This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1491 The script is written: Monkey hugs orange

Miller: "Hey! Lulu? The ban in this move is a bit unexpected. FPX still didn't target Brother Chengzi, and neither Dao Mei nor Qinggang Ying was banned."

Wawa: "Is this the intention of the blue side to grab Luna? If you press Lulu's bottom lane, Luna will have no natural enemies. FPX took the initiative to raise Luna's priority again!"

Shinichi: "Lucian used to be Brother Xiang's unique skill. I also practiced a lot this time in Iceland. Let's see if KT can let it go, right?"

Miller: "But if I want to grab Luna, I have to give KT to KT! You can grab one first on the blue side."

Wawa: "I think FPX is forcing KT to make a choice. Should Luna be banned or not? If KT doesn't ban, we'll just grab her. If you ban Luna, we'll grab the sword girl."

"We all know that Brother Chengzi's sword girl is great, but Brother Coin's sword girl is not bad either! At worst, the two parties can exchange it."

Miller: "Hmm~~~The question is, is it really profitable to exchange like this? Although this version of Luna must have a higher priority than Sword Girl...but that is Brother Chengzi's Sword Girl! Unless KT feels that Luna should let go Coming out of the bottom lane, we really can’t fight in this situation, otherwise they should be willing to exchange.”

Wawa: "Anyway, BAN people like FPX must have anticipated various situations in advance. Even if they get the sword girl for Brother Chengzi, they will definitely have a design specifically for the sword girl in the future. It is impossible to be unprepared at all. Let Dao Girl go."

"The whole world knows that KT's sword girl is great, what does it mean that FPX dares to let her sword girl go?"

"It shows that they are confident in dealing with this knife girl!"

"Let's believe first and then question, okay? Let's see what kind of medicine is sold in the little Phoenix gourd."

Wawa stood by FPX unconditionally. At this time, the Chinese stream barrage exploded.

"Crazy ball!" Do you really want to let Dao Girl go? 》

"Since Suning last year, there are always people who want to challenge the strength of Brother Chengzi and Sister Dao. After being slapped in the face, there are still people who don't learn a lesson."

"This is our LPL style, highlighting one dissatisfaction"

"In the past, there was a hot man who made steel and sent Galio five times, and in the back, there was a sword girl who was beaten to death but could not be banned. You guys have guts! 》

"Let's not talk about anything else, this game is absolutely full of traffic (dog head)"

"really! No matter you win or lose, it will be on the hot search》

"Believe first and then question, Brother Coin, kill me!" 》

On the other side, when the opponent banned Lulu KT in the third hand, he already understood the opponent's plan.

The combination of Yuumi + female gun was dismantled, and Lulu was also pressed. In this version, the regular combination that can beat Luna in the bottom lane is gone.

The safest choice at this time is to ban Luna.

"What do you mean? Does Lucian want to ban him?"

"It doesn't matter! Let them go."

Mr. Dai once again took the initiative to stand up, "It's definitely not a loss to backhand Irelia to Lin Cheng. We can resist in the bottom lane."

At this time, it is really important for the team that the veteran is willing to stand up and actively resist pressure. On the way to the Summoner's Trophy at the end of his career, Mr. Dai can make any sacrifices.

"Then let it go! Give Luna to them, and I'll grab the knife girl."

Lin Cheng was very confident, "No matter what tricks they want to play, I will smash them directly."

So, Chaowei pressed down Ryze on the third BAN on the red side.

Lucian is revealed on the first floor of the blue square.

Miller: "Sure enough, FPX wants to steal Lucian! Then it depends on how FPX will respond when Brother Orange gets the sword girl."

Wawa: "Hey! Do you think there is such a possibility that FPX will make opponents afraid to play Sword Girl first? Sword Girl has been reworked this year. In my impression, throughout the summer season, Orange Brother has a knife. My sister has never used it before, how dare he dare to use it with his proficiency..."

Before he finished speaking, the blue square made sure to lock Lucian on the first floor.

Lin Cheng locked the knife girl instantly on the first floor of the red square.

The baby changed his tone: "Oh! It's okay then! Brother Chengzi is still very confident, and he has not wavered in the slightest because his opponent rashly released Dao Mei."

The camera showed Lin Cheng with a smile on his face.

Confident without being ostentatious.

On the other side, Brother Coin is also laughing.

It seemed like everything was under control.

"Laughing to Death!" Wawa thought that people didn’t dare to choose. Did they look down on Brother Chengzi too much? 》

"The Smile of God!" FPX is in danger! 》

"Both sides are laughing, who will cry later (Eating Melon)"

"Brother Orange: Take a look at the poisonous coin!" This is how the knife girl plays"

"It's really given to the sword girl, how dare FPX do it?" 》

"You have a 100% winning rate in your career, and you dare to let go of the knife girl who has been massacred every time?" 》

"normal! Remember to eat and not to fight! If your mother doesn’t beat you for three days, you dare to go to the house and expose the tiles. It’s normal for someone to have a hard time and want to try Brother Cheng’s knife.”

