This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1682 Be wary of new types of fraud

Lin Cheng went on the road to complete a solo kill, which had little impact on the situation at this time.

After all, he was Poppy, and the single kill was just a barrel.

For 8 and a half minutes, the two sides started fighting for the vanguard.

KT has the lane right in the bottom lane. The duo will move first after pushing the lane, and the plane has explosives. This wave is bound to win against the vanguard.

The aircraft are indeed weak in the early stage, and Rookie also had a miserable time, but the 8-minute wave of aircraft with explosive packs is still very strong, which is equivalent to having an extra Rambo ultimate move, not to mention providing a high fault tolerance rate for the aircraft.

On the contrary, the red side hopes that the opponent will fight with it.

But DK also knew that this wave was not easy to catch. The Lee Sin of the Grain Barrel didn’t even have a big move, the female tank had not reached level 6, and the blue side was struggling in the river for a long time and did not dare to initiate a group fight.

Thresh failed to win the lottery, and KT was ready to focus on finishing the Vanguard.

The opponent's performance was too similar. Seeing everyone on the blue side leaving early, Lin Cheng thought that the opponent's command had let go of the vanguard, and Poppy turned around and prepared to return to the line.

As a result, just after Lin Cheng left, Canyon blind monk suddenly hid in the shadow of the river and Qed the vanguard. The second stage Q came and easily snatched the vanguard away.

Without picking up the Eye of Vanguard, Canyon directly touched the eye and ran away.

Xin Zhao wanted to keep people, but Wei Gusi used fear to cover the blind monk's smooth retreat.

"Ah~~The vanguard has been robbed! I lost in punishment."

Cuzz blamed himself, and his teammates comforted him.

"It's okay, it's okay! My problem, I thought they gave up on Vanguard."

"It's normal to lose in Punishment. Blind Monk Q Punishment itself has a greater chance of winning."

"It's not your fault that we lost. It was our mistake to give our opponents a chance to punish us."

After being comforted by his teammates, Cuzz had a warm smile on his lips.

Xin Zhao had indeed just handed in the punishment. For the first time, his teammates didn't stare at him, just thinking that Cuzz had lost because of the punishment.

Only the commentary from God's perspective and the audience saw what happened.

When the blind monk's second stage Q came over, Xin Zhao immediately handed over punishment to the blind monk. After the opponent touched his eyes and ran away, Cuzz kept silent about his behavior, creating the illusion that he punished the vanguard and lost.

The players' voices can be heard backstage, and the director does a great job of replaying the players' perspectives.

"Haha! A new type of fraud, right? Cuzz told his teammates that he was punished for losing, and all his teammates were comforting him."

Wan Wan understood Korean, and when she saw Cuzz's remorseful expression that he was punishing him for losing, she couldn't help but laugh.

Zeyuan: "Hmm~~~ I don't blame Cuzz. It's not impossible to shake someone's hands when he's nervous... Haha! He's still laughing!"

At the end of the replay, Cuzz's smile with a hint of pride after he successfully deceived his teammates was caught by the director.

It's hard to wash now.

"Laughing to Death!" Grapefruit thief, this is so cool! 》

"I always thought Cuzz was an honest person, but he turned out to be a sinister one too"

"This smile is really hard to stretch"

"His punishment of people is outrageous. Can this be called punishing and losing?" 》

"The teammates were still comforting each other, but in the end they were all clowns being tricked by Cuzz (funny)"

"This is the result of not downloading the anti-fraud APP (Gotou)"

"At first, I was still thinking about how this wave of voice could be played back. I hope the director understands it."

"After watching the replay, I guess Brother Cuzz will be beaten to death by his teammates"

"With this smile, Tomorrow Grapefruit Thief will be collectively targeted for entering the training room with his left foot first."

This wave of vanguards that gathered everyone was robbed. Although the blind monk didn't pick it up, it was still a bit uncomfortable for KT.

