This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1535 T1 bottom lane is really strong! but what's the use

Canna is already delirious. Maybe he feels he is worthless, or maybe he has Flash + E + Smoke Screen to operate.

Anyway, at this time, I saw Riven coming over and the male gun was still under the tower using his skills to clear the line.

You know, Riven, who has taken five heads, is already level 8.

Due to frequent deaths in battle and Lin Cheng's line jam, the male gun has not been able to comfortably smell the experience for a long time and is still at level 4.

Without any explanation, Lin Cheng ER took action.


As the dazzling sword was waved, golden sword energy flashed across.

The male gunman died suddenly.

too fast.

Even the defense tower that had just attacked the minion didn't react.

Canna's screen was already black when the sound effects of Ta's attack sounded.

"The two brothers from T1 came to the encirclement point for reinforcements. They wanted to catch Galio who came up to support, but the damage of these two was not enough! Galio's ultimate move ran away, and Brother Orange didn't seem to be ready to give up on the road..."

Just in time, the camera turned to the road.

Zeyuan couldn't stand it any longer, "It's already level 8 and level 4! In an instant! Ha! Brother Chengzi fired a big move as a sign of respect for Canna. The male gun's E+ flash was not even released and he was instantly killed."

Remember: "Is Brother Chengzi so scary when he gets serious? He reached level 4 in just 8 minutes. This is a competition!"

Wanwan: "Well~~~The main reason is that the male gun lane is rotten and teammates are afraid to help. As a result, Canna is suppressed in the control lane and his development has not even caught up with the support level."

Zeyuan: "This is so uncomfortable! Really! Brother Chengzi is really good at disgusting people."

His tone was sympathetic, "It has happened more than once. Canna waited eagerly at the back for the army line to pass, but as soon as the army line passed, Brother Cheng killed him and didn't give him food at all."

"Turtle!" Isn't this picture too cruel? 》

"Level 8 versus level 4, this is the most outrageous matchup difference I have ever seen"

"Canna: I'll hit you, vote!" 》

"In the past, Brother Chengzi only had to press double the last hit, but now he has to press twice the level (dog head)"

"LOL! Just now, the colonel said that the military line has finally arrived, but when the military line came, Canna was killed by Cinsha again.》

"Good news: The military line has finally arrived. Bad news: The male gunman is going to die again》

"Grass! Top lane player substitution has collapsed》

"Isn't this my black iron prison diary?" I’ve been waiting for a long time for the army line to come in, and then the other side will kill me easily.》

Lin Cheng treated League of Legends like beating up children on the top lane, and Pioneer T1 can't argue with this situation.

Although the level 4 male gunner is resurrected and can go out quickly, now even if the duo is called up, it is impossible to win the team battle. It is better to let Aphelios continue to push the lane in the bottom lane to eat tapis.

Of course, teammates didn't give up on Canna completely.

It was discovered that the blind monk did not release the vanguard to climb up the tower immediately. The T1 duo took the initiative to change lanes when they were about to get down the tower and get the last layer of tower skin.

The advantage in the bottom lane is obvious. Aphelios and Lulu switched to the top lane in advance, and the male gun went to the bottom lane to find opportunities to develop.

Lin Cheng went home to replenish a wave of equipment, and when he returned to the line at 9 and a half minutes, he saw Aphelios and Lulu.

"The other side has switched lanes! Should we switch over too?"

"No, they two can't hold me down, you just hold down Graves."

Lin Cheng felt that he could handle the double line.

If the side that passively changes lines wants to catch up with the opponent's rhythm simply by changing lines, it will always end up losing more and more.

And the person who loses the most will be the top orderer of the side that passively changes lanes.

T1 has toyed with its opponents in this way countless times in the league.

In fact, it is easy to understand.

The advantage of the T1 duo pushed the bottom lane to the top first. The opponent's top laner could not fight against the duo at this time. Even if he reacted and followed the lane change, the opponent's top laner would not be able to clear out the T1 duo first. The line goes again.

The opponent can only give up this wave of troops and return first, allowing their own duo to come up and capture this wave of troops later.

In this way, the person who suffers the most when executing the line-switching strategy will be the top order of the T1 opponent.

On the contrary, no matter how explosive T1 is in the top lane, if Canna switches to the bottom lane first, there will be a period of time when the opponent has no one to line up with him due to the passive lane change. He can comfortably push the rebalanced troop line in the bottom lane toward the opponent's tower.

After dealing with a wave of troops, if it is found that the opponent has also changed lanes, T1 can replace the duo and continue to mobilize the opponent to adjust.

Anyway, as long as their duo has the advantage, this kind of lane change will never be a loss.

Of course, it is not necessarily said that this kind of line change will have much benefit to the T1 duo.

Their Elu can suppress Luna infinitely in this game. It is not difficult for Prince and Ryze to cover their bottom lane, eat the plate and pull out the tower. Frequently running out of lane before the tower is pushed down actually wastes Aphelios's development time. .

But this can save Canna and suppress Lin Cheng's growth.

Even if Canna can't beat Lin Cheng, he can make up for his development by taking advantage of the lack of communication between the two top laners during the lane change. Riven's development will get worse and worse if he changes lanes multiple times.

In fact, this tactic is not uncommon, but very few teams can do it.

Because this has extremely high requirements for the duo's online suppression, you must be able to beat the opponent so that the opponent can only sit back and eat the tower and go offline, otherwise there will not be enough time difference to change lanes.

And the coordination of the team must also be consistent.

So currently, only T1 frequently uses this tactic.

Because their bottom lane is really good at laning.

Lin Cheng admits that T1 is very strong in the bottom lane, but what's the use?

You guys really think I can’t defeat you all by myself, do you?

The moment he reacted, Lin Cheng had no intention of giving up.

I said I would get off work at 3:00.

I will protect baby Enxi’s sleep!

Lin Cheng pretended that he was going to fight against the opponent's duo and put his troops back under the tower.

Keria had a good vision of the surroundings, and the two put pressure on Riven in front of the tower.

Lin Cheng had to face Lulu's Pixar attack and Aphelios' harassment when he lasted.

Shuangwei and Lulu's sheep transformation and ultimate move gave them too much confidence. The two brothers did not regard Riven as a human being. Riven's sword was consumed in various ways.

Seemingly being passively beaten, Lin Cheng was just waiting for the CD of his ultimate move.

After being continuously consumed, Riven has already lost one-third of her health under the tower even with the shield of her E skill.

Just when the T1 duo once again took advantage of Riven's last hit, Lin Cheng waited until his ultimate got better.

"Did Aphelios dodge?"

"No no."

"Aphelios didn't dodge! Kill him! He didn't dodge."


Without any warning, Lin Cheng suddenly flashed his hand.

The Martial Sword Immortal suddenly flashed into the scene, raising his pink-purple giant sword towards Aphelios.

The soul-crushing roar sounded.

The dance of broken wings flies gracefully.

ER flashed AWQ + thirsty for blood, and Lin Cheng poured out damage instantly.

A debilitating effect appears on Riven.

Little K's reaction is famously fast.

But no matter how fast the reaction is, it still takes time. Lin Cheng has been beaten under the tower just now, which also made his opponents relax their vigilance.

Weakness is not affected by control effects, but Lin Cheng has already dealt sufficient damage when Keria gives him weakness.

Aphelios lost half his life in an instant.

Swift Wind Slash began to accumulate power.


Little Lu Bu subconsciously stepped away from him.

Lin Cheng:? ? ?

Another person lied about military information!

Who said Aphelios didn't dodge just now?

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