No matter the difficulties, life goes on.

The surroundings suddenly became deserted, and Lin Cheng felt a little uncomfortable.

The training match originally planned for today was cancelled. Lin Cheng and Mr. Dai were free to queue in the training room. The two of them had lunch until about three o'clock in the afternoon, and dinner was even until 10 o'clock in the evening.

The hotel staff will deliver meals to the quarantined teammates on time, so they don't need to worry.

After dinner, Mr. Dai continued RANK, while Lin Cheng strictly followed his own schedule and returned to the room.

He called his teammates one by one to inquire about the situation.

Rascal is in the best condition and feels no symptoms at all.

Rookie and Brother Cuzz both had obvious sore throats and some fever.

Beryl said that she felt uncomfortable, but Lin Cheng could clearly hear the clear sound effects of Genshin Impact on his side, so it was obviously no big problem.

Then Lin Cheng had another video call with Chi Shengxi.

Chi Shengxi was wrapped in a quilt and watching TV on the bed. His face was a little pale. It seemed that he had slept in and his long hair was very messy. He looked quite decadent in his glasses.

"Hey! Why does Sister Sheng Xi look so depressed? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"well enough!"

Chi Shengxi faced the camera with her face wrapped in a quilt, her voice weak, "I just took my temperature, it was 38 degrees, and I feel like I have no strength."

After a pause, she couldn't help but ask: "Did you and Hegyu have a good meal today? My sister can't take care of you these days."

"Uh~~~ Without Sister Sheng Xi's reminder, I kind of forgot the time. We just had dinner."

"Yeah! You're just doing whatever you want when your sister isn't here, right? You didn't even eat breakfast. You only had one meal before night, right? Don't you care about your body?"

Chi Shengxi tried to raise his voice to blame, but his voice was obviously weak. Lin Cheng was both amused and moved.

"It's okay! Just rest and recuperate, don't worry about us."

Lin Cheng clenched his fists and made a cheering gesture with a smile, "Come on! Chi Shengxi."

"Not polite! Don't call sister's name."

Chi Shengxi didn't even roll his eyes.

Lin Cheng thought for a moment, "Since I have nothing to do in the room these days, Sister Sheng Xi might as well use a camera to record her daily vlog."

"Everyone is very concerned about you, and many Chinese fans are still afraid of the new crown. By the way, you can share with everyone your experience of using the new crown."

Lin Cheng's words made Chi Shengxi laugh angrily, "What is the new crown user experience? Do you think it is for evaluation?"

The way she waved her fist looked weak, but it was inexplicably cute.

"Okay, okay! I won't disturb Sister Sheng Xi's rest. Tell me if you have anything you want to eat?"

Seeing Lin Cheng begging for mercy, Chi Shengxi tilted his head and thought for a while.

"Well~~~ I feel like I really want to eat because I'm sick. You can help my sister bring some sweets tomorrow."


The next day, Lin Cheng was woken up by Chi Shengxi's phone call at eight o'clock.

"Lin Cheng, hurry up and go out for breakfast."

"I know, why are you so early?"

"It's not like my sister misses you. If I don't remind you, you won't have breakfast again. Remember to call Hegui along."


Lin Cheng threw the phone aside and closed his eyes again.

Five minutes later, the phone rang again.


"Did you fall asleep again? Get up quickly and have breakfast."


"Sister, I'll call you back in two minutes. You're not allowed to sleep anymore."


"cheer up!"


So Lin Cheng forced himself to get up and called Mr. Dai to have breakfast.

By noon, when the two were lining up in the training room, Chi Shengxi called again on time to urge them to eat on time.

In the evening, Chi Shengxi still called on time.

"Oh! This sister Sheng Xi is really."

Lin Cheng hung up the phone with some complaints, but he still shut down the computer and stood up, "Old Dai! Let's go eat."


After Mr. Dai's ranking was over, the two of them went out to have some soup and rice.

Then they go to the supermarket for a big purchase.

I bought a lot of snacks and some cream cakes by the way.

These are prepared for the sick.

Like thieves, the two of them dropped some snacks in front of their teammates' doors one by one, then ran away quickly, calling their teammates in turn to open the door to pick them up.

This operation lasted for a long time before the feeding was completed.


Lin Cheng and Mr. Dai high-fived each other, and they both felt a sense of accomplishment.

If everyone is sick, we will protect you!

Seeing that it was already past nine o'clock, Lin Cheng went back to the room without going to the training room.

Arrive late and leave early, taking a break in between.

This is his work philosophy.

After returning to the room and washing up, Lin Cheng hugged the tablet and huddled on the bed.

The group is very lively.

Cuzz: I want to eat fried kelp, why is it not available?

Rookie: I have them here, but Lin Cheng seems to have given us the wrong ones.

Ji Shengxi: The cake is so delicious! It's sweet. It's the first time I think a cream + fresh strawberry cake is so good.

Kang Dongxun: I really envy you for your appetite. Why can’t I eat anything? I feel uncomfortable all over.

Mr. Kang also sent a photo after this message. The temperature measuring gun showed 39 degrees.

Chi Shengxi: Wow! It’s 39 degrees. I feel a little serious. Have you taken any medicine?

Kang Dongxun: I just took additional medicine! I'm going to take a nap.

Lin Cheng: Coach, you won’t die, right? Don't die!

Kang Dongxun: Brat! Even if I can't survive, you will make me mad! (angry) (angry)

Rascal: (laughing) (laughing)

Chi Shengxi: You can rush out and forcefully kiss Lin Cheng and die with him.

Lin Cheng: (horrified) (horrified)

Kang Dongxun: (Insidious)

In the next two days, Lin Cheng and Mr. Dai both trained step by step and insisted on feeding their teammates.

There are no training matches for the time being. In addition to RANK, the two are also working hard to collect Korean server data and intensively observe the RANK intelligence of other team members.

Especially the hero training situation of the players in the major competition area teams.

These tasks were originally the tasks of the coaching staff, but Mr. Kang was the most seriously ill and his brain was almost burned out. Lin Cheng and Lao Dai took the initiative to shoulder part of the coaching staff's work.

From this data, we can roughly know how other teams understand the version and what heroes others prefer to use.

Although the Hanhans are sick, they can still play ranked games by themselves in the room after their health improves. Combined with the data analysis of Lin Cheng and Mr. Dai, at least they can be mentally confident.

Of course, no matter how strong their psychology is, KT's preparations are still lacking a lot compared to other teams.

KT fans are getting more and more worried. Three of their starters are still recuperating after the group stage begins. How can this be dealt with?

The vendors have already opened the champagne in advance.

KT couldn't hide the fact that they didn't play any training matches for several days in a row. Others would know it just by checking the players' accounts.

Even starting from May 3, except for top laner and AD, the number of KT players in the rankings has been very small, and the ranking status also looks very poor.

If you can maintain this state in this situation, you will be haunted.

Will the defending champion overturn in the group stage?

Tanza expressed that he was looking forward to this scene.

If they lose to the wild card, they will spare no effort to nail KT to the pillar of shame.

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