This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1839 Mr. Dai: The only chance in this life

With Lin Cheng's five kills, KT's advantage on the field has become infinite.

"Big dragon, big dragon! You can force me."

After winning the draw water dragon, Lin Cheng went home to replenish the wave and then directly went to force the baron with his teammates.

Although T1's field of view on the upper river channel saw KT's movements, Nightmare and Ornn were not big enough, and the red side couldn't handle this wave of team battles.

Unwilling to let go of the baron in vain, T1 chose to let Oner find an opportunity to flash and grab the dragon, while the card went to the bottom lane alone to lead the lane to supplement development.

But KT's discipline was so good. When the dragon still had 3,000 health, Lin Cheng and Silas E went to the dragon pit to find someone.

Oner knew he couldn't be driven away by Silas, but the blue jewelry happened to see that the big dragon was running low on health, so the nightmare could only flash into the dragon pit in advance.

Everyone in KT immediately stopped dealing Baron and focused on Nightmare.

Lin Cheng's Silas also pulled back with the second E.

Nightmare was defeated, and KT successfully took down the baron.

Zeyuan: "Win the Baron! KT has basically won this one!"

Remember: "Knowing that this wave of teams can't take on T1, it's actually a good idea to let Nightmare go down and cooperate with Lux's long-distance ultimate move to grab the dragon, but KT's discipline is too good! When Nightmare comes down, everyone stops and they don't give any punishment at all. Opportunity."

Wanwan: "And Silas also stole Nightmare's ultimate move! After being blocked before stealing Nightmare's ultimate move, Brother Chengzi never tried to steal Nightmare's ultimate move again. Just now, it was confirmed that Nightmare had handed over W before Brother Chengzi took action. Steal big.”

"Advantage Silas has stolen the nightmare ultimate move, and he doesn't know how to defend the high ground in T1 later."

In fact, it was Lin Cheng's stolen nightmare ultimate that ended the game.

Originally, T1's outer towers were completely destroyed, and the five KT players took the Baron BUFF to form a group in the middle to press high.

At this time, Lin Cheng was already in a four-piece suit. He had replenished his magic piercing rod and drank a witchcraft mixture, preparing to end the game in a wave.

"Come on right away! Follow me and fight wherever you want."

Seeing the opponent grouping together to defend the high ground, Lin Cheng decisively activated the nightmare ultimate move Flying Face Policewoman.

Rookie Galio gives Big.

Kalmar RE accelerates the brothers behind.

EZ pulled out a precise barrage.

Prince EQ stepped forward to retort.

Little Lu Bu reacted quickly enough.

The policewoman was pulled back with her E skill when Silas flew in the face.

But just when the policewoman's E skill landed, she was imprisoned by Silas' Everfrost Center before she could hand over the storm.

Lin Cheng used his Q skill, and the focus of the two chains fell on the policewoman's feet.

Silas's two stages of Q have a base damage of 400, and the total AP bonus is as high as 1.2.

The second stage of Q broke out, and the policewoman died suddenly.

Even Lin Cheng himself didn't react. He even aimed the second section E at the policewoman's position, but the chain only reached the policewoman's body.

"Brother Chengzi, what kind of damage is this? The stolen nightmare ultimate + Yongshuang + Q directly killed the policewoman?"

"I have an AD with full HP!"

"Designer! Look at him!"

Although Brother Li was prepared in advance and already had the yellow card in hand, after all, his immediate reaction would be affected if his vision was suppressed.

Moreover, it takes time to fly the yellow card. Silas hit Yongshuang + Q when he landed, and the opponent could not protect the policewoman at all.

The second section of E was empty, and Lin Cheng decisively pressed the golden body to avoid the dizziness of the yellow card.

Aoun had already called out the sheep. Although his big move hit the prince and Karma behind him, he was unable to change the situation.

Galio's ultimate move landed, and E+ taunted to control the card.

Silaskin stood up, flashed his W twice and killed the card directly.

EZ also dealt with Lux later.

T1 was completely defeated in the highlands!

As Lin Cheng bagged four kills, the red side was once again defeated.

Zeyuan: "Another quadruple kill! Brother Chengzi is killing like crazy! It was almost a double quintuple kill."

I remember joking: "Who else snatched it? Mr. Dai, remember not to step out with your left foot first when you get off the stage later."

After breaking through the high ground and the crystal, Lin Cheng's Silas showed a crazy expression of Alibi's heart.

The frequency is so high that A will basically light up his expression every time.

As if this wasn't enough, while his teammates were removing his front teeth, he rushed outside the spring in T1 and continued to flash Alibi's heart crazily.

Then it changed to Akali's "I love you" expression wearing a mask.

I took a look at my data.


Resisting the urge to rush into the spring.

Wanwan: "Wow! Brother Chengzi is really excited! He has never worn these two expressions before, and they lit up like crazy outside the spring."

"Ha ha! Brother Chengzi is so sexy》

"Wanwan, you are still happy!" He is showing his love to Mrs. Cheng! (crying)》

"unacceptable! Why do you have to show us these things every night? 》

"I'm guilty of late, right?" Shivering! 》

"We all know that Sister Cheng is here, Brother Chengzi, please calm down"

"Even his data is 1314, that's awesome! 》

"KT's First Affection"

"Obviously the number one love interest, Akali is Xiaojuan, and Ahli is the noodle sister (funny)"

"Has Wanwan's ranking dropped again?" (crying)》

After winning the game, Lin Cheng took off his headphones and stood up with his teammates to prepare to leave the stage.

At the scene, the KT fans area cheered loudly.

The blue and white fluorescent sticks were waved vigorously, outlining a blue and white ocean.

"KT move forward!"

"we are the champion!"

"Cheng! Shut them all up!"

"Kill Tanza ruthlessly!"

Lin Cheng smiled and waved to the fans.

On the other side, the T1 players hurriedly left the stage.

The fan area of ​​T1 was a little quiet, and even the red glow sticks waving seemed a little lackluster.

However, it seemed that they could not convey their bad emotions to the players, and soon T1 fans began to cheer hard for T1.

They are T1!

The most brilliant T1!

What difficulties have you not encountered?

It was only 1:0, so it was not a big problem for one to chase three.

To take a step back, even if we lose today, we are still the greatest team in the history of LOL.

Even if we lose today, it only means that we are not invincible today!

There are 365 days in a year, how many days can there be in the finals?

Tomorrow, the sun will rise as usual, and T1 will still be the strongest team!

Fans of the T1 team do have a kind of crazy confidence. Although they have been tortured countless times by T1's various operations, they still firmly believe that T1 is capable.

If they lose, blame BP first, and then blame the players for their mistakes. Anyway, they are no worse than KT in terms of strength.

Back in the lounge, Mr. Kang Dongxun praised the performance of his players.

Especially the duo.

Mr. Kang didn't expect Deft and Beryl to perform so well today, suppressing T1's bottom lane from the very beginning.

Lin Cheng also patted Mr. Dai on the shoulder, "Old Dai! Why are you so aggressive in the bottom lane today? I'm going to mess with you next time."

Mr. Dai just smiled.

Rascal joked: "This year's Asian Games! Brother Hyukkyu must consider whether this will be the only opportunity in his life."

Lin Cheng: "Don't think about it, he won't be able to make it to the next Asian Games at his age."

Mr. Dai: "·····"

His teammates snickered nearby.

Chi Shengxi clapped his hands: "Everyone, come on! Try to get a chance to beat Lin Cheng at the Asian Games."

Everyone burst out laughing.

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