This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 2073 The Strongest Second Place

Lin Cheng's speech in support of the Chinese baseball team successfully caused disputes under the instigation of various parties. No one thought that this was just the beginning.

The follow-up direction of things even exceeded Tan Za's expectations.

Lin Cheng remained motionless, but Faker was affected again.

Just the day after the KT team returned from the kick-off, the Korean Sports Association released a poster for the Hangzhou Asian Games.

Faker once again takes the center of the poster.

Many stalls sent their blessings in the comment area.

"come on! Wulihe! Defeat Cheng head-on! 》

"The two team spirits of the Telecom War will face off again in Hangzhou"

"I hope Faker can lead the Korean team to defeat the Chinese team with dignity and glory for the country"

"Be honest and exempt from military service!" From now on, no one will point fingers.》

"This time Faker has a better teammate, I will wait for you to die"

"Faker looked at Peanut and Deft next to him, then looked at Jiejie and Meiko next to Cheng, and smiled with peace of mind."

"The Chinese team chose the stupid Nosuke and the violent AD, they don't want the gold medal themselves"

People previously thought that Faker was beaten by Cheng mainly because he didn't have strong teammates. Now that the Asian Games has teammates who seem to be stronger on paper, they all hope that Faker will take revenge on Lin Cheng head-on.

Look at the teammates around Lin Cheng.

EDG Nosuke's performance has obviously declined a lot this year, and Jack Ai is still the only AD with violent kills.

It’s so reassuring!

Can Lin Cheng lead these three buddies?

Tan Za seems to have seen the gold medal waving.

However, Zaza's good wishes aroused another group of existential criticisms.

Fans of BTS, the No. 1 idol group in K-pop, are not satisfied.

Exemption from military service? Spare you a turnip!

Our elder brother has to serve in the military. Why does a guy who plays games have the chance to be exempted from military service?

Two months ago, the news about BTS's military service once caused heated discussions in South Korea. The head of the Korean culture and sports department publicly called for BTS to be exempted from military service.

Objectively speaking, this group has indeed brought the influence of Korean idol groups to a new level. It is also the first Asian boy group to have huge influence in Europe and the United States. It seems that it is no problem to say that they have made special contributions to the Korean entertainment industry.

But the person in charge’s speech was truly outrageous.

"Please forgive the 20-generation young people! The suspension of activities caused by BTS's enlistment is a cultural loss for all mankind, so we should treat it with special policies."

Considering that the person in charge is about to retire, it is hard to say how much money transactions are behind this outrageous statement.

Anyway, netizens quit.

No matter how influential they are, Koreans still have a deep contempt for idol artists.

In the Korean entertainment industry, no matter what level of artist you are, no matter what form you are exempted from military service, you will be poked in the back for a lifetime.

As for the public opinion resisting BTS's special treatment this time, Keza has contributed a lot.

The reason for their rant is: E-sports is also a pillar industry of South Korea's economy. As the well-deserved number one player in Korean e-sports, Faker is not exempt from military service. How can a few singers and dancers get special treatment and exemption from military service?

It’s so true. People in the fandom look down on e-sports guys, and people in the e-sports circle also have a disdain for idol groups.

Amid overwhelming opposition online, within two days the director of the Military Manpower Administration came out to respond in person.

Clothes! I must serve in the military! National policy cannot be changed.

As a result, the oldest member of BTS tearfully enlisted in the military last month, seeing his final enlistment deadline before turning 30, and the other members have also confirmed that they will enlist next year.

A generation of top-notch boy bands have entered a hiatus, and it’s hard to say how big of a splash they will be able to make after two years.

You can imagine how much BTS fan groups hate Keza who jumps up and down.

After the official announcement of the Asian Games, they started to quarrel with Tanza.

However, Hallyu’s first-day group suffered a setback this time.

Huang Za can kill fans in the country, Faker is the most glorious version of Uzi, and South Korea's Ke Za's combat effectiveness is even better than Huang Za's.

They just couldn't hold their head high in front of KT fans in the past two years, and they haven't been afraid of anyone outside.

Moreover, BTS itself has a lot of negative fans.

More importantly, KT fans did not stand in the way.

If Faker really beats Lin Cheng and wins the gold medal in the Asian Games, they can accept it calmly.

BTS fans are attacking the rationality of being exempted from military service by winning gold medals in e-sports. They can be said to be enemies of the entire e-sports circle. Even Kohei rarely sides with Faker.

Due to various factors, it was rare for Keza to have a good team fight. Even fans of the Universe Team had to kneel down in front of them.

Ke Jiajun took the lead in encircling and annihilating BTS fan groups, and made great progress from Twitter to INS.

The fighting power of e-sports trolls has once again refreshed netizens’ views.

Unlike some fans in the rice circle who can't even figure out Shunfeng Tuan, those in the e-sports circle who touch keyboards are generally very aggressive.

The more elegant ones are also yin and yang weird and disgusting. The direct ones go back three generations and start greetings. Many girls in the fandom were sprayed to the point of breaking their defenses.

The Internet was abuzz with commotion, and soon something embarrassing happened again for Tanza.

On July 27, this summer’s second news agency war began.

KT, who were completely victorious, attacked hard under the leadership of Lin Cheng, beating their enemy 2:0 again, and successfully jumped to second place in the standings.

Tanza just returned from the big victory in the war against BTS fans and was still not happy, but when he was attacked by KT fans again, it was as uncomfortable as eating shit-flavored chocolate.

And little Lu Bu seemed to have been beaten down by Lin Cheng and lost his fighting spirit. After the game, he said bluntly:

"I dreamed of becoming a world champion before I became a professional player, but until I became a professional player, I realized that dreams are still dreams."

Crazy Lu Bu was beaten into this kind of virtue, and Lin Cheng was indeed a villain.

On July 30, KT faced another challenge from Hanwha.

At this time, Hanwha's record has reached 1-14, and it still only won the first round of the game against KT. If this continues, KT may become the only team that loses points to Hanwha throughout the season.

The last time Hanwha faced KT and completed a comeback with great resilience, but this time it didn't have the same spirit.

He was beaten indiscriminately throughout the whole process without any resistance.

Netizens really didn't hold back. The Hanwha team was completely sincere towards Lin Cheng. When Lin Cheng came back, they immediately raised their hands and surrendered.

Entering August, KT played steadily in the last week of games and continued to end the regular season with two 2-0s.

In the end, KT ranked second in the regular season with a record of 14-4.

Since GEN·G never made any mistakes in the following rounds, they finally maintained the top spot in the standings with a record of 15-3.

"Wow! This playoffs is exciting!"

"The power to select opponents in the semi-finals lies in the hands of GEN·G. This precious opportunity is likely to allow GEN·G to directly lock in a spot in the World Championships."

"I believe that no matter which two teams make it past the first round, they would definitely prefer to be picked as their opponents by GEN·G."

"No one dares to face Cheng's KT team. This is definitely the strongest second-place team in the history of the LCK."

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