This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1545 It doesn’t matter, Brother Chengzi will take action

The Pioneer Team changed from 0 to 5, and the team members were already shouting excitedly.

"Nice! Win!"

"I love you, Chengbao! You're so handsome!"

"What's the use of Aphelios fighting fiercely in the lane? He wouldn't have been beaten to death by me!"

No wonder everyone is so happy. The first time KT was launched in this wave, they had a poor formation and few players, and they were about to explode.

But relying on Lin Cheng's operation and the subsequent pull of his teammates, the team battle turned over.

Lin Cheng's ultimate time-stealing ultimate helped Xiaohuahua get the first wave of skills. If the male gun was triggered in seconds and the ice girl's passive was triggered, KT would be the one who got hit.

The powerful Enchantress and Senna have been harassing Aphelios' output below.

Mr. Dai even deliberately took the mark of the folding mirror turret in order to reduce Lin Cheng's pressure from the front.

Although Lin Cheng's operation is the most eye-catching, everyone is contributing to this wave of team battles.

Having established their advantage, all members of KT replenished their equipment and prepared to start their own operation machine to make a big snowball.

Taking advantage of the line rights, Lin Cheng sent the lane troops into the tower at 11 minutes and immediately turned to the middle, preparing to cooperate with his midfield teammates to reduce the HP of the defense tower.

There was only Ice Girl behind the blue square tower, and the three KT brothers were not too cautious.

But just when Peanut and Chaowei were using their hands to point the tower, Faker's Ice Girl suddenly appeared behind the tower and controlled the Enchantress.

Lin Cheng immediately used E Ice Girl to control Yongshuang's counterattack, but Faker had already imbued Enchantress with his skills immediately.

Ornn calls sheep in the jungle.

The prince showed his head from behind, and EQ pointed directly at the captured enchantress.

Lin Cheng and Peanut were about to kill the Ice Girl when they were carrying the tower, but Ornn's sheep hit from the side and accurately knocked away the three people in front of the tower.

The powerful enchantress was charged until her death.

The prince's ultimate move blocked Silas, who was carrying the tower.

Fortunately, Lin Cheng stole the Ice Girl's ultimate move in advance and froze himself to remove the aggro from the defense tower.

Peanut's damage is still high. After the male gun's ultimate move eliminated the Ice Girl, Silas was able to successfully pull away from the tower.

The two sides exchanged one for one in the middle.

Zeyuan: "KT went too far in trying to hit the tower without a vanguard at this time. T1 counterattacked very resolutely. If Brother Chengzi hadn't stolen the bounty for Ice Girl's ultimate move, he would have handed it over."

Remember: "Although Sylas has a great line advantage, Ornn's ultimate support is far away after all. This wave of Canna called sheep support in the jungle and hit three people. No one was there, but the effect was played."

Wanwan: "Don't be impatient. T1 has enough control in the top, middle and jungle, and the counter attack from the tower is very powerful."

Just as the two sides in the middle were changing, the fight suddenly started again in the bottom lane.

The T1 duo was pressing the line, Senna W gave the minion, and Thane kicked the minion towards Aphelios.

Compared to Senna W's slow flight trajectory, Thane kicks soldiers very fast. This routine is equivalent to using Thain to make up for the flight trajectory of Senna W.

AD without displacement can hardly avoid this kind of coordination.

Little Lu Bu's Aphelios was imprisoned.

"Come on! You can come on!"

The little peanut came to the bottom lane and played Kieran's ultimate move, and the KT duo took action decisively.

Thane charged forward, bumped into Aphelios, and charged up his Q skill for a brutal slam.

If he is knocked up by a fully charged Q, Aphelios's body will definitely be left with residual health.

The choice of the T1 duo is somewhat unexpected.

Keria Time did not use bombs to interrupt Sion's charged Q, but directly refreshed double bombs and threw them at Senna who was approaching from behind.

Evert was a little greedy and wanted to charge up his Q as much as possible, giving little Lu Bu a chance to dodge.


Aphelios hit the ground and instantly hit Senna behind him.

Xiao Lu Bu's blue sword AQ was used, and the purple sword was used to save people.

When Sain was in front, this combination was not weak in fighting, but it was different when Saina was exposed.

