This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 188 RNG Reincarnation in the Dirty Land (please ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket)

A group of people discussed for a long time about the misdeeds of the human-headed dog Lin Cheng, and only stopped when the second game was about to begin.

In the second game, Mai Ge finally seemed to understand. He did not choose the magical lineup like the first game, and planned to have a man-to-man contest with KT openly.

However, Mai Ge's BP returned to normal, and KT began to recover.

KT saw a strong hero being banned on the blue side, so he directly grabbed Ornn on the first floor.

Then it was discovered that DRX had snatched Bono's prince with a backhand. In order not to give the opponent's prince Galio's combination, the blue side quickly captured Galio.

So, I chose KT and finally assembled a lineup with four guarantees and one guarantee, and the guarantee was EZ.

Lin Cheng got Ornn on the top lane, jungle troll, mid laner Galio, and EZ and Titan on the bottom lane.

This KT lineup made the audience in front of the screen call RNG "reincarnation of dirt". It would be more interesting if Titan was replaced by Lulu.

Seeing the opponent's lineup, Dolan almost broke out in laughter. In the last counter move, he chose a promise player and prepared to kill everyone.

DRX selected the top laner Nuoshou, the jungler Prince, the mid laner Ekko, and the bottom laner Veruska Cat.

In this lineup, Ike and Nuoshou are both excellent cat climbers. In Mike's plan, if the cat rides on Nuoshou and rushes in, why not kill the group of idiots on the opposite side and flip over alone?

KT's lineup is a bit of a gamble. The only hero with output ability in the mid-to-late game, EZ, is not very stable in output. If you can't take advantage in the early stage, it will be very difficult to play in the later stage.

Of course, Mai's BP is a bit normal, but the DRX lineup is not very solid.

Although Lin Cheng's Ornn proficiency is not very high, the hero itself is not difficult.

When he got online, Dolan found that Lin Cheng's position was rather obscene. He learned the Q skill and performed two spinning waltzes, but they just didn't touch the corner of Ornn's clothes.

As long as he keeps a good distance and doesn't let Noshou get close at will, Ornn is actually not too afraid of the hero Noshou.

Of course, Lin Cheng's keystone rune belt unsealing secret book did not think of using Ornn to make a sound online, and he just kept developing online.

Bono's trolls no longer took care of Lin Cheng on the road in this game, and a sudden wave of level three captures came within three minutes.

Before the troll arrived, Tusin Titan hid in the grass and hit Varus first with a precise hook, and EZ crossed the line to keep up with the output.

Keria didn't realize the danger and took the initiative to help Mr. Dai block the damage, hoping to kill EZ first.

Since Yuumi doesn't need to use flash, she has an advantage in summoner skills when fighting. This is why Varus wanted to fight back after being hooked by Titan.

EZ's health and Varus's health dropped very quickly, but just when Yuumi was passively knocked out by the Titan and unable to return to Varus in time, the troll happened to rush over from the river.

A pillar from far away from Bono pinpointed the two of them, allowing EZ to take the cat's head. Seeing that something was wrong, Varus flashed out and tried to run away, but Bono flashed into the tower and bit him to death.

Pyosik also reacted quickly in the top half, coming straight to the top lane to cause trouble for Lin Cheng.

Since Aoun just handed over the skill to clear the wave, seeing the prince's long-range EQ attack, Lin Cheng directly handed over the flash to the opponent.

His blood volume is actually still full. Even if the prince EQ flashes Ornn and flies up, it will still be difficult to kill him, but Lin Cheng doesn't want to be hit by TP, and would rather use flash to preserve his health and continue the laning.

Once the flash was gone, Lin Cheng was even more careful on top, keeping his WE skills ready to run away at any time.

As long as his teammates have the advantage, Ornn will not be affected much by a little grievance.

To win this KT lineup with four guarantees and one, EZ must be particularly fat. However, Mr. Dai and Keria both died in the bottom lane. EZ went home and gave up the water drop and directly took out Yaoguang.

Now the DRX duo is having a hard time online. How can Straw Shoes Dolan Sword Verus fight a Shining EZ?

EZ's online ability is not strong, but the equipment advantage coupled with a Titan with stable control makes the difference.

As long as Tusin's Titan hooks up, Varus and Cat on the opposite side without double summons will be in danger at any time.

Aiming's own playing style is very aggressive, and his aggressiveness is different from that of Chi Di and Mr. Dai. Mr. Dai must at least have an advantage to play particularly aggressively, and his disadvantages are generally more stable.

And Aiming can be said to be the only AD in the entire LCK who can flash forward in a disadvantageous game. If he has an advantage, he wants to kill the opponent at any time.

Pushed by a hero like EZ, Varus couldn't help but replenish troops under the tower. After Mr. Dai took two secret shots in a row, Aiming almost jumped into the tower to complete the kill.

Pyosik originally didn't plan to catch the bottom lane. After all, it would be really difficult to catch the hero EZ without level 6 Varus and Cat when the prince cooperates.

But the duo was out of breath, and Ekko in the middle couldn't push Galio's line in the early stage. The prince had to come to the bottom lane to take a walk to relieve the pressure on the duo.

KT's duo in the bottom lane calmed down a bit, and more than six minutes later, Bono started causing trouble in the top lane again.

The troll touched behind Ornn from the line, and a pillar from far away got stuck behind Noshou.

Lin Cheng had already activated his E skill Fierce Charge in advance, and Ornn attacked the troll pillar just as it was rising.

Lin Cheng and Bono completed a beautiful wave of coordination against the wall.

Dolan's Nuoshou was knocked into the air, and Lin Cheng used the unsealed secret book on his backhand to switch out the ignition and started spitting fire. The troll caught up and started to eat it.

Nuoshou quickly activated his Q skill and flashed backwards, hitting the two of them and restoring a mouthful of health.

It's a pity that Dolan was in such a state that he was ignited and counterattacked because he was overthinking it. Ornn's backhand called the sheep and knocked Kino's hand away.

As soon as Dolan landed, he was killed by the fragile coordinated troll played by Ornn.

Zeyuan: "Bono, this troll, played well! He found the rhythm in the first two waves. The wave in the bottom lane established EZ's advantage, and he just caught Dolan above."

Remember: "Bono, the troll, seems to be acting like a blind man. Generally speaking, this hero is not that good at ganking, but his online teammates are indeed easier to cooperate with."

In fact, Bono rarely plays blind. Like Cuzz, he plays the game in a small window and uses non-intelligent spellcasting and skills.

As we all know, it is a little difficult for blind monks to perform various high-end operations using non-intelligent spellcasting.

KT's rhythm was non-stop. Due to the advantage in the lower half, the Titans had their sights set on the three wolves pit on the red side. Seeing the prince walking up, the bottom duo launched an attack.

Pushing the lane into the tower, Titan stepped up to hit Varus who was passively immobilized under the tower. Kuro in the middle had already moved over in advance and used his ultimate move.

When the Titan is resisting a tower, move the hook to the red square triangular grass wall to remove the hatred of the defense tower.

Galio landed and cooperated with EZ to kill Varus in an instant. Then the two of them first pulled out the defense tower to remove the hatred, and then took advantage of the military line to jump over the tower for the second time and easily killed the shivering kitten.

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