Because Ju Ya participated in the happy hour like everyone else, her barbecue was taken away by her brothers. The little orange cat first stared at her empty plate in a daze, then lay on the ground holding her head and sulking.

Holding the small lump on the head with both hands, it looks like a peanut.

The barrage fans turned into idiots one by one, eager to rush out of the screen and suck the bald kitten.

It wasn't until Chi Shengxi cut another small piece of minced meat for it that Xiao Juya became happy.



Everyone clinked glasses.

Mr. Dai found that Lin Cheng did not move.

"Lin Cheng, drink!"

"There is an event tomorrow and I don't want to drink."

"Are you a man? You always find ways to escape drinking."

"Why the personal attack? I just drink."

Lin Cheng reluctantly picked up the soju cup and took a sip.


He turned his head in surprise.

Chi Shengxi blinked at him and pointed at his cup.

She just secretly replaced Lin Cheng's cup.

Lin Cheng suddenly swelled.

"Come on! Lao Dai, let's do it in one go."

Seeing that there was white water in the cup, Lin Cheng shamelessly started looking for someone to touch the pot.

However, after drinking a glass of water, he quickly lowered his profile and pretended to interact with the barrage to reduce his sense of presence.

The dining atmosphere was very cheerful, and the LPL game on TV finally officially started.

In the first game of the game, Taobo's top laner Dahuang showed off the sword girl Counter Gnar, and selected Lin Cheng's championship skin to start the game and flashed the KT team logo wildly, and the barrage was refreshing.

There is only one God of Sword Sisters, everyone knows it!

It's a pity that Taobo failed to ask the gods, and Rhubarb's Sword Girl did not have an advantage against Gnar.

Although Wayward got two heads in the vanguard team battle and developed ahead of the curve, the sword girl basically lost her voice later.

Especially in the key dragon team battle, Dao Mei entered the field in a good flank position and was dodged by Aphelios. Then Dao Mei was in vain and the team battle collapsed.

Rascal: "Hey! I feel like I could kill him if I replaced Lin Cheng with this equipment."

Beryl: "Irelia doesn't have that taste! It's a poor imitation of Lin Cheng."

Dao Mei didn't play the role she should have, and Brother Shuizi didn't play his role satisfactorily either.

The armor-piercing Xia actually attacked first with her ultimate move in Dalong Pit. It didn't matter that the overhead hook didn't hit anyone. After Xia's ultimate move, she was backhanded instantly.

Rookie: "Why is Jack dead again? Is this possible?"

Lin Cheng chuckled, "Song Yijin finally stopped pretending, right? He just stared at AD and found fault. Wasn't it difficult to say this when we were on the same team?"

Rookie smiled and said: "No! I'm just talking about the matter. This BoJack is a bit too much of a chance."

"Is it just this wave?"

Lin Cheng pinched his throat and said in a weird voice, "Ah~~ Who told me before when they secretly watched the Weibo and Taobo competitions that Chenglu and Jack were sending gifts from both sides?"

"Don't spread rumors about me! How could I ever say such a thing?"

Rookie rushed up and grabbed Lin Cheng's collar and shook him wildly, "Lin Cheng! You really want me to die, don't you? I want to die with you!!!"

Seeing Lin Cheng being suppressed by Lao Song, Mr. Dai secretly grabbed the pillow from behind and covered Lin Cheng's face.

"Do it!"

All the idiots who had been watching with cold eyes just now gathered around him and greeted him with a black fist.

"Holy crap! You're dead! Don't think I don't know who hit me."

Barrage explosion.

"Hahaha! Is this the status of KT’s boss? 》

"Who said Brother Chengzi is a bully?" (funny)"

"The good broiler guy can't help but take action first, which proves that Brother Orange is bullying (dog head)"

"Mr. Dai: Heaven is dead, Huang Tian is here to stand!" Lao Song, help me! 》

"Rookie didn't take a few bites of rice, but Brother Chengzi took advantage of him and offended all the zombies in the imperial stall!" It’s understandable to be angry》

"I'm afraid that after Rooki leaves KT, neither the LCK nor the LPL will be able to stay."

