This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1513: Thunderous momentum, two cities in a row

Lin Cheng has never been a mindless person who just relies on his strong laning ability to fight alone.

The road is not a battlefield for real men. If you believe in a 1v1 real man battle, you will lose.

Therefore, Lin Cheng is more diligent than anyone else.

Who said the world's number one top laner doesn't need to swing?

Just like Wan Wan said in the commentary box.

"Others move because they can't beat the line. Orange brother moves to expand his advantage and let his teammates get some assists."

In this round, with the help of his teammates, he got two heads early, and Lin Cheng also found an opportunity to complete a solo kill at level six.

The opponent's top lane was broken, and KT didn't know how to lose.

Olaf, the hero, is not very strong in GANK ability in the early stage, and even more so when the three lines are broken, he does not dare to grab randomly.

Eloya can only concentrate on farming.

At six minutes, the assistant wandered to the middle to cooperate with Syndra to grab the clockwork and flash, and Xin Zhao immediately went to control Xiaolong.

MAD's bottom lane has taken advantage of Luo's departure to counterattack the troops. With the bottom lane temporarily having lane rights, the four people in the lower half of the red side gathered together to prepare to defend Xiaolong.

There was nothing wrong with this decision, but Evert made an eye on the opponent's toad in advance.

The two sides were engaged in what appeared to be a 4V4 fight in the river. Mr. Dai gave up his troops and came closer, but was also stuck.

Under normal circumstances, KT, the little dragon, shouldn't continue to play, but Lin Cheng's Lucian is ahead of TP.

Just as his opponent was about to make a move, Lucian handed over his T.

Little Peanut gave up on the dragon that was almost out of health. When W hit, he directly poked Aphelios to start the team battle.

MAD's first reaction was to pick up the team.

At this time, the female gunner and Luo were not at level six, and KT had no advantage in a 4v4 fight when Xin Zhao was sprayed half a tube of blood by Xiaolong.

But just when they chose to take over, Lucian suddenly appeared from behind and changed the situation of the battle.

Nami Q restrained Xin Zhao, but Aphelios still had to flash back and pull back amid the hail of bullets.

As a result, as soon as I handed over Flash Aphelios, I found a handsome boy rushing out of my jungle.

E dot dot Q dot dot.

Aphelios died suddenly.

Chaowei was also unambiguous. RE pushed Nami and Olaf to the point of being stunned.

Luo Sheng appeared.

Nami was the first to die suddenly.

Olaf followed.

Clockwork was forced to flash in the middle, but he didn't run away despite being chased by everyone.

Zeyuan: "Let's talk about laning! MAD should know the key information that Brother Chengzi is ahead of TP on the road. It really doesn't make sense to stay in the river for so long."

Remember: "Olaf scanned here just now, but he only scanned the triangle grass and the grass in front of the blue buff, and just missed the toad pit."

"They may have thought that they didn't have a rear view. If they just pulled each other to trick Orange Brother TP out of MAD this time, they would still make money, but they didn't expect that there was an eye position behind them that they didn't scan."

After this wave, KT's huge advantage in the early stage was established. Pioneer MAD chose to give up without resisting.

But for KT, who has already picked up the rhythm, the opponent's tolerance will not be exchanged for development opportunities.

In 9 minutes, KT came directly with a wave of four players.

Although MAD had anticipated that the opponent might attack the upper lane, Olaf covered the back in advance, and Clockwork also relied on the upper half to prepare for support.

But they didn't expect four people to arrive.

Luo Kai took the lead, and the male spearman and Olaf died together under the tower.

Lin Cheng got another double kill, and the top tower was removed without releasing the vanguard.

Lucian figured out Guangfeng early, pushed the line to divert the male gunner's energy, and immediately changed the line to cooperate with his teammates to release the vanguard in the middle.

Humaniod's Clockwork ultimate attempts to clear the lane.

But Lin Cheng didn't tolerate him. .

Directly outside the tower is the Holy Spear Baptism position.

The clockwork didn't flash, and after taking a bunch of bullets, the health level was very dangerous.

The little peanut is very thin, and when Lin Cheng enters the tower with the Holy Spear, W attracts the hatred of the defensive tower in advance.

Seeing his teammates helping to fight the tower, Lin Cheng decisively charged the tower with E+Gust Wind to remove the clockwork.

