This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 2060 (yeah) (face fever) (yeah)

Chi Shengxi's slogan about sending a truck to T1 made Lin Cheng unstoppable.

She still hasn't forgiven Tanza!

The last comic incident was a big one, with many people rushing to KT's official website and asking KT to lay off its operations.

Sister Sheng Xi actually also holds grudges.

Although the girl with black stockings and glasses looks like a gentle older sister, how could a surfing expert who has been around the Internet all year round and occasionally works undercover in Lin Cheng's live broadcast to set the rhythm not hold a grudge?

Turning his head to read the content on the tablet word for word, Lin Cheng turned around and made an OK gesture to the audience.

When the time comes, he and Sister Sheng Xi will kill 30 people together, ensuring that the T1 truck will start.

Of course, Qiu Lincheng, whom Chi Shengxi deliberately played with just now, also didn't forget.

After making the OK gesture, Lin Cheng flipped his wrist and gestured with a pistol in the direction of Chi Shengxi.


Lin Cheng's stingy look is very real.

When the camera turned, Chi Shengxi looked indifferent.

Wearing a mask, she smiles like a gentle lady.

After finishing the application, Lin Cheng's smile turned serious.

At this time, Eunjing and Hyomin next to them suddenly raised the support boards in their hands.

"Black stockings!" 》《Lin Cheng, the black stocking support you want is here》

The smile on Lin Cheng's face disappeared.

"Pah! Pah!"

He turned his gun, shot each of the two sisters, turned around and sat back in the competition seat with an expressionless face.

"LOL! What did I see? 》

"Brother Cheng's off-court drama has more twists and turns than playing in a game"

"I can guess the plot of the game, but I can never guess Brother Cheng's off-field behavior"

"It's a pity that Zizi is not here today, otherwise the interaction between the two comedians would be more interesting"

"You can shoot at Sister Sheng Xi, but why should you shoot at Brother Jing and Xiao Ming?" (anger)"

"Pass It On: Brother Orange Wants to Shoot Hyomin and Eunjung"

"Pass it On: Brother Orange Wants to Creampie Hyomin and Eunjung"

"unbelievable! 》

"Maybe the sisters already have Brother Cheng's bullets in their bodies (funny)"

Regardless of the outrageous comments of the online audience, the second round of game BP has officially begun.

The loser chooses a side, and DK is still on the blue side.

This time, DK's first three bans remained the same, and they still killed Sword Girl + Qinggang Shadow + Senna.

KT also maintained the original BAN on the red side, Zeli + Airplane + Monkey.

The blue side grabbed Lucian.

The red side backhanded Kalista + Lenata, and it was still Kalista against Luna.

Nami + Poppy appear again on the second and third floors of DK.

As of now, the BP on the field is exactly the same as the previous round.

Zeyuan: "Classic! Coach Danny may have thought that Brother Chengzi played too well since he didn't play in the last game. Playing again proves that the coach is right."

Remember: "KT didn't change BP because they won the last game, but DK lost so miserably in the last game. Doesn't BP have no responsibility at all?"

Lin Cheng was a little stunned when he saw the opponent's first three players.

When did Brother Mai secretly join the DK training team?

Except for Brother Mai, he has never seen BP with such strong taste.

Mr. Kang discussed with the team members for a while and decided to let Rookie lock the Scorpion in the third hand.

The effect of Cuzz's last scorpion was pretty good, and it posed a great threat to the opponent's C position in team battles.

As long as the Scorpion dodges, it is impossible for the opponent's C position to pass the Scorpion's output, and attracting the opponent to pour firepower on itself is also the strategic significance of the Scorpion.

Even if Bobby wants to hammer the scorpion, he might be taken flying with him.

Of course, the hero Scorpion does no harm.

In the last game, his teammates went to destroy the house, and Grapefruit Thief prevented Ornn from returning to the city. As a result, Scorpion chased Ornn and hit more than ten Qs without even killing half-health Ornn.

In the second round, KT's BAN was still the same as in the previous game, Enchantress + Fox.

DK finally had a change in the BAN people, Gwen + Silas.

Start selecting people, and the red side will choose the tsar first.

After all, Kalista is a hero who walks a tightrope. Czar can guarantee that Kalista can still count on her later effects if she doesn't have any effect in the early stage.

It was DK's turn to choose a player, and finally a character different from the previous game appeared.

