This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1495 If you can’t become a legend, then become the background of a legend

"Sword girl got three kills! Oh~~~The four FPX people were stunned by Brother Chengzi's show!"

Miller's tone could not hide his frustration: "This wave of four-to-one capture is too outrageous! The key level six sword girl equipment is not an exaggeration. Can it be operated?"

Wawa: "Mainly because the first wave of key skills didn't pin Dao Mei to death. It was too painful. Let Cheng Zi Ge fully stack the passive and use the Q skill to restore blood and lock it. The upper limit of Dao Mei's Q skill mechanism is indeed too high."

Shinichi: "Actually, this wave of coin guys is a bit hesitant! Malzahar flashed up and directly used the ultimate move. Maybe the sword girl was already dead. He first used two small skills, causing the sword girl to press the ultimate move, and Q Mal Zaha adjusted his position, and Brother Coin immediately made it difficult for his teammates to keep up with the output."

The barrage has exploded.

"Brother Orange!" ! ! ! I'm superman! 》

"Four of them fought and one was killed?" Can you play games? 》

"Is this the value of Shiyida?" 》

"Smiling!" FPX thought there was some way to deal with the sword girl, but it turned out that she was just here to serve as a backdrop? 》

"If you can't become a legend, then become the background of the legend (dog head)"

"Yue Lun expressed his regrets! 》

"The EQ is empty again, why does this prince dare to take it?" 》

"Set E+Prince EQ+Malzahar R+Nami Q, it's outrageous to not be able to kill a sword girl with so many controls!" 》

"I feel like vomiting after watching it!" I was turned into a Muggle by Brother Chengzi! 》

"Niu Bao is crying!" I was barely able to survive under the tower just now, but my teammates came up and sent me a wave and I couldn’t play anymore.」

Soon, the director gave Lin Cheng's first-person perspective playback.

Through the player's first-person perspective, the audience knows how detailed Lin Cheng's operations are.

Move close to the face to hide from the prince QE, and RQ Malzahara's position makes it difficult for the prince and Seti to deal with the output when he is suppressed.

This wave of Malzahar + Nami's control lasted for more than three seconds. The damage done by these four people in the early stage was definitely enough to kill any warrior in seconds, but Lin Cheng was locked.

After getting up, he moved to position Namira, making it impossible for the prince and Seti to deal comfortably.

Including giving up the opportunity to stun three people for Nami Lin Cheng in E.

He knew that the more faints the better at this time. Compared with the three people in front of him, Nami below could provide him with more space to pull.

This wave of Lin Cheng really made the other party numb.

The operation is just right, the key is clear thinking.

The audience typed all kinds of awesome 666s on the barrage, and finally saw the last sentence Lin Cheng posted on the public screen.

Thank you Coin Brother for the knife girl experience card!

"Hahaha! Brother Cheng, this is too much."

"Kill and kill the heart!" Brother Coin has given you Dao Girl to play with, and you still want to ridicule others? 》

"One thing to say, this typing speed is really incredible"

"No money will be deducted for typing on a public screen?" No quality (angry)》

"I'll pay the fine for Brother Chengzi, and I'll get another thousand yuan of interaction!" 》

"Trivia: Ah P didn't get fined even if he shouted 1v1 on the screen"

"Brother Coin even sent the summoner skill CD to the public screen. As long as it doesn't affect the game situation and advertising, Riot basically turns a blind eye."

"Is this not affecting the situation?" If I lose the game due to Poison Coin, I will immediately complain. The opponent’s ridicule affects my mentality. It’s unfair! 》

"If you lose the game, you will go back in time and space, right?" Back before being ridiculed》

"The game can go back, what to do with the injured heart?" Be bold, just ban the sword girl in the rematch and you won’t be ridiculed by this sentence.」

"666! Neither EDG nor know how to play”

After showing Lin Cheng’s first-person perspective, the director thoughtfully showed his teammates’ player shots.


Chaowei flashed his ultimate move, Laser, and received assists. He grinned and shouted at Ness, with his two tiger teeth exposed.

Little Peanut shook his head and laughed happily, "Perfect! This is our KT's trump card~~~~"

Mr. Dai was still calm, but he couldn't help but reveal a slave smile on his lips.

This is sure.

Evert was actually very excited.

He had been paying close attention to the top lane form, and when his teammates arrived for support, he was the first to realize the head distribution problem.

"Don't grab it! Don't grab it! Give the head to Irelia and let Brother Lin Cheng do the C... Beautiful! Three kills! Beautiful!!!"

Seeing Lin Cheng's third kill, the assistant was so excited that he banged his fists on the table and the camera shook slightly.

The audience expressed their discomfort.

This little guy is very smart. It seems that he is Lin Cheng's loyal lackey in the club.

After this wave, Lin Cheng's sword girl took off completely.

Originally, Seti had been pinned under the tower and the sword girl had eaten two layers of multi-layered tower skins. After killing the people and sending the troops into the tower, Cheng took another layer.

At 8 minutes, Dao Mei's ruin has come out.

At this time, the advantage on the road was already huge, but after all, there was no defensive equipment, and Lin Cheng didn't show off in front of the tower. He was carrying a large bounty.

Peanut's pig sister cleared her jungle area first, and didn't activate the vanguard until more than 9 minutes had passed.

The knife girl finished pushing the line and went over to help fight.

It stands to reason that normally the top half of the team would not dare to act recklessly when seeing such a sword girl, but FPX seemed a little impatient at this time.

Malzahar cleared the line first in the middle and leaned into the dragon pit in the upper half.

At this time, Victor was still clearing the line in the middle, and the KT duo returned to the city and showed up below. FPX decided to take action the moment they saw Dao Mei and Zhu Mei.

The two Ueno brothers stood next to the exploding cones, and Nami had already reached behind to support them. This was a 4-on-2 opportunity.

Seti and the prince shot the explosive fruit into the river.

The prince directly flashed his ultimate move to cover the two of them, and then shot EQ close to their faces.

Little Peanut didn't react slowly and smacked him with a pig's head.

The prince's EQ was cut off.

This time it was embarrassing.

Originally, Xiaotian planned to frame the two of them and use EQ to pull away, but now that EQ was interrupted, the prince was about to be beaten inside.

The prince quickly canceled his ultimate move.

Lin Cheng didn't talk nonsense to his opponent. He stacked ARQW passively and prepared to kill the prince directly. At the same time, a blade fell at his feet.


Seti flashed behind the sword girl, and carried the sword girl towards Malzahar below with his ultimate move.

Breathtaking has a very high deceleration, and Coin Brother takes a step forward and gives the Grasp of Hades.

But the moment the sword girl landed, she had already thrown out the second blade.

Malzahar's passive was broken.

Seti bangbang punches twice and his Q skill immediately resets the basic attack.

The dilapidation had no defensive attributes, and Lin Cheng's health dropped quickly.

Nami was behind, ready to catch the blisters.

At this moment, Little Peanut's pig girl found an angle and used her ultimate move to bypass the prince and Seti and successfully hit Malzahar.

Because Lin Cheng broke Malzahar's passive first, the Grip of Hades was interrupted.

Uh-huh! Lin Cheng asked the prince.

Zhumei activated the permanent frozen field, and Xiaotian instantly lost his health.

Nami was not at level 6 yet, so she had no choice but to predict Q and was dodged by the sword girl.

Then Lin Cheng started hacking randomly, killing the prince easily.

The Sword Girl, who was not pinned to death in the first wave and was ahead in equipment and level, had no pressure.

However, since Q was cut off by killing the prince, the people harvesting this wave became Victor who came from behind.

Chaowei scored three kills.

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