This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1576 Explosive Tower Jumping Decision

Lin Cheng's extreme solo kill on the top lane made everyone look stupid.

Long Sword Dolan Shield's half-health 0-1 Qinggang Shadow sneak attacked Jace, who had just returned from replenishing his equipment T. It's no different for a normal person to play like this and give it away openly.

But Lin Cheng finally succeeded.

After watching the replay, Miller was still shocked when he found that Qinggangying only had 7 drops of blood left.

"How dare this person? He dares to operate like this. Has he reached the point where he is fearless?"

Zeyuan answered: "To be honest! After watching the replay carefully, even at first I thought Brother Chengzi had lost his mind. It is impossible for him to calculate such a blood volume!"

"If the operation is not successful in the end, once Brother Chengzi is killed by a single player in this wave, the LPL audience will probably think of the clear-cut scenes that appeared in this year's LPL."

Remember: "Which scenes are you talking about...Fan Shannar?"

Zeyuan: "Hey! You are in danger! It's none of my business."

Remember to start playing dumb: "What's the danger? I don't know! I didn't say anything."

"Ha ha!"

The atmosphere in the commentary box suddenly became relaxed, and even Miller, who was concerned about EDG's situation, started joking.

Of course, mainly now EDG still has an advantage.

When the situation is completely at a disadvantage, the commentators will no longer dare to joke around.

After this wave of single kills, Lin Cheng didn't dare to deal with the troops. If he delayed for a while, the Enchantress might come up.

Qinggangying enters the grass and directly enters the back grass for the return trip.

"The top lane troop line is not very good."

Lin Cheng muttered softly, the hint was obvious.

The soldier line is stuck under the red square tower. At the current speed, the next wave of soldiers may not be able to be pushed out when it arrives. If the next wave of blue soldiers enters the tower, it will be a big loss.

"Cheng Bao, don't worry, come back! I'll give you the thread."

Little Peanut's prince originally turned back to clear the jungle when he saw Lin Cheng's solo kill, but now he immediately turned around and headed for the road.

Lin Cheng was extremely moved.

Although Xiaohuahua occasionally disagrees with Brother Cheng in the club and occasionally makes fun of Brother Cheng, at least on the court he will try his best to make Brother Cheng feel comfortable.

Lin Cheng made up his mind to give Peanut Butter three days of free black card.

Brother Cheng will not lead him in any way for the next three days.

When the prince came up, he happened to intercept the blue soldier. Little Peanut's body was stuck and he waited until the soldier line came out of the tower before turning around and leaving.

Peanut Butter was already having a miserable life due to being killed in 3 minutes. This wave of people wasted time and came to help Lin Cheng get stuck in the line and only got two minion experience. The barrage made everyone cry.

Taking advantage of the little peanut showing up on the top lane, Jiejie's blind monk finished brushing the lower half of his wild area and went to Xiaolong Pit for a walk.

The EDG duo came closer.

Braun started scanning and led Blind Sin and Varus into the red square jungle area.

Remember: "EDG pretended to fight the dragon, but actually invaded the counter jungle."

Miller: "Nowadays, everyone attaches very little importance to the first dragon. The first dragon itself is not easy to fight. Maybe the jungler will feel that it is a waste of his time and seize the time to upgrade the level or use vision to compete for the priority of the vanguard." high."

"But I think we should take the dragon first!"

Zeyuan's tone was earnest, "We were beaten to a zero dragon tower in the last round. This is already the best time for EDG to take the dragon today. Both the bottom lane and the middle lane have line rights. If EDG doesn't take the dragon behind, it may not be so good." opportunity."

Miller: "No matter what, be careful what you say!"

Little Peanut is also very sensible. When the middle and lower sections have no line rights, the prince does not enter the dark lower half, and rushes to the road after finishing F6.

However, Brother Holy Spear was cautious enough. With his own jungler at the bottom, Jess Hedao used his vision and directly shrunk to the bottom of the tower to wait for the soldier line.

"Forget it! It's not easy to pass without lane rights in the middle."

Lin Cheng's Green Steel Shadow quickly cleared the lane and moved from the jungle to the middle.

In fact, EDG's three brothers in the jungle just decided to play in the middle after wreaking havoc in the jungle.

The KT duo knew that the blind monk was at the bottom and did not dare to push out the line of troops. They did not know whether the opponent was fighting the dragon and whether the dragon would come after beating the dragon. Mr. Dai chose to control the line of troops to develop in front of the tower as much as possible.

As soon as EDG saw KT slowly pushing the line of troops in the bottom lane, Varus was not in a hurry to return to the line.

