This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1712 # Original batch status #

Relying on Lin Cheng's blind monk scanning roundhouse kick, KT played a wave of 0 for 2 in the team battle and did not let the blue side pick up the Eye of the Vanguard.

This wave of blood profit.

The blue side can't get the vanguard, the policewoman can't get up the rhythm of pushing the tower, and Clockwork will continue to be suppressed by Syndra in the middle.

Syndra has lane rights, and in turn, GEN·G's bottom lane will continue to face the threat of Syndra, and many lanes that can be pressed will not dare to be pressed.

In theory, this is the case, but Genshin Impact is not willing to develop peacefully.

At the beginning of the 11th minute, the bottom line was flat.

Knowing that Lux didn't dodge, Beryl's Thresh suddenly seized the opportunity to flash his E skill and swung back to Lux first, then hooked close to the face.

Thresh's EQ is not completely without gaps. Lux's Q skill also hit Thresh before she was hooked.

The policewoman took the clamp and shot the head with AQ+.

Aphelios uses his white sword ultimate move to stack the flywheel.

A 2v2 fight in the bottom lane.

If the two sides continue to fight, Aphelios, the white sword, will definitely have the stronger ability to continue fighting when both give priority to support.

However, due to the presence of headshots, the policewoman's instantaneous burst after receiving stable control is undoubtedly higher, and Lux's output in the early stage should not be underestimated.

The glacier amplification of Thresh's cornerstone rune belt is not very smooth, and he fell first after taking two headshots.


Seeing Lux retreating with her remaining health, Mr. Dai pursued her and killed Lux ​​with a knife to the face, and then hit the policewoman back.

At this time, Aphelios is surrounded by flywheels. The policewoman only has one ultimate skill left, and she will definitely not be able to defeat Aphelios at close range.

However, just as Mr. Dai was taking the flywheel all the way forward, Xin Zhao suddenly appeared from below.

W Wind Chop and Electric Sting hit first, and Xin Zhao stabbed Aphelios away quickly.

The policewoman scored a double kill.

Zeyuan: "The bottom lane is very fierce, Aphelios is very fierce with the flywheel, but the little peanut is behind... Ruler double kill!"

"It has to be you, Beryl! If the red square pings the signal, you should know that Xin Zhao is in the lower half. Do you dare to flash up and open it?"

Wanwan: "If this 2v2 fight continues, the policewoman will definitely be forced to dodge, but Xin Zhao is right behind. I can only say that Beryl is a little less cautious."

"This player is very similar to KT's two previous supports. He is very decisive in starting a team, but sometimes too aggressive will give opportunities."

The bottom lane was double-killed, and Lin Cheng, who happened to be near the middle lane, decisively touched the blue square F6 from the river.

Turn on the scan to make sure you are not exposed.

At this time, the army line has entered the tower. Chaowei's clockwork carefully stood under the tower to clear the line, while Rookie watched eagerly outside the tower.

"What did Lao Song say? The opponent's position was too careful, and I couldn't dodge and kick."

"You wait for me to strike first, the damage should be enough without having to kick back."

Because his own jungler showed up in the bottom lane, Chaowei was very careful when going offline for this wave of towers, deliberately positioning his tower against the wall.

But the killing intent of the two KT brothers was too strong.


Rookie saved a ball first, then suddenly flashed the tower QE to knock out Clockwork.

A red square eye appears on the wall of F6. The blind monk touches the eye and pulls out his Q, which directly activates the second Q.

At this time, Lin Cheng's scanning effect was still there.

With the propeller above his head, the helicopter blind monk quickly got close to his face.

The little flying stick is here!

When he landed, Lin Cheng immediately kicked the general towards the wall.

After Rookie flashed the ball, his W and R skills were shot one after another.

The energy poured out continuously, and Clockwork died tragically under the tower.

Zeyuan: "Oh! This is unreasonable! Syndra flashes to attack the tower and cooperates with the blind monk to directly force the clockwork. Brother Chengzi is just focusing on the middle lane, right? Is this an old teammate?"

Wanwan chuckled: "The ones I killed were my old teammates! If the defecting dog is caught by Chief Orange, he will be slapped twice."

This wave of kills in the middle was very critical. Without a vanguard, Lin Cheng and Rookie polished off nearly three layers of the blue square tower.