The blue side locked up Swain + Ornn with the last two hands.

Zeyuan: "Crow? Come on! Isn't this the LPL's routine? There is no crow in the LCK this season, but there is already a mid laner crow in the LPL."

"However, it is currently divided into two schools. One school is the Imperial Command Crow led by Doinb, but there are also players who like the Mask Crow."

Remember: "It seems that Xu Xiu also secretly watched our LPL game, but I don't know what effect this crow can have, and DK's lineup still feels like it lacks damage."

"Steal!" Bangzi also stole our LPL routine, right? 》

"Doinb is also playing. What if Xu Xiu stole it from Doinb?" 》

"Brother Coin is the chosen one. Stealing from him is equivalent to stealing from the Chinese."

"classic! When I heard that there are two schools of crows, I knew that Coin Brother must be a meat-suited auxiliary crow"

Lin Cheng curled his lips when he saw the DK crow.

I don’t know what’s wrong with this durability version. Many teams, led by KDF, are exploring various extreme lineups with meat and control.

The lineup that purely pursues fault tolerance, but suffers from weak damage at a glance, has appeared many times in the summer split.

Mr. Kang: "What did Lin Cheng say? Do you want Jace?"

In this game, the opponent did not have a character with too long hands. KT's first four moves were very suitable for counterattacks and there was no need for Lin Cheng to make up the team.

He can in turn take Jace and use Jace's hand length to make things difficult for his opponent.

Once the opponent starts a team fight, Lenata's ultimate move is very comfortable as a backhand.

Lin Cheng thought for a while, "Take Varus! They like to choose meat, let them see how fast Varus can dismantle tanks."

So, the red side finally locked up Varus.

Zeyuan: "Varus? Wow! Orange Brother's top laner Varus is here again! Last year, Orange Brother took out the top laner Varus. At that time, top laner Varus was even popular, but it's a pity that Top laner Varus’ RANK performance is actually not good.”

Remember: "Is it really comfortable for top laner Varus to play against Ornn? Varus has no movement, and Ornn has six to cooperate with Poppy GANK. It should be easy, right?"

The online audience is very happy to see Lin Cheng play Varus, and they want to see the effect of Lin Cheng's sexy routine.

Of course, even if it doesn't work, just watching Lin Cheng overturn is still very satisfying.

Lineup selected.

Blue side DK:

Top lane: Nuguri (Flame of the Mountain Hidden, Ornn)

Jungler: Canyon (Fortitude of the Holy Hammer, Poppy)

Mid laner: Showmaker (Noxus Commander, Swain)

Bottom lane: Deokdam (Lance Ranger, Lucian)

Support: Kellin (Tide Summoner, Nami)

Red side KT:

Top lane: Cheng (Arrow of Punishment, Varus)

Jungler: Cuzz (Crystal Herald, Skarner)

Middle: Rookie (Desert Emperor, Azir)

Bottom lane: Deft (Spear of Vengeance, Kalista)

Support: Beryl (Alchemy Baron, Lenata)

I'm sure I didn't choose the wrong hero. The KT fan area was very lively. .

His own fans never imagined what Lin Cheng could do every time he chose someone.

It's much more fun to watch him play than other teams.

In the camera, Lin Cheng seemed to have heard the movement at the scene, and turned his head to gesture to the audience with a smile.

What's funny is that the audience also followed Lin Cheng's example and made the "yeah" gesture.

very impressive.

The director focused the camera on the center of the front row.

Brother Jing was sitting among the three of them and found that when he was on camera, he subconsciously imitated Lin Cheng and made a 'yeah' gesture on his cheek.

"Ha ha! Brother Jing is really supportive》

"I can't bear to look at this gesture anymore"

"(Yeah) (Face Fever) (Yeah)"

"I knock!" Too astringent》

"It's a pity that Director Chi didn't do this action, Director Chi was the most horny!" 》

"How do you know that Director Chi didn't do it to Brother Chengzi in private? (insidious)"

I didn't expect that the Chinese team was almost captured by Vietnam today.

Yesterday, Orange Brother led DK5000 in economy by 10 minutes. I didn't even plan to write it down in detail. I felt that I couldn't lose without serious illness, so I just skipped the rest of the game.

As a result, the live broadcast started this afternoon. In the first game, the Chinese team trailed Vietnam by 6,000 yuan in 13 minutes.

I almost couldn't hold my breath.

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