This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1510 Luna has become a version trap?

The result of the BO5 in the first knockout round was not unexpected. Most people were more optimistic about T1 winning.

But what was shown in this BO5 is still a bit surprising.

Luna actually had no ban or pick for three consecutive games.

It's not that both sides don't know Luna, but it's because these two teams know the basics. They both know that it will be uncomfortable to take out Luna's opponent first and then Aphelios + Lulu.

T1's Aphelios + Lulu can be said to be the best among these teams, especially Lu Bu and Keria are really talented in terms of line suppression.

Just like Kuro commented in the Korean commentary box: Unless Lin Cheng goes to the bottom lane to play AD, he can't think of anyone else who can stabilize Gumayusi in the current state. The T1 duo is really in good shape in this world championship. very good.

Chi Di's ability to find output in team battles may be better than that of Lu Bu, but he is not a player who specializes in laning. Coupled with Lai Fu's arrogant look, GEN·G really doesn't dare to grab Luna first.

T1 is also very rogue. When BP is in a position, it always grabs Aphelios first, and then looks at the opponent's subsequent AD choices.

Anyway, it is Lu Bu's signature. No matter what kind of support Aphelios has, it will be fine for T1.

If Chi Di takes Luna later, T1 will lock Lulu.

If the opponent does not take Luna, T1 can lock other team-starting supports later.

But GEN·G was not fooled, and took three female guns in his back hand.

Then I was happily sent away with a score of 3:0.

Although the content of this BO5 game is lackluster, the BP game is still very exciting. The T1 player's deep hero pool actually had a great advantage at the beginning of the game.

Not only is the T1 bot lane combination hero pool leading, it can be said that the T1 player hero pool in all positions clearly wins in the current version.

Although Faker in the middle is not at his peak now, the team does not need him to take on too heavy a carry task. He can not only use traditional mages such as Clockwork Ryze, but he can also use the Ice Girl card to act as a tool.

BDD is a bit worse in this aspect, and this guy also has the same phobia as Kuro before.

When fighting others, use Enchantress Zoe to kill randomly, and when encountering Faker, use Time Czar to mess around.

As for GEN·G's version of top lane Rascal, it's a little acclimated. Apart from Qinggang Shadow, none of his signature heroes are very strong in this version. It's no wonder that Budou got a chance to play in the group stage this time.

As for the jungler, Clid retired on the spot with a BAN.

Although you are blind and have C, it is of no use if you are banned.

Hero Coin Who is afraid of you?

Looking at it this way, it’s not surprising that GEN·G would lose so simply.

T1's play style and hero pool are very suitable for this version of the World Championship.

It’s no wonder that Tanza has been resurrected one after another, and they are clamoring to regain their position as the boss of the news agency.

October 23rd is the second match day of the knockout round.

Today’s theme is still the civil war, but it is the civil war of the LPL.

RNG vs. EDG.

There was a lot to watch in the first game.

Xiaohu took out Sword Girl, and Scout followed Coin Brother's example and used Malzahar to deal with it.

EDG took out Luna, and RNG responded with Aphelios + Titan ingeniously.

In fact, KT also used Aphelios + Lulu in the training match against Luna. RNG has studied it, and it may be safer to copy it directly.

But they relied heavily on Xiao Ming to start a team, and finally forced the selection of Titan.

After a fierce battle, RNG finally won the first game.

The Chinese stream barrages are all about Brother Coin, which is very harmful, and Malzaha’s targeting of Sword Girl seems a bit unreliable.

But Xiaohu Daomei also learned the tank equipment of Coin Brother, and even made Langton. This wave of EDG cannot be blamed on Doinb.

After all, Brother Coin is studying Lin Cheng's Sword Girl, and Lin Cheng's Sword Girl doesn't know how to wear a tank outfit.

I can only blame Xiaohu for not practicing martial ethics.

Malzahar's suppression of the tank sword girl is equivalent to giving the ultimate move to a front rower, which is definitely very cost-effective.

In fact, in Lin Cheng's opinion, EDG's bottom lane should have had an advantage in this game.

It's difficult for Luna to beat Erlu, but after level 3, the pressure should be stabilized when playing Aphelios + Titan, but the two sides have been developing peacefully almost all the time.

Although Viper is a player with strong ability to take over the game in the middle and late stages, his ability to suppress the line in the early stage is worse than that of Lu Bu.

Of course, it also has something to do with the support. Keria's suppression power in the support position is almost unmatched now, and it is difficult to find an support that can compare with him in operation.

Luna's loss in this round seemed to make EDG begin to suspect that this was a version trap, and they did not lock Luna again in the following rounds.

RNG grabbed Lucian with a backhand, but they shook Lucian up and lost.

Then the BPs of both teams began to ignore Luna.

No one BAN, no one can choose.

Luna was reduced to the same situation as yesterday.

In the end, the two sides fought for five rounds.

EDG defeated RNG with a score of 3:2 to advance to the semi-finals.

This is a historic step for the top eight players EDG!

They finally made it to the semi-finals!

S4 couldn't beat the Royal Family during the Civil War Fantasy God period, S5 couldn't beat FNC, S6 couldn't beat ROX, S7 drowned in the group stage, and S8 couldn't beat FNC.

Now, RNG, which has lost its dominance, has finally broken through to the top eight!

The starches are happy.

I will never be the top eight again.

Of course, there was a lot of excitement after the game.

Starch's happiness is only temporary. If EDG loses in the semifinals, you can imagine how fierce the counterattack of the soft fans will be.

First, settle the IOU.

On October 23, 2021, Party A’s EDG Esports Club LOL Division (EDG) owes Party B’s Royal Esports Club LOL Division (RNG) a world championship trophy.

Unit name: EDG E-sports Club.

Borrowers: Li Xuanjun, Zhao Lijie, Li Rucan, Park Daoxian, Tianye.

Fans of both EDG and RNG interacted intensively.

The audience's discussion about Luna is also continuing.

It seems that everyone has discovered that this is a version trap.

Is this different from the group stage?

At that time, every professional player said that Luna, a supermodel, would definitely buy a house with the same BAN status as Tetsuo in this world championship.

But after beating Luna, I became C78.

In fact, the elimination stage every year is different from the previous ones. The main reason is that after the group stage, everyone's opponents in the training matches are relatively fixed, and their understanding of the version is more consistent.

I find that Luna is a bit of a version trap, so maybe both teams won’t use it in training matches.

Judging from the past two days, there will definitely be teams that will let Luna go. Maybe it is possible that Luna will be abandoned directly.

October 24th is the third match day of the knockout round.

DK and C9 compete for the third semi-finals ticket.

After a less intense BO5, DK easily sent away the North American brothers 3:0.

I don’t know whether Ah P invited Xu Xiu to eat beef noodles on the day of the draw. Anyway, Xu Xiu was very cruel this time.

In the game between DK and C9, Luna also disappeared for three consecutive rounds.

As if forgotten.

The real version is a trap.

October 25th is the last match day of the knockout rounds.

KT ushered in MAD, their opponent in the quarterfinals.

There are still today

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