draven's big bounty."

"You don't need to take care of the side roads very much. Fox and Qinggang Shadow are both very flexible and won't be caught so easily."

Because Delevingne was too fat, he had a two-piece set in 12 minutes. Ah Shui stood directly in the middle and played solo with the vision cover of his teammates.

Xiao Ming followed Jiejie to run the lane and drill into the wild area to gain vision.

Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow liked to hit the target the most. After destroying the bottom lane, he didn't think about continuing to bully Zeus. He took advantage of the opportunity to push the lane and moved to the middle lane.

Finding that the opponent Nosuke had been covering in the middle, the Chinese team did not attack rashly, but just grouped together to force the position to create a chance for Delevingne to touch the tower.

Many people on both sides were fighting in the middle, and Lin Cheng took the opportunity to return to the side and crush Yongen.

During the period after the split, the matchup advantage of the Green Steel Shadow was very obvious. Yone had to wait for a two-piece set before he could stand up and suppress the Green Steel Shadow in a single line, not to mention that Yongen of Zeus was really stunted.

Even though Zeus was very focused and was always on guard against the Qinggang Shadow's E attack, it was inevitable that he would have to abandon the tower and retreat after two hits, leaving Lin Cheng to comfortably eat the skin of the tower.

By the time the plating disappeared at 14 minutes, the Chinese team was already 8,000 yuan ahead on the field.

Draven's matchup lead is 3500, and Qinggang Shadow's matchup lead is nearly 3000.

Miller: "The advantage is huge! The Chinese team has achieved the biggest advantage in five games today. Come on! Seize this dream start."

Katsuhiro Katsu: “Originally in the decisive game, everyone thought that the pace of the game would be slow. Unexpectedly, the boys of the Chinese team completely gave up being conservative and led the attack at a very fast pace under the leadership of player Lin Cheng.”

"This is the reason why no one dared to let go of Camille before! This hero's ability to set the pace is too strong. Coupled with Lin Cheng's unparalleled laning ability, he can penetrate the top lane while also helping his teammates. Build an edge.”

After the second vanguard was refreshed, the red side started to move directly. Lin Cheng took the initiative to pick up the eye of the vanguard. Anyway, he was the one who set the pace. Jiejie could just rest assured and clear the jungle.

"Check the upper half of the area. Xiao Ming, you cover Zhao Lijie when he enters the field. I'll take care of him."

"Zhuo Ding, you continue to develop the line, don't let them push the side line across the river."

If it were KT, Lin Cheng would be able to play with this advantage.

But these buddies from the national team really can’t believe it.

You never know when a big wave will suddenly hit, so Lin Cheng is very careful when looking for offensive opportunities, constantly reminding his teammates to set up invasion vision and change lanes.

At the moment when it was confirmed that there were enemy connections on both sides, Lin Cheng suddenly launched an attack before his teammates in the middle could fully press forward.

Qinggangying flanked E and kicked into the tower to find the Czar.

Faker's backhand ultimate move was dodged by Hex Ultimatum.

Teammates followed up, and the Czar died suddenly under the tower.

Before Qinggangying didn't come over, the Korean team could barely defend the middle tower, but now Lin Cheng took the lead in attacking the blue side and couldn't hold it anymore.

Nami and Piggy also died one after another.

"Beautiful! The Chinese team took advantage of the opponent's lack of players in the middle and forced their way over the tower to launch an attack."

"The equipment gap is too big, and the Korean team can't defend at all."

Killing people to get towers, Lin Cheng took advantage of the situation to release the vanguard and crashed through the second tower in the middle of the blue square.

After realizing it, Yongen and Lucian rushed back to defend the line.

Lucian used his big move to sweep.

Yongen opened E on the high ground to forcefully cooperate with Baptism of the Holy Spear to clear the line.

But the damage done by the Chinese team was too high.

Qinggangying's second stage Q Yongen's health bar dropped wildly. Seeing that the situation was not right, Zeus hurried back to the second stage E, but Draven followed up with an ax in time.

The Collector triggered, and Yongen flew a corpse back.

"Yongen E came up and tried to clear the line, but the damage was too high and he died! He turned into a flying corpse."

"Fortunately, there were not many troops left, and the Chinese team did not continue to attack."

"It's very stable! They don't want to make any mistakes, after all, the gold medal is right in front of them."

At this moment, the audience was already in a state of carnival.

It was as if the gold medal had been obtained.

In the camera, Faker looked pale.

His lips moved, as if he wanted to say something to his teammates.

But in the end he just reached out and pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Under the huge noise at the scene, the lens of the contestants in front of him shook slightly.

It seemed that his hands were trembling slightly.

"Brother Li!" I feel a little distressed (crying loudly)》

"It looks so uncomfortable"

"My hands were shaking after being beaten!" (Dog Head)》

"Brother Orange has done all the bad things!" His Qinggangying always likes to play in the middle"

"Uncle Fei's head was knocked off his head by a jio kick"

"The championship is secured!" Let two chase three! (cheer)"

"Brother Orange is awesome!" ! ! 》

After this wave of fighting, I looked up and saw that the economy was poor.

It has already exceeded 10,000.

The time is just over 16 minutes.

The snowball rolled too fast.

The audience was shocked to realize that the Chinese team's decisive game was completely the shadow of KT.

Lin Cheng played this way when he got Qinggang Shadow in KT. As long as his teammates have an advantage by playing hard all the way, his Qinggang Shadow can infinitely amplify the advantage.

Then he switched lines and pressed, and the opponent quickly collapsed.

The situation behind is very simple.

Brother Shuizi's advantage lies in his ability to show off his face, which is unique among ADs. He rides on the opponent's face like a god of war and throws axes at him.

However, the Korean team is indeed tenacious, relying on the Czar to hold on, while allowing Yongen to constantly bypass the sidelines of the Qinggang Shadow Zone to steal development.

Yongen is a hero with strong wing development ability, and he does have the capital to make a comeback once he has the equipment. However, Draven on the Chinese team is the AD character that is most susceptible to being overturned.

There seems to be a chance if it continues.

And at 19 minutes, Laotou Tsar punished Draven for overplaying his position in the middle, but the Chinese team, which sold AD, easily won the team battle.

The left hand secretly ate a lot of resources and developed very well.

Lin Cheng even entered the field with a second-level AQ, which killed Lucian for most of his life in seconds.

In the 5V5 team battle, the Chinese team won 2 for 5.

"It's time for a wave! I'll hand over TP."

Although the South Korean team unexpectedly seized the opportunity given by Brother Shui Zi, they did not deal with the soldier line in advance. The red soldiers on the bottom lane were almost on the ground.

Lin Cheng handed it over directly.

His teammates also leaned down one after another.

Finally, as the Korean team revived its defense, the base was broken.

Lin Cheng finally showed up the KT team logo.

Thanks to Mr. Dai for the gold medal.

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