This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1540 There is research, but not deep

In fact, everyone knows that the midfielder is more important in this version.

But there was no way, Canna's mentality was shattered by Lin Cheng, and Faker had to take Ice Girl for Counter, so T1 could only try to bet on the bottom lane.

From Wanwan's perspective, T1's lineup does give little Lu Bu a lot of room to play.

All his teammates are serving Aphelios, and according to his previous state, little Lu Bu is worthy of a tactical tilt.

But no matter how good Lu Bu is, can he transform into the God of War Lu Bu in front of Brother Chengzi?

It’s very difficult!

So she didn't quite agree with Hulao Pass's statement.

"Why not Baimenlou?"

Her question was so sincere that the two Onmyoji couldn't help laughing.

"Ha ha! Wanwan asked so seriously》

"This is Hulao Pass. Doesn't it mean that Xiao Lu Bu wants to challenge KT Three Cs alone?" Wanwan can’t bear to hear this.”

"Wanwan's firepower in the commentary box is no worse than Brother Chengzi, 233333"

"To this day, Lin Cheng's domination of the commentary box continues, and the devil is still exporting (funny)"

"Every teammate is like a dog. Little Lu Bu can't do it even if he doesn't have C. It's really Baimenlou who loses this game"

"Little Lu Bu: About the incident where I experienced the idol's four-guarantee-one treatment"

"Stop!" If he loses, doesn't this make Xiao Lu Bu take the blame? 》

"Is Uzi taking the blame for four guarantees and one loss?" 》

"That's because Xiaohu in the middle of RNG can take the blame. Who is in the middle of T1? Can Faker take the blame? 》

T1's lineup was confirmed, and just when everyone thought KT was going to make up for the jungle at the end, the red side showed the last Pick.

The Liberator, Silas.

Zeyuan: "The male gun is about to be moved to the jungle! Wow! KT has fooled everyone with this move. Everyone had defaulted the male gun to the top laner before. In the second round, T1 even banned two junglers. Unexpectedly, KT’s final BP reversed again.”

"The Wild Core Male Gun is back, and this one is handled by Little Peanut."

Wanwan: "Orange Brother's Silas is here! Canna still hasn't escaped! He was beaten by Orange Brother Silas using Ornn in the league last year."

In the camera, KT players are smiling happily.

"Brother Lin Cheng, let's see how you perform."

"This is Sylas's stage. The opponent's big move is so cool."

Kang Dongxun closed the notebook and patted Lin Cheng on the shoulder.

it is more than words.

He raised his eyebrows and gave Lin Cheng a look.

I won the BP and leave the rest to you.

Mr. Kang Dongxun turned around with a confident step.

He felt that his beloved disciple had read his eyes and was ready to greet the T1 coach and leave the stage.

As a result, just when he turned around and was about to take off his headphones, he heard Lin Cheng ask a question.

"Coach, are your eyelids cramped? Go down and find an ice pack and apply it quickly."

Mr. Kang stumbled under his feet and took a deep breath.

It doesn't matter!

He doesn't understand me, but I understand him. We have a deep relationship as master and disciple.

After readjusting his confident steps, Mr. Kang walked calmly with his chest high.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue Square T1:

Top lane: Canna (Flame of the Mountain, Ornn)

Jungler: Oner (Prince of Demacia, Jarvan IV)

Mid lane: Faker (Frost Witch, Lissandra)

Bottom lane: Gumayusi (the solemnity of the waning moon, Aphelios)

Support: Keria (Guardian of Time, Kieran)

Red side KT:

Top road: Cheng (liberator, Silas)

Jungler: Peanut (Graves)

Mid lane: Chovy (Trickster, LeBlanc)

Bottom lane: Deft (soul-purifying holy spear, Senna)

Support: Effort (Undead War God, Thane)

Zeyuan: "KT's final addition to Sylas is really a stroke of genius! Orange has been using Sylas Counter Ornn since last year. It's easy to fight online, and his ultimate move to steal Ornn in team battles does more damage than Ornn." Much higher.”

Remember: "In addition, the four ultimate moves of this T1 except Aphelios are very good. We thought that T1 built Hulao Pass for little Lu Bu, but we didn't expect that it turned into a stage for Silas."

Wanwan was very proud: "I just said this is Baimen Tower."

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng's Silas chose the main system precision: Conqueror, Calmness, Resilience, Perseverance, and the secondary system master: Taste of Blood, Greedy Hunter.

In this game, there was a witch in the middle lane. Lin Cheng was embarrassed to compete with Chaowei for the blue buff, so he put aside his pretense as the master of the Arc de Triomphe and calmed down.

Lin Cheng actually struggled with the greedy hunter aspect of the secondary talent for a long time.

The four ultimate moves on the opposite side are too good, and the benefits of using the ultimate hunter will be very high, but the all-round blood-sucking of the Greedy Hunter is also very good for every Silas who wants to enter the field and kill seven in and seven out.

Entering the game, the five members of KT went straight to the road together.

The T1 level one ward strategy in the previous game reminded them.

T1's little gangsters study us every day. Since they know that the core of our tactics is on the top lane, will they also come up as a group to gain vision in this round?

Hum! Don't get caught by us.

In this game, KT's lineup had a very strong first-level combat ability, and they took the initiative to try to find a rival.

From a God's perspective, the five people on the blue side rushed to the road together as a group when they went out.

The two sides went out at about the same speed and entered the upper and lower grass on the wing almost at the same time.

But just as the five KT players were heading straight towards the middle grass, Time dropped a bomb to explore their horizons.

Seeing the bomb falling on the grass, the five KT brothers quickly retreated.

The T1 brothers were also startled when they saw a group of people on the opposite side, turned around and ran away.

The blue team's lineup will definitely suffer at the first level, and it will be very difficult for them just to have Thain in front.

"The other side should have a ward, scan it."

Waiting for the bomb to explode, Evert started scanning and led the team forward.

"You guys, please step aside and give me and Zhixun some ward experience."

Lin Cheng had already assigned a ward plan in advance, but Thain swept from the middle grass to the front grass without finding the ward position.

Helpless, everyone in KT dispersed and returned.

It turned out that Keria was also very naughty. Time turned back in front of the tower and threw another bomb into the grass, just in time to see Evert's scan disappear.

Then, Keria inserted the ward into the grass at the extreme position.

Ha ha! Are you angry that you didn't scan anymore?

Keria made a Jinx face.

Evert was so angry that he hammered the table.

"Damn it! Wait until I go back and sell my salary to pretend to buy real eyes."

Everyone was happy and knew that the little brother was talking angrily.

Zeyuan: "Haha! Both sides want to take advantage on the top lane, but sometimes T1's time bomb sees someone first and doesn't start a fight."

Remember: "T1 was quite smart not to look too far ahead. It deceived Evert into scanning. At least T1 won a little bit more with this layout of going out and facing the top lane."

"It can be seen that T1 really studies KT, but they don't study it deeply."

After a pause, Wanwan smiled: "They have only figured out how to target Brother Chengzi's eye position in the top lane at level one, but they haven't figured out how to defeat Brother Chengzi yet."

"Laughing to Death!" Every time you find a chance, you have to face it, right? 》

"Wanwan: There is research, but not deep"

"Woo~~~ She sounded so happy when she talked about Brother Chengzi. This is happiness, right? 》

"T1 shouldn't be studying how to go out at level 1 of KT all day long, right?" 》‘

"This wave has a small advantage, and then the lane starts to be violently beaten? 》

Sorry for the late update.

I didn't get up until five o'clock in the afternoon today. I was so dizzy that I only wrote 4,000 words.

It feels like I'm going to die

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