Just in time, Galio was pinned in front of the tower, which was a good opportunity to get ahead.

Miller: "EDG still wants to use Super Power! This wave is an opportunity!"

Zeyuan: "Scout played very well! He has been suppressing Galio in the middle. You can try to jump over the tower, but the blind monk has been taking the initiative this round and is still a little short of six. It depends on the chain of the Enchantress. Go first.”

At exactly 7 minutes, the middle line of troops entered the tower.

The moment Garriott used Q+ to passively clear the wave, Enchantress hit E Phantom Chain.

Chaowei then handed over E in order to break the chain and avoid being consumed later.

The Enchantress's two stages of shadowy shadows are directed towards the tower and stepped forward to ensure that the chain is triggered.

Galio is imprisoned behind the tower.

The three EDG brothers suddenly rushed out from the side jungle intersection.

The blind monk W touches the enchantress to get close, and uses the Q skill Tianyin Wave.

Galio charged up and taunted on the spot.

The damage done to the Enchantress carrying the tower has been dealt, and since the position of Galio and Scout are not too far apart, Scout chooses the second stage W to go back to avoid being ridiculed under the tower.

Meiko gave the ignition from the unsealed secret book in advance, and W stepped forward and followed the blind monk just in time to start carrying the tower.

Galio W. Durang's shield took action, taunting Blind Sin and Braum.

For the time being, only Varus at the back is outputting Galio.

But super powerful blood volume is already very dangerous.

"Scout's first move to carry the tower is perfect. This wave of EDG rhythm... Qinggangying is here! Why is this person here? When did he come?"

At this time, a white figure suddenly came from the other side.

KT was not stupid either. With no vision in the lower half, they lost the location information of the opponent's duo. They didn't hear any reminder of Xiaolong's death for a long time. Lin Cheng and Xiao Peanut were already consciously preparing to cover the middle.

The commentator only focused on watching the battlefield screen and did not notice the movements of the two brothers KT Ueno.

When the opponent made a move, Qinggangying had already arrived next to his own red buff, and the F6 wall with the ultimate hook lock just entered the scene.

Aiming directly at Bronn, who was carrying the tower, Qinggangying knocked his opponent unconscious with one kick.


Since Braum had given Winter's Bite before being taunted, Galio already had three layers of effects on him at this time, so Chaowei directly dodged to the left and behind to open his position.

The blind monk broke away from the taunt and decisively activated the second stage of Q.

At this moment, the German military flag fell from the sky.

Before the blind monk's echo attack could kick Galio, Little Peanut's prince knocked the blind monk out of the air with one shot.

The blind monk's second Q was interrupted!

Just in time, the second tower in the middle began to attack the blind monk.

After Lin Cheng knocked out Bronn, AQ accelerated and immediately stepped forward to activate W. His tactics swept the outside edge and accurately passed Varus at the entrance of the flanking jungle.

Viper was in a hurry to make up for the damage and ignored the threat of the Qinggang Shadow. Varus had already activated his W and fully charged his Q skill and shot an arrow at Galio on the other side.

At this time, Galio had two layers of withering effects on him, but he only had less than a quarter of his health and the passive magic shield had long been broken. It was difficult for Galio to withstand this killing arrow.

However, Chaowei was very focused. Galio, who was heading down the second tower, suddenly turned his head in the opposite direction and just missed the arrow.

At the same time that Varus finished shooting this arrow, Qinggang Shadow Hex made an ultimatum.

Meiko was really unlucky. After being hit by Qinggangying for some AQ damage, seeing the defense tower attack again, Braum immediately moved to the flanking jungle area to dodge away.

As a result, as soon as Braum dodged out, Qinggangying's ultimate move stopped Varus and at the same time bounced Braum back to the bottom of the first tower.

Bron was hit by a bullet from the tower and fell to the ground dead.

The head is counted on Qinggang Shadow's head.

This was not part of Lin Cheng's calculations. He had originally planned to take care of Varus first. It would be difficult for Bronn to escape anyway, but he didn't expect that the defense tower would help him take down this head.

And when Lin Cheng's ultimate move landed, the second stage of AQ's true damage directly knocked out a third of Varus' health.

The two began to duel.

On the other side, Jiejie's blind monk couldn't touch Galio because he didn't dodge. He was stuck by the prince and couldn't pull away in time. The blind monk was hit twice by the second tower and was killed by Little Peanut.

Lin Cheng also undoubtedly had the advantage in the one-on-one duel with Viper, and easily kicked Varus to death when his Q skill CD came on.

"Double Kill!"

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