Returning to the city to make up for the damage, Lin Cheng relied on Syndra's line power to cover Lin Cheng and successfully captured the second dragon.

The advantage established in the middle also gave the two brothers in the bottom lane breathing space.

Under normal circumstances, if the policewoman gets a double kill in the lane, she would already be on top of the opponent to dominate, but GEN·G's middle lane was cracked.

Rookie Luden + Magic Shoes have been released, while Chaowei only has Mercury Shoes + Lost Chapters + Goddess Tears.

Eating a push ball will cost you a lot of health, so Clockwork can only huddle under the tower and wait for Syndra to push the line.

The middle lane has been pushed, and Syndra has to ping the signal as soon as her super power disappears. As a result, GEN·G has an advantage in the bottom lane but does not dare to press it.

Lehends can only find opportunities to rely on the center to relieve Chaowei's pressure.

Nothing can happen in the middle at this time, otherwise both sides will go to jail if the middle tower falls.

However, as soon as Lux left, the bottom lane Thresh started to show off.

Seeing Syndra attacking two people in the middle, Beryl ran to find the policewoman's position.

The female police officer had just finished collecting a wave of tower front lines and was heading back to the city under the tower.

Thresh Tower went out to hook, forcing Ruler to cancel the return to the city.

At this time, a new wave of troops has just arrived. There are no teammates nearby, and the Ruler does not know the opponent's jungle position and dare not stay under the tower to wait for the line.

Anyway, it's almost 14 minutes, and the opponent has no chance to eat the tapi again.

The policewoman retreated to the back and continued back to the city.

But Beryl always had a trick up his sleeve. Halfway through the story of Return to the City, the policewoman found Thresh emerging from the bushes of his own stone man.

Ruler canceled the return to the city and continued to retreat, shooting Thresh twice by the way.

Brother Genshin pulled around to delay the policewoman's return to the city.

The policewoman was driven back to the city through the grass.

However, Ruler had just read Return to City for three seconds in the grass when he found Thresh approaching again.

Mom's! It's so bullying.

At this time, Aphelios was occupying the line of troops in the middle of the bottom lane. He was rushed to this position by an assistant and Chi Di also became angry.

Thresh inserted his eyes into the grass.

The policewoman has set up Q Peace Messenger.

The speed of headshots when stacked in the grass is doubled. Just as the policewoman finishes her Q and draws her next shot, she will hit her headshot with a blast.

Thresh unhooked and threw a lantern into the stone man grass at the same time.


The policewoman immediately dodged the hook, put her face to the side and stuffed the gun barrel into Thresh's mouth.

Beryl realized something was wrong.

Isn't he afraid of my teammates?

Didn't you see me throwing the lantern behind?

Aren't you worried about the blind monk picking up lanterns behind you?

It was too late to regret at this point. Beryl could only swing the policewoman back with her E skill, and turned around to escape.

But it's a little late.

After the policewoman tied A, Thresh was caught in the rope net, and after another headshot, she decisively opened fire.

Let the bullets fly.

As soon as Thresh retreated to the stone man grass, he was killed by a bullet from the policewoman.

Zeyuan: "Ruler is very disciplined. He has no teammates around and this line of troops is not ready to be eaten. Hey! Beryl wants to cut off the line? It's a bit too much!"

Wanwan: "It's so cruel! The supports all went to the second tower to get disconnected. Those who didn't know better thought that KT had a great advantage in the bottom lane."

Zeyuan: "But Ruler doesn't know the location of the blind monk, and he doesn't dare to... Hey! Flash to the face! I can't bear it anymore!"

"Single kill! Ha! It's you again Beryl! He paid the price for his exaggerated disconnection behavior."

Wanwan: "Brother Genshin is like this. He often likes to manipulate his opponent's mentality like this. Emperor Chi is also driven into panic. He flashes and gets close to his face and kills him hard."

"I'm so stupid!" What is Thresh doing? 》

"The original batch is too abstract! "Hard Delivery"

"Let's go back and draw the guarantee!" 》

" # Beryl Status # "

"Every time I watch a KT match, Yuanshen is in the same state as opening a blind box. It's so exciting."

"Before the game starts, you will never guess whether Genshin Impact is a human or a ghost today"

"Unfortunately! Today is the original batch》

"Beryl is an ON with a brain, and she is a sub-type supporter"

"Moon Landing Model Conflicts?" Is ON worthy of competing with Genshin Impact? 》

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