This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1552 The doctor said I can only eat soft food

After leaving the hotel, Lin Cheng and Chi Shengxi walked to the mall.

Reykjavik's shops are concentrated in the city center, and Rojavegur Street is not far from their hotel. It takes about ten minutes to walk to their destination.

Taxes in Iceland are very high, and luxury goods are even more luxurious. Big brands such as LV and Gucci have no stores in Iceland. Local clothing and skin care products are basically local specialties.

Lin Cheng and Chi Shengxi first visited the clothing area. Of course, the most popular items here were Icelandic sweaters.

"How about this one?"

Chi Shengxi picked up a long gray sweater and compared it.

This sweater was very thin and designed like a dress. Chi Shengxi picked it up and showed that the hem of the sweater reached below her calf.

"Like a silly penguin."

Chi Shengxi was originally looking at it with interest, but Lin Cheng's comments made her instantly lose interest.

Lin Cheng glanced at the tag.

36,800 Icelandic krona, which is about 2,000 yuan per person.

Sure enough, prices in Iceland are still so unfriendly to the people.

Prices in Iceland are high, but the per capita salary is not particularly high either. The per capita salary here is 420,000 Icelandic kronor per month before tax, which is about 23,000 Icelandic currency per person.

But taxes in Iceland are very high, and the per capita salary after tax is only about 13,000. A sweater can easily cost 1,000, which is considered expensive for Icelanders.

Of course, high taxes also have benefits. Iceland’s social welfare is very good, which is the envy of many people.

Most Icelanders choose to buy clothes when they go abroad. Europe is a small place anyway, and there is a reason why people from the five Nordic countries like to go to the UK to shop for goods.

"How about this shawl?"

Chi Shengxi became interested in the black and white shawl on one side, picked it up and went to the dressing room to try it on.

As soon as she entered the locker room, she heard Lin Cheng yelling outside.

"Sister Sheng Xi."


"Your zipper is stuck. Remember to call me for help."

"·····thank you."

"You're welcome."

Hearing Lin Cheng's careless teasing, Chi Shengxi couldn't help but want to laugh.

This guy always talks a lot, and gets shy when his sister asks him to touch her legs.

After she changed it and came out, Lin Cheng, who had no expectations at first, unexpectedly felt good. .

Chi Shengxi still wears a slim sweater and a pleated skirt. A shawl is worn outside instead of a down jacket. It is somewhat similar to a bat shirt that loosely covers her upper body. The fringed hem reveals her long black silk legs under the pleated skirt.

Lin Cheng looked up and down, "This one is okay! It's a bit cute."


Chi Shengxi glanced down and said, "Cuteness doesn't go well with my sister's temperament."

"It's actually sexy."

Lin Cheng took a sneak peek at Chi Shengxi's long black stockings legs. The sly look in his eyes was clearly not hidden at all, but it didn't give people the feeling of being vulgar at all.

The main body of the shawl is black with white plaid lines, covering Chi Shengxi's upper body, giving a lazy feeling, and the hem just exposes the long legs wrapped in deep black stockings.

This outfit is indeed very sexy for Lin Cheng, and it is very elegant and sexy, which completely highlights Sister Sheng Xi's long legs.

The pantyhose Chi Shengxi wore today were very thick, but the opaque deep black seemed to have another kind of sex appeal.

"Hmm~~It's quite sexy."



"OK! That's it."

Chi Shengxi made a decision, confirmed the shawl, and then immediately picked up a men's sweater next to it.

"This one looks good, Lin Cheng, please try it."

"Stop it, I don't like wearing sweaters."

"Go and give it a try. Just treat it as a gift from my sister."

"Why are you giving me a gift for no reason?"

Lin Cheng subconsciously raised one leg, covered his body with a sweater, and said warily: "Tell me! Do you have any plans for me? Then you have to compete with my wives."

"whispering sound!"

Chi Shengxi gave him a helpless look, "Forget it, let's continue shopping."

After saying that, she was just about to take a step when she found Lin Cheng grabbing the corner of her clothes.

"Rich woman... No! Sister."

Lin Cheng said timidly, "I have a bad stomach. The doctor said I can only eat soft rice."

Chi Shengxi was stunned for a moment and couldn't help laughing.

After shopping for a long time, the two of them didn't return to the hotel until 6pm to have dinner with the fools.

After staying in the hotel training room for a while, a group of people got on the bus and prepared to go to the countryside.

The aurora can only be seen when the weather is good. Chi Shengxi deliberately checked the weather conditions in advance. The probability of seeing the aurora today is very high.

During this period, you can occasionally see the aurora downstairs in the hotel at night, but Reykjavik's city center is brightly lit and has serious light pollution. Basically, you can only see a little green light, which is different from what everyone imagined. There are too many. If you really want to appreciate the Aurora, you still have to go to the countryside.

After sitting down on the bus, a group of fools were very excited as the car started slowly.

"Where are we going to see the aurora?"

“Can we really see the aurora?”

"I put my camera on purpose because I would be so disappointed if I couldn't see it."

After being excited for a while, the fools soon settled down, playing with their mobile phones while dozing off.

Lin Cheng also felt a little sleepy and looked eagerly at Chi Shengxi sitting next to him.

Chi Shengxi was listening to music with a pillow on the back of his neck and headphones.

"What's wrong?"

"I am a little sleepy."

Chi Shengxi understood what Lin Cheng meant and couldn't help laughing: "Ah! Are you too rude now?"

"Because I know my sister is the best."

Lin Cheng started acting coquettishly.

Chi Shengxi rolled his eyes and adjusted the position of his neck pillow so that his head could come closer.

"Go to sleep, I'll call you later."


Lin Cheng leaned his head on the neck pillow and closed his eyes.

The road outside the city of Reykjavik is relatively smooth, but due to the terrain, the ground is constantly undulating and sloped. Lin Cheng's head swayed next to Chi Shengxi's shoulder.

His head swayed slightly with the car, but with a pillow to lean on, Lin Cheng felt that it was actually quite comfortable.

Chi Shengxi felt that Lin Cheng's head was shaking, and felt that he might not be able to sleep like this.

While Lin Cheng was resting his mind with his eyes closed, Chi Shengxi sat a little closer to the car window, let Lin Cheng lie on his side, and put his head on his lap.

Lin Cheng opened his eyes.

Chi Shengxi covered his eyes and said, "Sleep well. My sister will call you when you get there."


With the side of his face pressed against Chi Shengxi's thigh, Lin Cheng felt an indescribable feeling.

Chi Shengxi covered Lin Cheng with the coat lying next to him, worried that he would catch cold.

Lin Cheng couldn't help but take a sneak peek.

She was wearing headphones and looking out the window, her delicate profile looking extremely gentle in the dim light inside the car.

Lin Cheng waved.

Chi Shengxi was confused, lowered his head and put his ear to his mouth.

"Sister, does what you said still count?"


"Touch your legs for me."

Today's update is late, the status is difficult

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