"The Water Ghost Is Here: Who said Jack was delivering just now?" 》

"There have been several reactions from the JKL seniors today. They will either surrender their ultimate move first and die suddenly, or they will die without being able to surrender."

"Tell me a joke, Asian Games AD!" 》

"Asian Games AD?" Paralympics AD! 》

"Let Gala go to the Asian Games!" Brother Shuizi is too unstable》

KT’s live broadcast room is always full of handsome guys, and the discussion about the selection of the Chinese team for the Asian Games is very lively.

Lin Cheng was still being beaten and hooded.

Finally, Mr. Dai had the opportunity to take the lead in dealing with Lin Cheng, and none of the fools wanted to let Lin Cheng go easily.

"Sister Sheng Xi, help me! Nu Na! Help!"

Lin Cheng knew that his teammates were all hard-hearted and chose to seek help from Chi Shengxi.

"Okay! One beating is enough. Let's eat first."

Chi Shengxi smiled and pulled the pillow away.

Lin Cheng's vision recovered.

Everyone stopped immediately, fearing that Lin Cheng would remember them if they stopped too slowly.

Lin Cheng looked unhappy and was about to find a reason to stir up trouble.

"Open your mouth."


Chi Shengxi wrapped a large piece of barbecue in perilla leaves and stuffed it into Lin Cheng's mouth. Lin Cheng caught it with his mouth wide open, his cheeks bulging like a frog, and he had no chance to cause trouble for his teammates.

Many people on the field today may become Lin Cheng's teammates in the Asian Games, and the barrage continued to test Lin Cheng's attitude.

But Lin Cheng didn't talk nonsense.

He really doesn't pick on his teammates.

Moreover, the national team is not a club, so Lin Cheng has no say.

In KT, Lin Cheng can directly tell who he wants to be a teammate with, and Representative An will do everything possible to satisfy him.

But Lin Cheng definitely can't make demands in the national team.

Unorganized and undisciplined.

Moreover, Lin Cheng has not yet decided to be selected for the national team.

After nearly two hours of dinner, when Chi Shengxi was about to turn off the live broadcast, RNG was already leading 2:0, and Lin Cheng directly sentenced Taobo to death.

"Oh! I'm going to meet RNG in Busan this time."

"White Crescent has studied our video, and it seems that we are really not planning to come to MSI."

"Who said the best top laner in China is Abin?"

"He only knows a little bit about his name... I'll see him in action then!"

Finally, Lin Cheng said the last harsh words to the live broadcast camera.

"Xiaohu! Don't think that I won't beat you this time if you run to the middle. Come to Busan and wait for me."

The barrage didn't stop.

It is said that Xiaohu was taught a lesson by Niu Bao in the league last year and was beaten violently by Lin Cheng in the World Championship, so he ran back to the middle overnight during the transfer period. Unexpectedly, after Niu Bao was eliminated this year, Lin Cheng was not ready to let him go.

After the live broadcast ended, all the idiots ran to the training room to play on the computer after eating and drinking.

They are all night owls, and it's not even nine o'clock, which is really early for them.

Lin Cheng and Chi Shengxi cleaned up the garbage left by the barbecue.

Chi Shengxi's cheeks turned red after drinking, and Lin Cheng couldn't help but take a second look.

A girl with black stockings and glasses who is flushed?

"What are you looking at, sister?"

Lin Cheng quickly turned his head away, "It's nothing...Sister Sheng Xi, don't drive back after you drink. You can sleep in my room today."


The two quickly packed up the trash, and Chi Shengxi returned to the room.

Lin Cheng originally wanted to run to the training room, but his footsteps failed him and he followed Chi Shengxi back to his room.

"What's wrong? Do you want to get something?"

"Sister Sheng Xi, I wasn't full just now."


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