Olaf gave him an ax next to him and didn't dare to come up and fight back.

Because Sindra has collected the ball and is covering it from the side.

MAD's central tower fell.

The snowball has completely rolled.

Familiar lane transfer operation, layout of vision to squeeze the wild area.

MAD's bottom lane outer tower was broken.

In 14 minutes, all three fully plated defense towers were destroyed, and KT already had an economic lead of more than 7,000 on the field.

Zeyuan: "It's gone! How could KT lose with such an advantage? I can't think of any point where MAD can make a comeback, unless Brother Chengzi sends a wave, then Chaowei sends a wave, and then everyone sends a bigger wave together."

Remember: "It can't be said that there is no hope at all. I remember that RNG led by 5,000 or 6,000 in 14 minutes against PSG in the group stage, and it was almost overturned."

Wanwan: "Impossible! Brother Chengzi is not Xiaohu... I'm not looking down on Xiaohu! I'm saying that Brother Chengzi won't give him a chance... and I'm not saying that Xiaohu will give him a chance. Oh! Anyway, you understand me. the meaning of."

"Ha ha! Wanwan was fooled again! 》

"Huang Za came as soon as he smelled it, please wait every night (hum)"

"Leave Brother Chengzi sooner or later, so that I can protect you!" 》

"The senior school has even written the script. Is it possible that KT will really be overturned?" 》

"It doesn't matter, it's not a big problem to guard Guan Zeyuan alone in the evening."

"Wanwan's only ability: denying any metaphysics in front of Brother Chengzi"

Of course, this game did not happen as planned by Guan Zeyuan, and Lin Cheng did not take the lead.

The only assistant that could be sent was very stable in this round. His Luo actually launched several good groups to accelerate the death of the opponent.

In the end, KT easily won the first game in 22 minutes.

Zeyuan: "Congratulations to KT for winning the first game easily. In this game, they actually chose a lineup with a lot of offensive pressure. Even I felt that they were unable to fight until they were able to fight from the back."

"But the facts tell us that KT's offense is really strong. If they get the early advantage, they will not let the opponent's late lineup have any chance of dragging down."

Wanwan: "Yes! Maybe, I mean maybe, among the teams in the world, KT is the most offensive. No one can attack better than them. When they gain an advantage, they can make their opponents and even the audience see it. asphyxia."

"Because they have the strongest spears!"

After winning the first game, the KT players showed no signs of fluctuation. They high-fived each other and left the game.

After simple repairs, the second game began.

This time MAD BAN first on the blue side.

Luna was still kicked out. MAD didn't know who they were playing in the training match, and they didn't grab Lucian first on the blue side.

KT was not polite and took down Luna with his backhand.

Lin Cheng showed his strength in this game.

The trend of the second game was very similar to the first game.

Lin Cheng's male spearman once again had an advantage in the early stage when playing Armut Gnar. Chaowei also played Humaniod in the middle. Only Luna in the bottom lane suffered a little loss in the early stage.

KT's top, middle and jungle linkage quickly opened up the situation, and Peanut and Chaowei also radiated the rhythm to the bottom lane.

Lin Cheng's male gun suppressed Gnar, but there was no single kill in the early stage. He only pushed the lane to capture Tapi and support his teammates.

Soon, Mr. Dai took over the game in the mid-game.

After Luna's double myth, she started looking for opportunities like crazy.

Lucian in the station continued to look for opportunities to kill the opponent's AD and jungler with his E face. KT's rhythm continued in waves.

Luna, who has the upper hand, has a very scary face.

KT didn't start a team, so the teammates watched Mr. Dai look for opportunities. If the opponent wanted to take action, they would fight back.

The game focuses on Lucian.

Like the previous one, the two guns became a wake-up call.

Under the cover of his teammates, Mr. Dai moved forward to look for opportunities again and again.

He knows his teammates will protect him.

In fact, MAD didn't try to fight back, but every time they tried to seize Lucian's opportunity, they were held down by KT's backhand. Later, they didn't dare to fight back when they saw Lucian's face.

Mr. Dai had a great time playing this game.

If he had this teammate who could always wipe his ass before, would he still be called a North Korean pilot?

In the end, KT ended the game in 25 minutes.

KT already led 2:0 in two consecutive games with huge crushing blows.

Today, Wan update.



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