This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 2135 I just want to get gold

On the other side, Lin Cheng, who had finished washing, sat on the bay window with a tablet in his old habit.

He first sent a message to Wanwan: I have packed up, what are you doing now?

Wanwan responded quickly: I am reading T1’s email and confirming the specific time tomorrow.

Lin Cheng: Who will receive you at T1?

Wanwan: I don’t know, it’s impossible for Faker to come anyway (laughs)

Lin Cheng: (winks) Do you want Faker to host you?

Wanwan: (rolling eyes) Who doesn’t want to film Faker more when recording a show?

Lin Cheng: Wait a minute, I’ll go talk to Lee Sang Hyuk.

Wanwan: No, no, no! It would be great if I could get an interview for the Asian Games.

There was no reply there, and Wanwan was a little worried.

She knew it was not easy to get Faker to show his face. Previously, well-known Korean artists visited the T1 base but failed to contact Faker, let alone let Faker receive the visit.

It should make sense for Brother Chengzi to go to Faker, right?

What if he gets rejected?

How hurtful!

We can't embarrass Brother Chengzi.

Wanwan looked at her phone and became confused.

She turned over on the bed imagelessly, and she hadn't realized how casual her posture was.

Her fair and straight legs were raised in the air, her pink soles were facing the ceiling, her crystal toes were slightly apart, and the bright light penetrated the gaps to outline perfect and delicate lines.

The translucent light pink is gentle and moving, and it is so beautiful under the light that it seems unreal.

Suddenly, her beautiful white legs bent up, and her toes curled up shyly.

"Oh~~~Brother Chengzi, this is all for me!"

The girl pulled the pillow and covered her face tightly.

She thought of that sentence again.

In front of the person you like, every smile he makes will make you self-indulgent.

"No! Wanwan, don't be so sentimental."

"Brother Chengzi didn't think that much."

Unknown to Wanwan, who was working on her own strategy, Lin Cheng sent another message after a while.

Lin Cheng: OK! I made an agreement with Lee Sang Hyuk that he will take us to visit the T1 base tomorrow.

Wanwan: Great! (love) (love) (love)

Excited, she sent three loving emoticons in a row. Wanwan was shy but also a little uneasy.

It was obviously just a normal chat expression, but she always felt guilty for no reason.

Lin Cheng: (satisfied) (satisfied) (satisfied)

Seeing the reply, Wanwan breathed a sigh of relief.

But there is a little tangle.

I am afraid that the other party will know, and I am also afraid that the other party will not know.

In fact, it was very simple for Lin Cheng to invite Faker. The other party still owed him a meal. Lin Cheng threatened to go to the T1 base tomorrow to cause trouble. Faker accepted his request without refusing.

Faker is actually very easy to get along with. As long as he has some airs, he will not be criticized by two consecutive coaches.

It's just that he's not good at expressing closeness, which makes other LCK players respect him more and alienate him. Despite Lin Cheng's repeated attempts to start a T1 team, the relationship between the two of them is really good.

The two chatted for a while, and Wanwan finally returned to her original lively self.

She felt that what was wrong with her today was all because of the distance.

After all, seeing Lin Cheng again after two years, of course he would be a little nervous when the person he longed for appeared next to him.

And there is no such thing as a broken character.

What she admired was not the illusory perfect idol, but the real Lin Cheng who was humorous, cheerful, sunny and astringent.

Lin Cheng didn't know how complicated his little crush's thoughts were today, but he just thought this girl was really cute.

You have to take good care of her!

The next day, Lin Cheng woke up early in the morning.

I don't know who opened the door and let the two cubs in. One got into Lin Cheng's bed and the other got under his pillow. The ground was shaken and Lin Cheng couldn't sleep at all.

Seeing that it was only after seven o'clock, Lin Cheng was not in a hurry to disturb Wanwan. After feeding a group of cats, he went into the training room to play some games to pass the time.

Still playing the trumpet, I opened my friends list and found that the silver master was online.

"Why so early? 》

He sent a message to say hello, and the other party pulled him into the voice channel.

"Master! Morning!"

The voice is full of energy.

"Silver master, it's early for you too."

The previous match with Lin Cheng finally proved his status as a master, and this silver-level master no longer talked about his rank.

The two of them had a lot of fun together.

They call each other Silver Master and Big Master, and they often play matching games together these days.

However, she still had doubts about Lin Cheng's ability to claim to be the king.

After all, Lin Cheng has always refused to report a large ID. She felt that Lin Cheng might only be in the diamond rank, but she was too embarrassed to expose it.

As for why it was a diamond...she had a guess, and she didn't know the difference between a diamond and a king.

Anyway, he can blast her.

After saying hello, Lin Cheng asked: "Did you stay up all night last night?"

"No! I have just gone online. I have no work today and plan to stay at home and have a good day."

"Are you going to beat up the Kurogane kid again?"


According to the silver master, she came to matchmaking just because she wanted to beat up rookies whose ranks were lower than hers and release the pressure at work.

This girl is really interesting.

The Korean server has the same mindless trolls as the Chinese server. When professional players go to the silver game, they will be trolled until the family tree explodes. They happened to run into each other two days ago when they were playing together.

Lin Cheng's skill level basically means he won't get criticized. Even if someone is looking for trouble, he will just block it. However, Silver masters will start laning when they get annoyed.

"I am a very good person in real life. Come out and meet me."

It's hard to imagine that this sentence was said by a girl.

While she was typing and interacting, she was also complaining to Lin Cheng via voice. When the noise broke through, she started sulking with herself.

Lin Cheng didn't help her with the laning, and just complained to her insincerely in his voice.

With the sense of recognition, she suddenly felt energetic, and her voice started to fly all over the place.

The key is that the two of them were complaining over the phone, and the person opposite her couldn't hear them, but as soon as they were released like this, she immediately became less angry.

Then he and Lin Cheng blocked each other and continued to play the game.

For the first time, Lin Cheng felt that girls could be so interesting when they were angry.

He seriously suspected that the silver master was an underage girl.

Work and everything are just excuses.

After playing two matches in a row, Lin Cheng even used his signature AD Xia, naturally killing easily.

"OK! I have to go out for something, you can play by yourself."

The silver master was a little unsatisfied, "Okay! Let's continue playing when we have time next time. It's really fun to play games with you."

"I'll be able to play ranked soon, and I'll help you get points when the time comes."


She became excited, "Can you help me get gold? I have been playing games for several years, and I just want to get gold."

Lin Cheng almost lost his temper, "OK! I'll give you gold."

"It's agreed! Liar is a puppy."

"rest assured!"

"If you can lead me to gold, I will believe you are the king."

"······"(End of this chapter)

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