This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1956 Chapter 1988 Lin Cheng’s expectations

The first semi-final between RNG and G2 was a full-scale off-court show.

Lin Cheng raised his head and laughed, which was in sharp contrast to the old man's sigh.

Tian Eunjing chatted quietly with the elegant Ji Shengxi.

Juli rubbed Zhiyan's head and turned to whisper to Xiaomin, leaving Zhiyan with pitifully wide eyes.

All are famous paintings.

As soon as G2's advantage was overturned, the uncomfortable old hat still supported his son off the court, while Lin Cheng even more firmly supported RNG to win the game.

He hasn't had dinner yet.

Get off work at 3:0!

RNG does it faster.

In today's game, in addition to the two veteran warriors supporting the official Chinese live broadcast room, many commentators are also conducting online broadcasts on the second channel.

Coincidentally, Zeyuan happened to do this before RNG overcame G2's team battle.

"G2 is still strong! The MSI championship team is really ruthless, but RNG's feeling is gone."

Immediately afterwards, the G2 team battle collapsed.

This outrageous plot made many barrage emperors express their gratitude to Zeyuan. Even the neutral audience couldn't believe that the colonel actually repaid RNG with kindness for complaining about what he did to RNG.

Isn't he eager for RNG to explode?

Of course, the audience only remembers that Zeyuan likes GEN·G and hates RNG, but they forget that G2 also dealt cruel blows to GEN·G.

"A thousand dollars!"

"I'm actually fine!"

"Prekz shot Clid in the head."

"Drive straight in with the Baron BUFF, then hit it with a W, and Caps blows the Q! He's going to take GEN·G away in one wave!"

The commentary box in that BO5 game is simply a classic.

Obviously, the colonel still has not forgiven G2.

Wanwan was also teasing Zeyuan with other commentators, but found that the comments in her own live broadcast room were even more ridiculous.

"Wanwan, you still laugh!" They've all been robbed! 》

"Zhiyan is trying to steal your Orange Brother, and also your title of Commander-in-Chief of the Orange Guards, so be careful!" 》

"Wanwan orders it!" All water friends prepare for the King of Diligence》

"My suggestion is to launch an armed coup and drive Mrs. Cheng out of office!" 》

"agree! Wanwan is what everyone expects! 》

Wanwan pretended not to see these outrageous barrages, knowing that no matter how she replied to her friend, she would be more energetic.

But there's no point in pretending to be dead.

"She is too scared to say a word"

"After all, there is Sister Cheng in front of me!" Wanwan might have surrendered privately》

"The ministers are about to fight to the death, why does Your Majesty surrender first?" (Dog Head)》

"Brother Chengzi's surrender to RNG was just an act. Is Wanwan also pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger?" 》

"First lower Mrs. Cheng's defensiveness, and then take the opportunity to steal the house?" 》

Seeing that these guys were getting more and more outrageous, Wanwan turned off the barrage in the live broadcast room with an expressionless face.

Out of sight is pure.

As a result, the broadcast screen happened to show Lin Cheng again.

Zhiyan poked his arm eagerly, Lin Cheng turned around and said something to her, and then they both laughed.

The picture is beautiful.

Wanwan picked up the water bottle on the table.

Tons tons tons.

Damn it!

Obviously they don't care at all, it's all the guys in the live broadcast room who are trying to fool people.

The game continues.

European teams have a problem when playing BO5 against strong Asian teams.

In the first round, they hit hard, often going back and forth and even taking the lead in the front, but due to carelessness, the Asian team found the opportunity to adjust and successfully reversed.

The second game started at 7-3, and the European team steadily fell behind, becoming more and more disadvantaged, and then they were taken away.

In the classic third round, the European and American players began to lose consciousness and were beaten as if they were humans and machines.

Many European teams' World Championship BO5s have this style.

This time too, G2 lost one game against RNG more smoothly than the last. It was only after 7pm when they were taken away 3:0.

