This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1519 What are you crazy about?

The training room was a mess.

Lin Cheng originally planned to tease Mr. Dai, but it ended up turning into a melee among all members.

Lin Cheng and Mr. Dai were confused into Bai Wuchang, and the others were not much better. They were all the same as those who came down from the demolition site.

Kang Dongxun was not spared.

Lin Cheng found a bag and put it over the coach's head, and a group of fools took advantage of Kang Dongxun being blinded to do something crazy.

Assistant coach Acron is the most ruthless one, and he is usually very angry with Mr. Kang Dongxun.

Chi Shengxi was okay. When the fools saw that she was in charge of filming the Vlog, they didn't have the nerve to tease her at first. Only Lin Cheng ran over and put a piece of cream on Chi Shengxi's face.

But Lin Cheng was easy to coax, and after a little bombardment with Chi Shengxi's honey offensive, Lin Cheng immediately became her loyal guardian.

"Come on! You brats! Anyone who dares to touch Sister Sheng Xi is my enemy, Lin Xiaocheng."

"Come on, come on! I'll kill you."

As a result, Lin Cheng, who was clamoring, was besieged again.

"Okay, stop making trouble! Go back and clean up for dinner."

After the fight was over, Chi Shengxi asked everyone to take turns to take a solo shot before going out.

Lin Cheng looks very cool in front of the camera with his big white teeth.

Mr. Dai is shy and refuses to be on camera.

Xiaohua straightened out her bangs, which were covered in cream, and tried to restore her image.

Lin Cheng knows about Little Peanut’s stinky beauty.

This World Championship has multiple stylists applying makeup to the players at the same time. Before today's competition, Lin Cheng put on powder to show that he was ready to go on stage. The girl next to him who was doing makeup for Little Peanut thought that peanut butter would be easy to pass on.

"OK! This looks good, okay?"

Little Peanut tugged at her bangs nervously, "Can you do something with your hair? A hair straightener or styling water or something."

Lin Cheng was right there laughing at Peanut Butter’s idol baggage.

And Evert went even further.

He even asked someone before the game if he could dye his hair, which made the stylist laugh.

Little Peanut immediately said that when he won the championship, he would take his little brother to dye his hair.

The two discussed dyeing it a cool color together.

"Lin Cheng, do you want to dye your hair together then? How about white?"

"Are you kidding me? I'm not going!"

Lin Cheng refused.

It was okay for Little Peanut to dye his hair white. He didn’t know why Evert wanted to dye his hair white too.

Maybe the two-dimensional poisoning is too deep?

After all, Evert even dared to dye his hair green, and white seemed to be no big deal.

Speaking of which, Lin Cheng suddenly thought that Zhiyan and her sisters had all had their hair dyed gray?

Well~~~Except for Eunjung’s short hair, which is incredibly handsome, everyone has their own beauty.

But now that they are older, they shouldn’t dye their hair in such fancy colors anymore, right?

Lin Cheng thought secretly.

Of course, he would not dare to say this in front of his sisters.

Last time she played a game, she had held a grudge against Ju Li for a long time because of her age. It would be unthinkable to offend four Lin Chengs at the same time.

Everyone went back to their rooms to tidy up.

Lin Cheng took a shower, changed his clothes and gathered with his teammates.

Dinner was at a nearby local restaurant, and Chi Shengxi had already booked a place in advance.

The restaurant is decorated in a medieval style, with a long wooden table covered with candlesticks, giving it the atmosphere of dining at Harry Potter School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Although Iceland is short of supplies, it is famous for its mutton, purebred cattle and poultry, as well as a large amount of seafood.

Everyone had a great time eating.

Drinking is indispensable at Korean birthday parties. The youngest Evert was responsible for pouring wine for his brothers, and the others took turns clinking glasses with Mr. Dai.

Of course, there is no soju in Iceland, everyone drinks beer.

But Lin Cheng couldn't drink much beer, and soon became dizzy.

Seeing Lin Cheng's red cheeks, Chi Shengxi forked a piece of meat onto Lin Cheng's plate.

"Hey! Eat more. It's too weak to get drunk after just a few beers."

"It's not my fault, I'm allergic to alcohol."

Lin Cheng muttered and stuffed the meat into his mouth.

It was only after he swallowed it that he realized something was wrong.

"Hmm~~~Why does it smell a little fishy?"

Lin Cheng thought about it with a grimace, stretched his neck and shouted: "Boss! Your meat has gone bad! Come over here and apologize to me."

As he spoke, he banged the table.

Everyone looked at Lin Cheng strangely.

Chi Shengxi quickly covered his mouth, "What nonsense are you talking about?"


Lin Cheng's eyes widened and he broke away from Chi Shengxi's hand with an angry look, "If their meat goes bad, you have to complain. We can't let such a black-hearted merchant..."

"This is whale meat, this is what it tastes like."

"What? Whale meat? Give it to me again."

Lin Cheng forked another piece of whale meat and put it into his mouth, tasting it with a grimace.

"Bah! It doesn't taste good."

Everyone laughed.

They all knew that Lin Cheng must have passed out from drinking. This is what happens when Lin Cheng is drunk.

Little Peanut rolled his eyes and secretly stabbed a piece of whale meat with his fork, "Lin Cheng, come and have a piece of steak!"

"Han Wanghao, you are a good person."

Lin Cheng smoothly forked the whale meat and put it into his mouth.

As he chewed, his expression changed.

"This poisoned the steak?"

"Ha ha!"

The crowd burst into laughter.

Later, Chi Shengxi stopped letting Lin Cheng drink. He buried his head in picking up the plates for a long time, and observed the steak like a child for a long time.

After eating, everyone returned to the hotel.

The fools all got into the training room, piled up on the sofa and lay down like Arhats.

Everyone was a little drunk, and Mr. Dai drank the most. However, he would not act like a drunkard when he was drunk, but his behavior was a little confused.

"Hey! Get up, do you want to have a big fight?"

"No, just lie down for a while and I'm going back to sleep."

"I'm going to call my mom. I miss my mom."

While the fools were muttering nonsense, Chi Shengxi walked in with a bowl of kelp soup.

"Okay! It's time for the birthday boy to drink kelp soup."

Koreans have the habit of drinking seaweed soup on their birthdays to express gratitude to their mothers for their hard work in giving birth to them.

Everyone stood up voluntarily. Mr. Dai seemed a little embarrassed to be looked at by everyone. He blushed and buried his head, snoring and drinking quickly.

Lin Cheng sneaked up to Chi Shengxi and said, "Hey! Sister Shengxi."


"Is there any more kelp soup? It looks delicious."

Lin Cheng's cheeks were red, and his eager look made Chi Shengxi want to laugh.

"You want to drink? I'll get you a bowl later."

"Okay, okay, I heard kelp soup is good for hangovers."

Chi Shengxi took the bowl that Mr. Dai finished drinking and left. Those who were clear-headed were preparing to play Brawl in the training room, while those who were not clear-headed went back to the room.

Lin Cheng naturally belongs to the category of people who are not clear-headed.

He returned to the room and threw himself on the bed, burying his head in confusion for a while.

Look at the time, it's past seven o'clock.

What time is it now in Korea?

Guessing that night owl Zhiyan might not be sleeping, Lin Cheng casually sent a message.

Sister, look at the black stockings!

Soon the other party responded to the voice message.

Click play.

Ju Li's voice sounded.

"Ah! What are you crazy about?"

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