In the middle, Wei Gusi began to put frequent pressure on the bottom lane through roaming. Mr. Dai and Beryl did not dare to press the line anymore, but Lin Cheng still played fiercely and kept using explosions to rub against Tapi.

After the divine point is released, it is very easy for Poppy to hit the wine barrel, because the passive can trigger the divine point and the immortal effect at the same time, and the wine barrel cannot use the E skill to disgust Poppy as easily as it can against ordinary short-handed warriors.

Hoya is an immortal wine barrel, and its long-range consumption ability is very poor. Because of Lin Cheng's fierce fighting style, it has already been suppressed by nearly 30 knives in just ten minutes.

But there is still the same problem. The middle and jungle are at an obvious disadvantage in this game, and KT's rhythm has never been able to pick up.

At 11 minutes, Xu Xiu and Canyon invaded the jungle and killed Xin Zhao.

Because Xin Zhao died in battle and knew that the opponent's midfielder was in his lower jungle area, Aphelios was forced to move down the tower without daring to take a large wave of lanes.

The second dragon was captured by the blue side.

After the blind monk took down the dragon in the lower half, Beryl took the opportunity to grab a view of the lower river, but the female tank on the opposite side happened to be nearby.

The solar flares shone down from a distance, and the EZ online followed up with precise barrages.

DK's support ability was too strong, and Wei Gusi hit R Chou Sha from a super long distance and flew over to kill Thresh.

Once the assistant died, Mr. Dai was no longer able to take advantage of the line.

In the early stage, the planes continued to die in battle, which made it difficult to stand in line, and Weigusi's own ability to support roaming was very strong, which put too much pressure on the side lanes and jungle areas.

The blue side mainly focused its pressure on the lower half, but Lin Cheng still felt that Canyon would have to deal with itself later.

"Xin Zhao, come up and squat for me. The other side may want to arrest me."

Using Explosive Poppy, he was almost eating up the third layer of the tower. His teammates were not in good shape. Lin Cheng wanted to push down the upper tower as soon as possible to provide more support for the team.

The more times like this, the more Lin Cheng has to stand up.

As soon as Cuzz heard the boss's request, he decisively touched it, drove the scan from behind and got into the grass to perform counter-crouching.

"You squat for a while, and I'll find a chance to eat the tapi."

Wei Gusi was still on the line in the middle, and Lin Cheng knew that his side would not suffer a loss if the jungler fought 2v2.

After Hoya was killed once, he no longer had any thoughts about Lin Cheng and concentrated on repairing his tower.

Poppy successfully used explosions to eat another layer of tart skin.

The line of soldiers was pushed out by the wine barrel, but Lin Cheng was still pressing.

But Cuzz was still squatting in the grass and motionless.

The line of soldiers entered the tower again. Bobby touched the wine barrel of the defense tower twice and pushed the line out again.

Cuzz remained motionless in the grass.

"The other side seems to have given up on the road. Friends in the literature recommend that you go to the jungle."

"It's okay. I think the other side should still target you and squat for a while."

Finally, Lin Cheng ate the fourth layer of tart skin before the plating fell off.

And Cuzz's Xin Zhao squatted in the grass for a minute and a half without even moving.

Zeyuan: "Cuzz still understands! What should I do if the rhythm of the middle and jungle can't be opened? What should I do if the team goes against the wind? Hold on to the road, come over and help Brother Chengzi squat, and that's it."

"But it seems that you have been squatting for too long. Are you going to stop farming so early?"

Wanwan: "Actually, under normal circumstances, the opponent would have come up after seeing Brother Chengzi press so hard, but maybe because he suffered too much at the hands of Brother Chengzi, DK simply ignored him. KT himself never thought of this."

As soon as he finished speaking, the director suddenly gave Cuzz a first-person perspective.

A scene happened where no one could hold back.

A temporary absence warning popped up on Cuzz's screen.

Although most Chinese stream viewers cannot understand Korean, LOL players are very familiar with the content of this warning box.

You must actively treat the game you have started so as not to disconnect; if you hang up in the game for a long time, you will be judged as an escaper and your account will be banned.

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