"coming! The final is RNG versus KT again! 》

"I want to watch the ultimate showdown, but don't let me watch the crazy showdown"

"I want to see fans fight!" 》

"I'm afraid that Huang Za will be crushed, Busan is still KT's home ground (eat melon)"

"Wait for Prime Minister Zhuge to be killed suddenly in Wuzhangyuan!" ! ! 》

"They were all captured seven times!" It's RNG's turn to win! 》

"I'm afraid you don't know, RNG's real father, T1, faced KT and lost fourteen games in a row. 》

"Case solved!" KT is the grandfather of RNG! 》

"No wonder I can't win, my biological father T1 took the lead in filial piety"

Lin Cheng came to watch the game today. One of his purposes was to gather information. While he was watching, he was still discussing with his teammates in the group.

RNG's play style is actually not much different from last year.

After Xiaohu returned to the middle, he focused on roaming and radiating, actively linking up with Wei.

Gala still often hangs alone in the bottom lane to develop, and is stable in team battles.

Abin is a bit similar to last year's TOP Tiger. His teammates will take care of him in the early stage, but it is not as extreme as RNG's guarantee last year.

I still remember that in Iceland last year, when Xiaohu was single-killed by Lin Cheng, he used the jungler. If he couldn't beat him with one, he would use two. If he still couldn't beat, he would use three. Anyway, the main thing is that one person has the power of numbers.

But last year, even Xiaohu's crazy swing was crushed by Lin Cheng. I wonder if RNG has any new tactics in this year's MSI finals?

Lin Cheng was looking forward to it.

Of course, what he is looking forward to is the recurrence of RNG's old illness.

Let him go in the finals.

Then he can make the decision and cut the MSI trophy in half and give it to RNG.

After the game, Lin Cheng and his sisters took a photo with Lao Mao and then said goodbye.

After staying in Haeundae for almost a month, Chi Shengxi may be more familiar with the surroundings than Hyomin. She led everyone to a nearby seafood restaurant.

After dinner, Lin Cheng did not go back to the hotel on Yanzi Island with his sisters.

Although they haven't seen each other for a long time, Lin Cheng also misses his wife Zhiyan and Juli, but after all, the finals are around the corner.

There will be a lot to do tomorrow, and he is afraid that he will not want to leave at night if he goes to his sisters' place.

Back at the hotel, Lin Cheng followed Chi Shengxi into the room in a sultry manner.

"What are you doing with me?"

Chi Shengxi turned to look at him.

"I want to have a conversation with you."

Chi Shengxi rolled his eyes, turned around and took off his shoes.

The ink-style knee-length skirt made her look particularly gentle. She bent down and took off one of her high heels. The curve of Chi Shengxi's calf wrapped in black stockings looked foul when viewed from behind.

From her well-proportioned thighs to her delicate toes, the girl with black stockings and glasses has really beautiful lines.

After taking off both shoes, she turned to look at Lin Cheng.

"Come in! What are you doing standing there in the back?"


Lin Cheng came in and sat beside the bed with Chi Shengxi.

Chi Shengxi stretched out and lay down relaxedly, without any restraint in front of Lin Cheng.

"Hey! I thought you wouldn't come back with your sister today."

Lin Cheng also followed her example and lay down, narrowing his eyes comfortably, "Look what you said, where will I go if I don't come back with Sister Sheng Xi?"

"Go wherever you like! After all, you still have four sisters."

Lin Cheng was happy, turned over and winked at Chi Shengxi, "Sister Shengxi is jealous, right?"

"I'll eat you big-headed devil!"

Chi Shengxi gave Lin Cheng a blow, and kicked her slender black stocking legs beside the bed.

Lin Cheng had enough temptations today. First, Xiaomin's pink beauty and cherry blossom-like beauty in the morning, then the garter stockings that she naively said she was wearing, and Sister Shengxi's gentle black silk dress. Full of temptations for him.

Lin Cheng couldn't help but quietly reached out and touched her thigh.


Chi Shengxi raised her voice and said, "Sister is talking to you. Don't do anything rude."


Lin Cheng's response was without sincerity, he stared innocently and rubbed his hands gently.

"You guy!"

Chi Shengxi couldn't help but laugh.

He reached out and pinched Lin Cheng's cheek, but his tone was very gentle.

"Be good! Sister, you can't do it concentrate on preparing for the game and don't let your thoughts wander."

"Then touch me again."

"······"(End of this chapter)

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