This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1674 Rookie: Don’t contact people from IG. I’m afraid my new teammates will misunderstand me

On the road, Lin Cheng was still operating Akali and Miss Gwen to pull each other's hair, but he didn't expect that his teammates would bring good news so soon.

In fact, the most dangerous part of the long-hand combination in the bottom lane is this wave. If the troops press into the tower and fail to retreat in time, they will easily be caught.

Originally, the KT duo had already retreated, but Genshin Impact turned around and Q flashed and gave away blood.

The idea is good, but there is something wrong with the operation.

Now that three summoner skills have been lost, Policewoman + Lux are destined to not dare to push the line anymore.

On the contrary, the game in the middle was very lively.

Everyone's first impression of Rookie's playing style may be that of a team, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that many of his early roaming opportunities come from laning suppression.

Essentially, he is a very aggressive player.

Rookie, who returned to the LCK, showed his usual style of play, trading with Xu Xiu every chance he got since the first level.

Cuzz originally wanted to cover the bottom lane and play strongly, but found that the bottom lane was killed by the line. The blind monk very smartly turned his head and touched the grass in the middle lane.

Canyon was initially ready to give up on the river crab because it was being squeezed in the bottom lane. However, seeing Genshin Impact sending off, Xin Zhao immediately rushed back to the bottom lane to prepare for the river crab.

Because of the wave of lane kills in the bottom lane, both junglers have adjusted their jungle strategies.

Just when Zhao Xin moved the river crab, the blind monk happened to get into the grass in the middle road ahead of time.

The medicine bottles on both sides of the middle lane were knocked out, and Xu Xiu subconsciously positioned himself in the lower half of the area where his jungler was.

This is the basic quality of a professional player, but he does not know that there is danger in the lower half.

Rookie was very sneaky and used Q to replenish the troops first, and then targeted Syndra's QE to replenish the troops.

Two dark orbs blocked the angle, and the clockwork failed to move and was pushed unconscious at the corner of the wall.

The blind monk walked out of the grass, and the Q skill was attached to Clockwork Eye Touch for close range output.


Xu Xiujiao flashed into the tower.

Cuzz decisively followed up the tower with his second Q and crippled his opponent.


Rookie and Flash compensate for damage, and Q skill completes the kill.


Zeyuan loudly said: "This is his first kill back in the LCK! It's a very memorable moment, and the next step is the first victory."

Wanwan: "Cuzz is so smart! Showmaker was fooled this time, because Canyon was fighting crabs below. He thought it was safe to stand lower, but he happened to be caught by Cuzz who squatted down in advance."

"First kill unlocked!" Chicken Allah is in good laning condition today》

"Last year on IG, I thought Rookie was hopeless. I hope I can get a slap in the face this year."

"The Grapefruit Thief is really spiritual, he is not attracted to the River Crab"

"This is ICU?" I do not believe! 》

"It's hard to perform in T1, right?" If he were in T1, he probably wouldn’t even look at the middle lane.》

"Cuzz Ultraman Korea Fenman is making trouble with you?" The best jungler in the world in the first fifteen minutes》

"As we all know, Ultraman's stability will be unreliable in the later stages when his sanity is exhausted, just wait for the Grapefruit Thief to cause trouble"

Rookie in the middle scored the first kill in the LCK, and Lin Cheng was playing call with his teammates while facing the line.

Lin Cheng: "Beautiful! Song Yijin, Xiaoyu is looking at you."

Cuzz: "Nice! This push to stun is so crucial."

Mr. Dai: "Come on! Try to get 1,000 kills in the LCK. How many kills did you have in OGN before? There should be some success this year, right?"

Faced with the enthusiasm of his teammates, Rookie felt a little embarrassed.

He couldn't help but smile.

My teammates are all very good people.

He was originally hesitant before agreeing to join KT, and was a little worried that he wouldn't be able to adapt to the atmosphere of the LCK club, but after actually getting along with him, he realized that KT was much warmer than he thought.

