This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1926 Anyone who badmouths Bing Ge will be dealt with as KRD

Lin Cheng's solo kill on the top lane opened up the situation, and the mid laners of both sides also collided.

Rookie Fox immediately opened up to look for cards on the upper river, leaving behind opponents who wanted to support the top lane.

But unfortunately, the fox's charm missed, and the second Q was also twisted out, and the card used the unsealed secret book to switch out the ignition in advance, causing the fox to lose money in this wave of exchanges and had to retreat with his ultimate move.

Because of this failed exchange of blood, Rookie gave up the mid lane rights, and the Cards quickly found an opportunity to support the bottom lane.

The card's ultimate support range of 5500 at all levels is too large.

At six and a half minutes, the bottom line of troops was stuck in front of the red square tower. The card happened to fly to the river crossing and caught Varus and Titan who were retreating after pushing the line.

And Foyego is coming from behind.

Xiaohu picked up a yellow card and chose to stay with the Titans.

Beryl is very detailed, hooking the wall to offset the yellow card control.

However, the movement of the hooked wall was not very far. Foyego had already come closer in the vast scorched earth. Wei decisively used W to flash control the Titan hooked to the wall.

Niutou took over the second company.

Foego takes the kill.

Miller: "Beautiful! Xiaohu's first big move set up the rhythm, and he was not greedy! Knowing that Varus had purification, he directly gave the yellow card to Titan. It's a pity that the head was not given to Gala."

Zeyuan: "Foego is good at getting kills. This lineup needs Serena to get fatter."

After catching someone in the bottom lane, RNG did not choose to directly attack Xiaolong.

Foego immediately returned to the city and headed up the road.

The replay of the guide has just ended, and Foego is almost on the right track.

"Serena has an idea! Ping signal."

Just in time, the top laners of both sides started fighting again.

The troop line was pushed back slightly, and Gwen took advantage of her equipment advantage to move forward to exchange blood.

The captain negotiated with a gunshot first.

Lin Cheng opened W in seconds, and QE cut up.

Abin was not afraid either, detonating the barrel at his feet and causing damage with the fire knife.

Gwen's equipment has obvious advantages. Although the first QE only has two stacks of sharp knife cuts, Gwen's E skill combined with the passive enhancement of basic attack is very painful for A.

After just two or three moves of flat A, the captain was down to half health.

Abin kept pulling to the side.

Gwen pursued, stacked four layers of sharp knives and cut QE again.

The captain ate the orange, but his blood volume was still only about one-third.

However, Lin Cheng did not continue to chase, and suddenly turned around.

At this time, Foyego was already squatting in the back grass and starting to accumulate W.

Gwen's sudden turn back prevented Foego from taking action.

"Serena's reverse squat! If Gwen takes one more step... oh! He's looking back! Gwen is looking back! Brother Chengzi, can you hold back and not chase after me?"

Zeyuan said in an unbelievable tone: "Is it open?"

Miller: "What a pity! It was just a little bit close! Brother Chengzi is too stable! Whenever I change my ID, I will definitely chase him to the end."

"After all, the captain didn't dodge or make a big move. Foego was still showing his head below just now. Under normal circumstances, the opponent would never have thought that Foego had come up."

Lin Cheng's abandonment of pursuit stunned the audience from God's perspective.

Gwen's QE has already gone out with A, and the cooldown of the next E skill is very short. If she wants to chase the captain who didn't dodge, it seems that she has a good chance of killing him.

But he held back.

Have you really enabled full-map plug-ins?

Huang Za even suspected that the audience was calling the time.

After all, Busan is KT’s home ground.

Wei seemed to think that the eye position might have exposed his information, so Foego turned on the scan and checked it on the back grass.

Really blind.

Of course Lin Cheng wasn't cheating, he simply felt something was wrong.

The captain's reaction when the first wave of QE was cut off made him feel abnormal. In addition, when the opponent retreated, he took a step towards the grass, and he had realized that someone might be squatting in reverse.