Mr. Dai's Q skill restores blood, and he tries to run away after dodging.

But Senna is just too fragile.

Aphelios was imprisoned by the light, and after chasing A twice, Qinghui Yening with the purple sword directly killed Senna who was pulling away.

And Evert's Sion was very stiff after empty Q at the back.

Although Thane is not bad in terms of physical strength in the early stage, he is a sandbag when faced with Aphelios Thain who has the ability to speed up time.

Without Senna's cover, Thain couldn't touch Aphelios at all, and little Lu Bu used the falling light to pull him wildly.

Evert was already losing a lot of health in the lane, but Aphelios chased him and killed him.

Xiao Lu Bu scored a double kill and ended the fight just in time.

Another minion arrived under the red square tower. Aphelios's blue sword stacked the flywheel and a red sword just happened to appear. The red sword Q continued to stack the flywheel.

With Aphelios full of flywheels, he directly demolished the red square bottom tower with three layers of tower skin left.

Zeyuan: "Oops! The KT duo has a problem with their thinking. They have to go out to find the opponent in 2v2 when they are pushed out of the lane. If they lose, they will lose more than two lives."

Remember: "What they thought was that Time didn't have enough time to fight, but there was nothing they could do if they were manipulated. Little Lu Bu was hit by Thain and chose to dodge forward to cooperate with Time's bomb to kill Saina first and then deal with Thain. This double wave Killing plus one tower allowed little Lu Bu to fully develop."

"It's getting bad! If Aphelios is too fat in this lineup, it will be difficult for KT to handle it. Little Lu Bu's output environment is very good."

Zeyuan changed the subject: "Wanwan, what do you think of the current situation?"

Wanwan was confident: "It doesn't matter, Brother Chengzi will take action."

"Ha ha! Wanwan the devil is still optimistic about Brother Chengzi"

"Is this true love?" Even if I'm 10,000 behind, I guess I still believe in Brother Chengzi"

"Little Lubu Aphelios has something"

"The proficiency of Evert Sain is too low, this wave of Q Aphelios will be defeated in seconds"

"We're all ready to shut down the live broadcast, but T1 is calling back now?" 》

"really? KT just exchanged 0 for 5 in the vanguard team, and the economic advantage was instantly returned? 》

"It turns out KT can make mistakes too!" The chance for EDG finals is here》

"To be honest, KT made no mistakes in every game and was out of tune with others. Now it's finally normal."

"Will it really be overturned by T1?" 》

"Wanwan said that Brother Chengzi would take action, why are you panicking?" 》

The rhythm suddenly dropped, and the two brothers in the bottom lane blamed themselves.

"Ah~~~My, my, my! I should have Q earlier and let Aphelios dodge out."

"It's okay, take your time."

"Brother Lin Cheng still has the advantage. We can win without giving away."

Faced with the teasing of his teammates, Lin Cheng was also very confident: "Cheer up! I said 3:0, even if the King of Heaven is here, don't let me play one more game today."

Again, I will protect baby Enxi’s sleep!

Because the T1 duo chose to eat the tower after killing everyone, the second dragon T1 did not rush to get it, but was taken by Peanut taking advantage of Aphelios and time travel.

The first dragon was also controlled by Peanut when Peanut Butter captured Aphelios.

In this game, Little Peanut still had good control over Xiaolong's resources.

Although everyone is joking that Little Peanut is Lin Cheng's pendant in the "world's best jungle combination", but Little Peanut is definitely the best jungler in this year's LCK and even this World Championship in controlling the jungle.

Usually KT doesn't end the game in more than thirty minutes. This is because Little Peanut's resources are so well controlled that even if the opponent has a bottom lane advantage, they often face Dragon Soul pressure in more than twenty minutes.

On the contrary, Canyon and Oner, the same top junglers in the LCK, are different. They often abandon Xiaolong for the vanguard in the early stage, even if they have the same bottom lane advantage.

Peanut is the only jungler that both Pioneer and Xiaolong want.

Of course, this is related to Lin Cheng's dominance on the top lane.

Little Peanut just needs to find a way to control the first little dragon.

With Lin Cheng on the road, the vanguard cannot be lost.

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