This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1587 Winning Interview

"At this moment, you are at your most handsome and beautiful."

"That's how you will always be."

"We love you right now."

"We also love who we are at this moment, and how we look like you."

Kim Ji-hyun's words, which seemed like a confession, aroused a huge response from the K-pop audience.

"This paragraph is so well said! I love the city too》

"This is a cultural man, Master Shiheng can only say: Lin Cheng, Nice!" 》

"Black Kuro again, right?" KKKK》

"Let this moment last forever!" We will always love this moment Cheng"

"From now on, no one is allowed to criticize Cheng Lao. Who dares to criticize him? (Angry)"

"There will definitely be people who criticize him in the future, but they are definitely not true KT fans"

"we are the champion! ! ! Ula~~》

"Woo!" ! ! Miss Zhixian has a secret crush on Cheng Chenghammer"

"Is this a secret love?" Let the whole world know, okay?"

"Miss Zhixian is really nice, but it's a pity that Cheng has a girlfriend"

"It's just the love that fans have for the players!" It’s really sweet though! 》

"It doesn't matter, I'll still eat them"

No one is surprised that Kim Ji Hyun favors Lin Cheng, and many KT fans also stand with her.

However, Kim Ji-hyun's previous statement that "he is the end of an era" made some viewers dissatisfied.

It’s also Faker, right?

Faker's era is not over yet!

Then, KT fans and T1 fans started complaining again.

At this moment when KT won the championship, the two sides were still arguing fiercely.

At the same time, EDG is also within the AOE range of T1 fans.

They began trying to catch the final war criminals.

Class A war criminal Flandre, traitors Vpier and Scout...

At this moment, Zhiyan, who was watching the live broadcast, had stars in her eyes.

Lin Cheng's figure in the camera is tall and slender, and his simple movements look elegant, handsome and high-spirited. The colorful ribbons that are falling in abundance make this scene seem to be embellished with starlight.

"Oh~~~My brother is so handsome!"

Zhiyan couldn't help twisting her body while hugging the pillow, and her beautiful black stocking legs kicked restlessly.

Eunjung and Hyomin looked at each other, a little amused by the maknae's nymphomaniac look.

Glancing at the screen, Enjing couldn't help but said, "But Lin Cheng is really handsome like this."


Ju Li rarely took the initiative to agree.

I don't know if it was due to psychological factors, but my sister-in-law felt that Lin Cheng seemed particularly attractive today.

Otherwise she wouldn't...

At the scene, Lin Cheng was the last to put his hand on the trophy.

Everyone holds the trophy together.

The Chinese live broadcast was frozen at this moment, and the director cut out the short film prepared in advance.

First, there was the cool Mercedes-Benz face-off, and then there were the wonderful moments on KT’s road to winning the championship this year.

After the short video was played, all KT members were lined up on the stage to be interviewed. LEC host Sjokz was responsible for the on-site interview, and Park Ji-sun was responsible for the translation.

The first is a speech from Riot executive John Needham.

The head of Riot Games’ global tournaments had a smile on his face, but Lin Cheng looked at his face and felt that it looked like Ah P’s appearance when he got older.

"You have created a legend that will definitely go down in the history of League of Legends, and I am honored to present you the trophy today."

"On behalf of all Riot employees, I would like to express my sincerest respect to you. Congratulations!"

After John Needham finished speaking, he stepped forward and fist bumped with the KT players one by one.

Sjokz: "Congratulations to KT for winning the 2021 League of Legends Global Finals. I want to start this interview with the Deft players."

"This is the ninth year of your career. After nine years of debut, you can finally proudly say that you are a world champion player. What does this mean to you?"

Deft is an extremely emotional person. After the excitement of winning the championship, he felt the sadness along the way. When he heard the host's question, his eyes suddenly turned red.

"Ah~~~ I promised not to cry, but the tears secretly flowed out."

Mr. Dai smiled, tears already soaking his cheeks.

The two young men standing nearby patted Mr. Dai on the shoulders to express comfort.

"Sorry, I'm a little excited right now."

Mr. Dai tried his best to calm down his voice, "Well~~~ It has been almost ten years before I know it. I don't know how many decades there are in my life, but I am very glad that I persevered."

"Becoming a world champion has always been a goal of mine and after today I can finally call myself one of the best in the world."

"But what I want to do most now is to thank my teammates and every member of the team for bringing me this championship."


After speaking, Mr. Dai turned around and bowed to his teammates.

The two little brothers next to him quickly helped the big brother up and patted his shoulders to comfort Mr. Dai who couldn't help wiping his tears.

This scene is very touching.

But as the camera swept over, the audience couldn't hold back.

Lin Cheng and Xiao Huahua were on the other side biting their ears and talking. Lin Cheng pointed at Mr. Dai, showing his neat white teeth and smiling brightly.

"? ? ? 》

"Ha ha! Brother Cheng ruins the atmosphere, right? 》

"He just thought of happy things (funny)"

"Brother Orange: Look!" That person cried so ugly"

"Mr. Dai's speech really brought tears to my eyes, it was so difficult"

"Old Soldiers Never Die!" Just fading away"

"F*ck!" Farming

"The priest has won the championship before he dares to say that he is one of the best players in the World Championship?" 》

"If Uzi wins the championship, I can't even think about it!" 》

"If Uzi wins the championship, Faker's ancestral grave will have to be dug up"

Two little brothers silently comforted Mr. Dai beside him. Evert saw Mr. Dai couldn't help himself and wiped his eyes.

The eldest brother was crying, but he didn't say anything as he stood nearby.

But Evert found it difficult to empathize with Mr. Dai. He lowered his head and wiped away non-existent tears while secretly looking up.

Just in time to see Lin Cheng laughing, Evert couldn't help but grinned happily.

The action of lowering his head and wiping his eyes looked sad, but the raised corners of his mouth and peeking eyes revealed happiness.

This expression of pretending to cry but actually laughing was caught by the camera, and the audience was already laughing like crazy. (Refer to General P’s fake crying and real laughter)

Sjokz: "Next, I want to ask Peanut player. You are also a veteran. After seven years of persistence, you finally got what you wanted and became the champion jungler. What do you want to say now?"

Little Peanut raised the microphone: "I unfortunately lost the last time I participated in the final. I seemed to have lost a lot after that final. I also thought that maybe I had missed the only opportunity in my life."

"I still remember during the transfer period last year, Brother Shiheng called and said: Wang Hao! If you want to win the championship, go to KT!"

Having said this, Little Peanut smiled.

"I'm really sorry! I'm already so old and I still need my brothers to take care of me."

Kuro in the Korean commentary box was inexplicably jealous.

Little Peanut is obviously laughing, but why does he, the audience, want to cry?

And as the eldest brother, isn’t it the right thing to take care of your younger brother?

Thinking like this, Kuro saw Lin Cheng next to Xiaohuahua.

Well~~~This guy is not included.

Let's not talk about whether Lin Cheng needs care or not. If he doesn't blackmail me, I will burn incense.

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