The counter-crouch failed, and Foego simply showed up to help the captain push the line.

Seeing someone coming out of the grass, Lin Cheng danced and interacted in front of him.

The two RNG brothers, Ueno and Wild, ignored him and focused on pushing the lane.

Just when the two men pushed the line outside the blue square tower, Lin Cheng stepped forward to block the line.

The next wave of soldiers is coming soon, and the two brothers must not let Gwen block the line of soldiers, otherwise the others in KT may take over if they are delayed any longer.

The captain stepped up and fired a shot, and Foego also moved forward.

But at this moment, Lin Cheng's ultimate move turned for the better.

The reason why Gwen became the true top laner in this MSI is because of the great enhancement in the previous version.

The first hit of E skill to level A will return 60% of the skill CD, and the ultimate skill will reduce the CD of all levels by 20 seconds.

Now Gwen's level 1 ultimate move only lasts 100 seconds.

What is this concept?

The CD of most single-level ultimate moves is more than 120 seconds, and even the captain's first-level ultimate move has a cooldown of three minutes. Within this time difference, Gwen's advantage is infinite.

The moment the ultimate move icon lit up, Lin Chenggwen decisively attacked.

Foyego is only level 5, so it's not difficult to fight 1 vs 2 with the big Gwen.

So, just as the captain fired a shot, he saw Gwen's E skill coming up to her, and her R triggering a cluster of needle shots to the face.

Wei reacted quickly, charging up W to control Gwen, giving the captain a chance to retreat.

But Lin Cheng's reaction was not slow either. With his Q skill, Sharp Cut, he had already shot in the direction of the captain, using the read bar to offset Foego's control.

The captain took the opportunity to take two steps back.

Lin Cheng backhands A minion to refresh his ultimate move, and then uses R in the second stage.

Bin's Captain Snakeskin moved just in time to avoid the burst of blue needles. .

But after Lin Cheng finished R, he immediately hit the minion again, and launched three ultimate moves without any interruption.

This time Abin was not spared and was pricked completely by five needles.

The captain died suddenly.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Foego started to run away against the wall.

"Chai Chai Chai! I'm coming!"

Lin Cheng's Gwen pursued along the vast scorched earth, and Brother Cuzz's Wei Paima arrived and punched Foyego behind.

Cuzz: "Lin Cheng, you eat, you eat!"

Lin Cheng: "Good brother! I remember you."

Gwen takes Foego's head again.

"Brother Chengzi still wants to get stuck, but this definitely won't let you get stuck...Gwen's ultimate move is ready! It's over! Wei is here too."

Miller sighed, "Ah~~~ This wave is too hurt. Just when Gwen's ultimate move was good, the top lane has collapsed! Gwen has three heads."

Zeyuan: "There is no way! Xiao Wei's reverse crouching in this wave is already smart enough, but Brother Chengzi's small turn is even more smart, and now that Gwen's ultimate move has been strengthened, RNG has not fully judged the opponent's skill CD."

The components of barrage are very complex.

"Comfortable!" 》

"send! Is this the strongest domestic top laner Huang Za said? 》

"We live in Bengbu, the jungler's gang was killed by double kills, and it was even the captain who made the first move"

"I really like what Mi Ren said before the game: Bing Ge has matured"

"Last time Gnar couldn't beat the captain, I thought it was because the captain was too supermodel, but this time I chose the captain and was hung up and beaten."

"Is it because Gwen is more of a supermodel? Let’s grab Gwen for Bingo next time”

"Next time Gwen gets hung up and beaten against the captain, it will be really hard to clean up."

"How do you know if you haven't fought yet?" Gwen\u003eCaptain\u003eGnarr, Bingo is at a disadvantage every time and there's nothing he can do about it"

"please remember! Bing Ge has Chinese nationality, anyone who badmouths Bing Ge will be treated as KRD"

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