This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1688 LPL lacks innovation

After dinner, Lin Cheng sent Xiaomin back and then took a taxi back to the club.

First I went to the training room and walked around.

The Cuzz excavator is killing people like crazy, and it looks like it will dig through the Korean server again.

Mr. Dai live broadcasted a brawl while eating bell peppers.

Rookie is practicing Jayce, a hero who can swing mid-range and give the jungler more AP role choices.

I was probably stimulated by Lin Cheng's Akali today. I'm already 2-7 with Akali in the rankings.

Even Beryl didn’t play Genshin Impact and just played RANK honestly.

Lin Cheng was very pleased to see his teammates working so hard.

Then he went back to his room to rest.

It was almost ten o'clock, and he was not one of these night owls.

After washing up, I took my tablet and sat down by the bay window to get ready to surf the Internet.

Unexpectedly, fans' performance today was on Naver's hot search.

In the afternoon, the scene of KT fans singing and cheering on the spot caused widespread discussion on the Internet. This was the first time that singing was heard in this form at LOL PARK.

"Eternal King"

Lin Cheng finally knew the name of the song.

I have to say, what a great second grader!

But Lin Cheng had to admit that his heart felt warm.

Fans of other teams are lamenting the action of KT fans, while fans are dissatisfied and say that they also want to create a "Forever Faker".

The two brothers from the news agency found ways to compete in every strange place.

Of course, apart from the songs, netizens on the DC forum are more concerned about the strength of the team in the new season.

In the past, Lin Cheng liked to make crisis remarks during live broadcasts, and KT fans were once worried about KT's running-in problem.

But when I saw it today, it was good!

DK, who was known to kill indiscriminately in training matches, was beaten violently. Is this what Lin Cheng said about KT's poor integration?

So it's okay after you've gotten used to it?

The result of the game undoubtedly instilled confidence in KT fans.

After the game, Lin Cheng declared that he would continue to defend the championship, which was used by KT fans to ridicule their mortal enemy.

Tanza was irritated.

Although anyone with a discerning eye can see that KT did show competitiveness in the first game, precisely because the sample is too small, there are many angles from which Zaza can refute.

For example, Rookie struggled last year.

Cuzz’s dual nature of ghost and ghost.

Beryl's weak laning ability.

Mr. Dai's carrying ability has declined now.

In addition, Lin Cheng's mind is full of black stockings and long legs, and he might faint one day if he gets too much guidance.

Anyway, Tanza is going to explode now, and it is proven from various angles that KT will definitely explode this year.

They gave Lin Cheng a feeling of being impatient, unreasonable, but also urgent.

After all, KT's three consecutive championships have touched the bottom line of fans.

Lin Cheng felt that he was very innocent. He should be the first person to be widely discussed on the forum about the topic of "causing him to faint".

There were even handsome guys from China who climbed over the wall and persuaded him to participate in the precept check-in challenge with Bin.

The topic on the Korean website was a bit heavy, so Lin Cheng simply went to the domestic forums and post bars to browse.

Two days after the start of the LCK, the domestic audience is still in diode mode.

The optimistic one is opening champagne as usual, as optimistic as a skewer.

The pessimistic one is already preparing for S13, and the pessimistic one is as pessimistic as a string.

Of course, rational viewers discovered the LCK's tactical changes after the start of the game.

The obvious differences in version development make some fans who like to see the essence through phenomena unable to sit still.

Some fans posted soul torture on the post bar:

At present, the competition versions of the two regions are synchronized. Although the LPL version update speed is indeed slower, why are the two sides so different in version development?

It’s been a week since the LPL started and it seems like it’s still basically the same as last year. Even the tactical ideas of many teams don’t seem clear. It’s just that I see everyone using them and I choose accordingly.

Is the training team really working seriously?

Brother Tieba began to find out the root cause, and even explored the reasons for the decline of the competition area.

One of the most important points is: LPL teams started to play more and more conservatively at some point, the training team did not dare to innovate, and the player hero pool also came and went.

You know, LPL's innovation ability was very strong back then.

Ancient WE's global flow and card support system, Royal Anne's group-building system, and EDG's Morgana Widow system.

At that time, the LPL had almost no results, but it had its own characteristics.

Although many teams in the middle have fallen into complete imitation of the LCK, the LPL at least does not lack those who are willing to develop their own systems, and there will always be something refreshing to come out.

Until S7's understanding of the incense burner version, the LPL was already ahead of the LCK. It would lose more that year because of a series of hard power gaps such as vision operations that had not been overcome.

The wins of S8 and S9 also illustrate the success of LPL's own development system.

IG's passionate brawl and FPX's unique support linkage system, these two distinctive styles of play were unique back then.

But after winning two championships, the LPL gradually seemed to become more conservative again, and began to follow the LCK teams again.

Last year, EDG stumbled and finished second, but it doesn't seem to be a problem to continue to do so.

And even if it’s a copycat, there was a team’s success story last year that is in front of everyone.


Many teams are trying to imitate KT's play style last year.

But no.

No team can make KT's tactics their own.

First of all, they don't have Lin Cheng.

Secondly, last year's KT was unique in its ability to snowball around vision and lane changes after lane excellence, and others could not copy it, or it was impossible to copy it.

Even though KT also likes to copy their opponents' tactics in training matches, and even copy wild cards, KT's own style of play is already invincible, and their copying only enriches their tactical system.

It's not just copying for the sake of copying, KT is actually absorbing things all the time.

Including the tactical changes seen in today's game, it shows that KT's coach is not as capable of leashing a dog as the audience joked.

And leaving KT aside, can they definitely beat other LCK teams?

Tieba brother is also pessimistic.

Regarding this topic, a former professional player came out to explain: The reason why the LPL does not dare to innovate is because if you lose when you play new things, you will be criticized badly, and everyone is under great pressure from public opinion.

But it was difficult for the audience to accept this reason.

Who doesn’t have pressure in competitive events?

Is there little pressure from public opinion on LCK players?

Last year, T1 fans came to the base gate, and Ghost was even threatened with death after a poor performance. You can imagine the pressure they felt.

Even Lin Cheng just doesn't have the pressure of public opinion among the KT fan group, and Tan Za can't wait to use the Internet 24 hours a day to bully his mentality.

Therefore, this reason does not hold water.

What's even more outrageous is that everyone found that in the LPL, not only the players' mental quality lags behind that of the LCK, but even the official work has been abandoned.

Not to mention other things, the ‘Bald Head Award’ awarded to Oner by LCK and the ‘Long Legs Award in Black Stockings’ awarded to Lin Cheng cannot be matched by LPL.

Because these are all related to players’ memes, how can the LPL follow suit?

If the official dares to create an award for the best boxing and the best abortion, I'm afraid it will be destroyed directly.

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