This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1499 Parisians are heartbroken

C9, who lost all three games in the first round, won two games in a row in the second round, which stunned everyone.

Europe and the United States did have something to say in the second round.

LPL viewers are hurt.

You admit that Little Phoenix can't beat KT, but you can't beat C9?

"Numbly!" Did you agree to give C9 a holiday? 》

"How dare Xiaotian take this to the prince?" Is the coaching staff a mole? 》

"Steak is like this, whatever abstraction you get"

"There is still one game left to beat meat pigeons. You won't do this kind of cerebral palsy BP again, right?" 》

"It is recommended to prepare Lulu EZ for the next game and leave no regrets"

"Classic Lu Yi Sixteen, right?" 》

"Well said, it's best for junglers to continue to come to the prince"

"As soon as the phoenix follows him, he will return tomorrow"

FPX's upset loss to C9 gave the other two teams in the same group hope to continue on. The competition for the second ticket in Group A has become fierce.

In the fourth game, KT appeared on the stage and faced RGE.

Sure enough, as Lin Cheng said, everyone can play whatever they want in the skin game.

Chaowei chose Syndra, Mr. Dai took out the policewoman, Evert chose the female tank, Peanut sacrificed his beloved Leopard Girl, and Lin Cheng casually chose Raven.

The combination of these five heroines in the current version is a bit abstract.

Although the selection of the lineup is relatively unreliable, KT's strong team temperament is undoubtedly revealed. With its solid laning ability, KT firmly grasped the initiative from the early stage.

The meat pigeon gritted its teeth and attacked wave after wave, but was still steadily taken away by KT.

The loss in this game is not unacceptable to Meitu. Anyway, they must defeat FPX if they want to advance. However, after losing to KT, they have to play in the playoffs even if they beat FPX.

Of course, the premise is that KT cannot lose to C9.

In the fifth game, FPX faced RGE.

This game will directly determine the promotion format.

At this time, the initiative is still in the hands of FPX.

However, no one expected it.

FPX overturned again.

After losing to C9, FPX lost to RGE.

So far, FPX has lost three games in a row in the second round.

FPX fans are desperate.

What kind of international joke are you kidding?

Even if they lost to KT, they were beaten violently by European and American players in one day. Is this still the second seed they were most vocal about before the game?

At this time, the results of each team in Group A are as follows:

KT 5-0

C9 2-3

FPX 2-4

RGE 2-4

Everyone has set their sights on the final group match.

If KT loses to C9, the two teams will advance together.

If KT defeats C9, then there will be three teams with a 2-4 record in Group A, and they will have to play extra games to determine the last promotion spot.

At this time, even LPL fans are cheering for KT.

Brother Chengzi, give me some strength!

Your white silk sword girl's skin has half the credit of Little Phoenix. It's not too much to help us win a playoff and come back, right?

Some people are also worried that KT will start the show and directly drown FPX in the group stage.

But KT did not disappoint them, killing C9 again with a clean and crisp attitude.

The opportunity for a playoff is here!

Due to the game length advantage, C9 became the seed team for the playoffs, and the winner of FPX versus RGE will compete with C9 for the final ticket.

In the first extra round, Coin Brother finally took out the knife girl who was at the bottom of the box.

This will be a battle to rectify the name of the tank knife girl!

In the life-and-death game, both sides played very steadily. Seeing Coin Brother's knife sister leader W Lin Cheng, he was a little unfavorable.

Although I know that it is normal for Tank Blade Girl to use W, but what you are playing is a card.

Can't you use Q to be a little more aggressive?

This is a very typical resource replacement game. When all the teammates are tool players, the entire FPX team gave a lot of resources to Coin.

Although he mainly used W, with the help of his teammates, Coin Brother and Sword Girl had an obvious lead in the early stage. The powerful two-piece set of Thirsty Blood + Bloody Hand was taken out early.

There is actually no problem with the equipment up to this point. Except for Lin Cheng, no other sword girl dared to confidently take the route of the broken shield bow in this World Championship.

But then Brother Coin's outfit stunned Lin Cheng who was watching the game in the lounge.

The third thing Sword Girl showed was Langton's sign.

Langton's active skills can reduce the critical damage received.

But the problem is that RGE's AD is an armor-piercing female gun. In the opponent's lineup, only the card master with artillery has a critical hit.

Brother Coin is out of his mind?

To prevent AD damage, the sword girl's death dance must come out! What the hell is this Langton?

The current version of the Death Dance equipment is extremely suitable for sword girls and most warriors. Whether it is a tank sword girl or an output sword girl, their needs for Death Dance are very intuitive.

But Coin Brother thinks Langton is better.

Death Dance also has extremely strong offensive attributes. The real essence of the tank sword girl lies in the word "tank".

Is this the only understanding Brother Coin has?

Of course, it’s also my fault that Lin Cheng didn’t watch too many FPX games this season.

This season, Brother Coin’s Sword Girl has been playing Landon in the LPL, and the effect is quite good.

Just when Lin Cheng was thinking that Coin Brother should use some normal equipment next, Coin Brother's subsequent equipment made him start to doubt his understanding of the game.

Invigorate Armor.

What a show!

Not to mention that this version of the tank has a lot of equipment and a small increase in health. Any tank is as good as paper in front of various penetrating equipment.

The key to facing a decent AP hero is just one card.

Coin Brother is Langton and is excited. This game is just to defend Larsson alone, right?

But where does your output come from?

In fact, teammates created good output opportunities for Sword Girl in several waves. As a result, Coin Brother's Tianfei Sword Girl came into the field and killed people. The damage of a Q was not as much as Jace's Star Eclipse's shield brush, and He always loses his Q in team fights.

Our AD is a Jhin, and our top laner is a barrel. As the core of the team, the sword girl Q and the female gunner have scratches on their faces. The teammates must have been in despair at that scene.

In fact, FPX still has a certain advantage in the early stage of this game, but the meat-equipped sword girl cannot end the game. When the opponent's C position is equipped, the team battle damage will be directly crushed.

In the end, FPX was out of the game.

2-5, this is FPX’s final group stage record.

No one expected that FPX, which was in great shape before the second round, would lose four games in a row in one day, becoming the first team to be eliminated in the main stage of this global finals.

Netizens have exploded.

FPX fans have also taken the lead in complaining.

"grass! Break the defense! Why did I have to watch the FPX game for a whole day? 》

"You promised not to lose a game?" You really can’t win a fucking game! 》

"Super Carry Doinb?" Smiling! 》

"Is this the battle of proof for Tank Sword Girl?" Prove that it doesn’t work! 》

"Brother Orange is right!" Bastards don’t deserve to play knife girls”

"Before today, I thought that the playoffs in Group A were just to determine the first or second place between KT and FPX, but I didn't expect to find out the fourth place."

"Come on, Brother Coin is going to compete in the Douyu Annual Tournament and prepare for the All-Star Game. He's very busy, okay?" 》

"You may not win the championship if you keep fighting. If you go back early, you can start a live broadcast and collect more planes."

"A swimming champion is also a champion!" FPX is the first to start the game and will definitely get home before other teams》

"Feng Yi Follows!" It turned out to mean that Little Phoenix was the first to be eliminated."

"I've been waiting to eat KFC Golden Chicken Nuggets, but I didn't get a coupon"

"After losing to KT in the first game, I thought FPX was hiding tactics. Later, I thought they were hiding tickets, but in fact they were hiding KFC coupons."

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