The teammates are very loving, probably because the relationship is still in the honeymoon stage, and the fans are not at odds with each other.

If it continues like seems like I will be a little happy and forget about Shu.

Don't contact people from IG, I'm afraid new teammates will misunderstand me.

There was an explosion of kills in the middle lane, and both sides in the top lane knew that the jungler was not there, so the exchange of blood became intense.

When Gwen's Q skill reached 4 stacks, she wanted to fight Akali, but Lin Cheng was very alert. Gwen's two full-tier QE moves were pulled by Akali's Falcon Dance, which took away the first wave of damage, and then Akali Rei's second-stage E is a sure win if you get close and exchange blood.

It is difficult for both sides to deal with their opponents when they have W. Lin Cheng handles the details better, but he does not dare to fight to the end because there is less ignition.

However, Gwen is a mana-consuming hero. When Akali has the advantage of exchanging blood, Gwen is often forced to hand over skills to replenish troops. Hoya was hit by Lin Cheng's TP in more than 5 minutes.

Lin Cheng controlled the line and pushed slowly, and Gwen quickly came back with TP.

Akali was in good condition. Lin Cheng did not rush back to the city to replenish equipment, so he relied on a Dolan Shield to continue the battle with Gwen who had replenished the Explosive Wand + Mung Bean Bottle.

Because he knew that Xin Zhao couldn't catch him even if he came now, and the river still had the ornament eyes that he had just placed while Gwen returned to the city.

Seeing a large wave of troops slowly moving towards his tower, Hoya didn't want his opponent to send the troops in safely, so he took advantage of his equipment advantage and Gwen E came up to cut against the minions.

Hoya has also become smarter. He no longer fears that his QE start will be too obvious and will be pulled away by Lin Cheng's direct E skill.

But Lin Cheng responded calmly. Gwen handed over E and Akali used her backhand Q skill to passively pull back.

Akalila's passive movement speed bonus allowed Gwen to make only one cut.

Seeing that A was nowhere to be seen, Gwen Q quickly cut and shot.

While receiving the first damage from the sharp knife, Lin Cheng's Akali Falcon Dance retreated.

Hoya immediately pressed the W silk thread.

However, Gwen could not activate W instantly while reading the Q skill bar. Gwen had already been marked by Falcon Dance before the silk tangle took effect.

With the clouds falling, Akali moves into the circle.

But Gwen couldn't find Akali hidden in the Xia array.

After waiting for a while, Gwen's mask time was consumed and some energy was restored.

The moment the Falcon Dance mark is about to disappear, Akali activates the second stage of E.

After playing AQ, Lin Cheng pulled back.

Gwen's W quickly disappeared, but Gwen still couldn't reach Akali in the Xia formation, so she could only turn around and pull in the direction where Akali was hiding to release her Q skill again.

But this sharp knife cut had no stacks, so Lin Cheng pulled out his passive to withstand the damage and hit AQ again.

Gwen's blood volume is already relatively ambiguous.

Although Lin Cheng hasn't replenished his equipment yet, there are a lot of red side minions after all, and Hoya is at a huge loss in this round of blood swaps.

At this moment, the last soldier on the blue square died.

Akali has reached level six.

Realizing something was wrong, Hoya set off the fire and persuaded him to quit.

Lin Cheng did not pursue him forcefully, because his energy was almost at the bottom. The opponent was not far from the defense tower, and there was not much room for Akali to pursue. Lin Cheng had a steady hand.

Akali retreated back to the city.

Hoya definitely doesn't dare to get stuck in this state, so he can only release the line into the tower.

Lin Cheng, who returned to the city to replenish his equipment, did not hand over TP to go online. He sent a signal and rushed to the bottom lane.

In the early stage of this version, TP cannot be bypassed, right?

Can't labor and management run down to support us?

"Lao Dai, I came down to see if I can find some opportunities."

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