This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1857 Sister Shuyan’s past

When the bus arrived, Lin Cheng and his eldest wife got off the bus.

The platform, surrounded by transparent panels on three sides, is on the main roadside, with green hills and trees in the opposite direction.

Turning around and looking around, the atmosphere of life suddenly became richer.

Green fields, sparsely located regular houses, old dogs lying lazily under the shade of trees, temples with red houses and black roofs, and streams crossing stone bridges...

"Wow~~it must be very pleasant to live here, right?"

"not bad."

Han Shuyan took Lin Cheng's hand and followed the branch road into the town.

The main road of the town is a stone road, with exquisite street lamps and trees every few meters on both sides. However, the houses are far apart from each other, and there are very few people in the town.

The sun was shining, and the shadows of the trees covered most of the street, mottled.

The streets are clean and tidy. Ulsan's climate is inherently good, with less dust and more water. When you look around, the air seems to have its own filter, like a quiet town in anime.

Lin Cheng no longer had time to look at the scenery of the town, and followed Han Shuyan with a worried look.

After all, this is the first time to meet the girl’s parents.

Han Shuyan pretended not to notice his nervousness and smiled at the corner of her mouth.

On the road, I met two old people I knew while walking. Han Shuyan took Lin Cheng to say hello.

Lin Cheng was very polite and pretended to be gentle and elegant.

Finally, after walking along the stone road in Yikou for a long time, the two stopped outside a courtyard next to the stream.

This exquisite two-story residence has neatly trimmed green plants that can be seen outside the courtyard wall. You can tell from the first glance that the owner lives a very attentive life.

Lin Cheng couldn't help but joke, "Wow! Our sister Shuyan turns out to be a little rich woman. What a beautiful villa!"

"No way! It's just that grandma likes to clean up by herself."

Pushing open the courtyard door, Han Shuyan said loudly toward the backyard:

"Grandma! I'm back!"

Her voice was playful and lively, a little different from the usual Shuyan sister.

An old man holding a watering can quickly walked out of the backyard.

Her steps were steady and even, her gray hair was still thick, her weathered face had a calm expression, her eyes were bright and very temperamental.

"Ouch! Our Shuyan is back!"

"Oh~~~~Grandma, I miss you so much!"

Han Shuyan went up and gave her a hug. The old man had a kind smile on his face.

"Grandma! This is the Cheng I told you."

Han Shuyan took her grandma's hand and introduced Lin Cheng. She turned around and saw this guy standing upright next to him, with a serious look on his face, as if he was made to stand by the teacher at school.

"Hello, grandma! I'm Lin Cheng."

Lin Cheng bowed and was at a loss what to say, "Thank you for taking such good care of Sister Shuyan."

The old lady looked Lin Cheng up and down and smiled, "I take care of my own granddaughter and don't need the thanks of others."

It seems like you said something wrong?

Lin Cheng looked at Han Shuyan eagerly.

Han Shuyan smiled and hugged the old man's shoulders, "Oh! Let's go in first, I'm a little thirsty."

The old lady loved her granddaughter, so she quickly dropped the watering can and led the two of them inside.

Taking off his shoes at the entrance, Lin Cheng looked around while thinking about what he said wrongly.

The home is kept very clean and tidy, and the floor in the hall is spotless. The decoration is a bit like an old-fashioned Korean house style, but the color details are brighter.

It’s hard to imagine that this is being taken care of by an old man living alone.

Seeing the old man holding up the tea set, Han Shuyan quickly took it.

"Grandma, let me go and you talk to Acheng."

After a pause, she leaned forward and rubbed her cheek against the old man's old face, "Grandma, don't show off to Acheng. He is really nice."

Faced with his granddaughter's coquettishness, the old man smiled kindly.

Han Shuyan gave Lin Cheng an encouraging look.

Lin Cheng was pitiful, and that little look in his eyes almost made Han Shuyan laugh out loud.

Han Shuyan left with the tea set, and the old lady glanced over. Lin Cheng, who was sitting lazily on the cushion, immediately straightened his back.

Seeing that the old lady was silent, Lin Cheng asked tentatively: "Grandma, did I say the wrong thing just now?"


"That's good."

Lin Cheng breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that the old man had a good attitude, he licked his face and moved his buttocks to the old man's side, "Grandma, just smile with me."

The old lady turned to look at him strangely.

It seems that I have never seen such a shameless person.

Lin Cheng's personality is like this. No matter how rigid and serious a person is, it will be difficult for him to become serious if you get together with him.

What's more, the old man's character is not unapproachable.

"I heard that your career is playing games?"

"That's not called playing games!"

Lin Cheng said seriously, "E-sports is already a formal sport..."

He carefully explained the difference between e-sports and playing games, but the old man was noncommittal.

"Grandma! You can't look at the development of new things with old ideas. Your eyes also reveal your prejudice against e-sports players. As a professional player, I need to correct your misconceptions."

Seeing how serious Lin Cheng was, the old lady was very talkative and said, "It's my fault. Grandma apologizes to you."

Lin Cheng waved his hand aggressively, "It's okay, I forgive you."

The old man was silent for two seconds and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome!"

After Lin Cheng finished speaking, he also realized that there seemed to be something wrong with the painting style.

Depend on! Why am I forgiving grandma?

After reacting, Lin Cheng looked at the old man cautiously, "Grandma, I'm sorry, I'm too serious sometimes."

"It's a good thing to be serious. You don't have to apologize to me."

The old man drooped his eyelids, "But grandma thinks your personality seems a bit too out-of-the-box..."

Lin Cheng was immediately shocked.

This rhythm is about to end!

It's time for her to beat the mandarin duck later.

Before the old man could finish speaking, Lin Cheng knelt down on the floor and buried his head respectfully.

"Guilty! I will honor you well from now on."

The old lady was stunned.

This person really knows the current affairs!

Lin Cheng glanced up secretly, "Sister Shuyan and I will respect you well."

"That's not necessary."

The old man had mixed emotions for a moment, "I just thought that the granddaughter I had raised for so many years was kidnapped, and I will become an outsider from now on."

Lin Cheng was stunned.

No wonder the old lady had such an attitude towards him when they met just now.

Sister Shuyan was abducted by him, and the old man will really be alone from now on.

"You know everything about our Shuyan, right?"

"I know, Sister Shuyan told me."

In fact, Sister Shuyan is not the old lady’s biological granddaughter.

Han Shuyan lost her parents when she was very young. Her grandmother took her back from the orphanage and raised her.

Therefore, although Han Seo-yeon is very close to her grandmother, she has been working on her own since middle school, trying to make herself less burdensome.

Although the elderly actually have no burden and do not need to worry about life at all.

"Although our Shuyan is not really worried about life, she has already experienced the greatest hardship in life...Don't bully her."

The old man looked calm, but Lin Cheng had to take his words seriously.

"Grandma, don't worry! I will be good to Sister Shuyan for the rest of my life."

Seeing Lin Cheng's serious face, the old man was noncommittal.

"What I mean is, if you want to break up, hurry up while grandma can still comfort our little Shuyan."

"When grandma dies from now on, only Shuyan will be sad."

Lin Cheng was silent.

The old man's calm words made him feel inexplicably uncomfortable.

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