"Just today! People finally remembered the fear of being dominated by Orange Brother Dao Mei (Dog Head)"

"FPX is confident to let the sword girls go. It would be funny if they were killed by Brother Chengzi to the point of heartbreak, and later were sent away by European and American gangsters."

After Dao Mei, the red side locked EZ on the second floor.

At this time, EZ is already a good choice to face Lucian on the court.

Unlike last time, only with Lulu's existence can there be room for non-displacement ADs like Varus to appear, because Lulu's sheep transformation + weakness can very well counter Lucian's explosive ability. If there is no Lulu in this version, Varus alone is easily breached.

Of course, confident players can use Draven or Kalista to beat Luna hard, but the error tolerance is too low.

Moreover, once the laning period is over, whether Kalista or Draven is in the middle, Luna will easily find opportunities, and the role of team battles is far less than that of Luna.

The blue side on the second and third floors did not hesitate and locked Nami + Prince.

Seeing Xiaotian taking the prince again, the barrage burst into mourning.

Prince Xiaotian’s performance in this World Championship is really outrageous, but I don’t know why Prince’s priority is so high in FPX.

As long as he can't get the blind monk, Xiaotian's first choice is the prince.

The pig girl is sacrificed on the third floor of the red square.

Miller: "Pig Girl! In this version, almost no one uses Pig Girl to fight in the jungle. The little peanut uses this hand to cooperate with Sword Girl."

Wawa: "Indeed! The BP idea of ​​getting the knife girl KT is too clear. In the bottom lane, the entire EZ will be mixed with Mr. Dai, and the other options will be served by Brother Chengzi."

Shinichi: "Then in the second round, FPX will focus on the mid lane. We must find a way to make Coin Brother move."

In the second round of BANs, both sides have clear goals.

KT even banned Wine Barrel + Kennen for the top road.

These two heroes can beat Sword Girl online, and more importantly, even if their development is not good, Kennen and Grain Barrel still have opportunities to perform in team battles.

FPX bans Galio + cards in the middle lane, which is to limit Chaowei's roaming so that he cannot provide help to the top laner.

The second round of selection begins.

The red square locked Victor on the fourth floor.

It's the blue side's turn to choose between the last two hands.

Seti came out first on the fourth floor of FPX.

Immediately afterwards, Malzahar was locked on the fifth floor.

Miller: "Huh? Malzahar? Coin's mid laner Malzaha is here again! Coin chose this hero when we faced C9 last time, but the effect was not very good at the time."

Shinichi: "It's not bad! It was really difficult to beat Ryze with Malzahar in the last round because Ryze cleared the lane too quickly, but this round I'm beating Viktor!"

"Malzahar is a hero that can restrain Viktor, and he pushes the lane faster than Viktor in the early stage. There is room for Coin Brother to play in this round."

Watanabe: "Believe in the players! Even if the performance was not good last time, you still dare to show your sword! And in this lineup, Zaha Ma really restrains the sword girl! At least in the early stage, the sword girl cannot slow down the economy and make quicksilver. As long as KT's early rhythm is maintained, FPX This lineup is very strong in the mid-game.”

Miller: "Yeah~~~ It makes sense! KT's lineup must enter the field together in the jungle. If Sett hugs the pig girl into the crowd, Malzahar's ultimate move control cooperates with his teammates to deal with the sword girl first, FPX's team battle will still be Very easy to beat.”

"Outrageous!" The team battle script has been written, right? 》

"Monkey Holding an Orange, Right?" Brother Coin will hug the knife girl when she comes in.》

"I'm just afraid that Niu Bao will carry four people in front, and when I look back, my teammates will be killed by the sword girl (laughing and crying)"

"It has a sense of picture (funny)"

"I thought the monkey was going to get some nuclear weapons, but this is the result?" 》

"If it weren't for Ah P's random gifts, I would have lost the battle with C9, but Malzahar still dares to take it."

"There is a saying, the grasshopper is really easy to beat Victor in the early stage, but he can't beat him in the later stage."

"You know the hammer!" I chose grasshopper just to prevent the knife girl from showing off"

"Falling to Dao Mei in seconds counts as success, right?" Coming in is a set of controls》

"Anyway, this orange guy shouldn't be able to show off. It's a success if it doesn't become a background board."

Malzahar's choice really surprised KT.

Lin Cheng sighed.

Oh shit!

Brother Cheng got the knife girl and was about to start the show. A Malzahar backhand from the opposite side was very unruly.

It can be foreseen that Malzahar, the opponent in the team battle, will definitely stare at the sword girl and zoom in.

Originally, KT could add Morgana in the end to help Sword Girl increase teamfight fault tolerance, but after discussion, the red side still chose Karma on the fifth floor.

Karma + EZ is a strong combination in pushing the lane, and can suppress Luna in the early lane.

But the problem with this combination is also obvious. Unlike Lulu, Kalma can counter Lucian. Kalma can easily become a breakthrough when the opponent finds an opportunity.

Especially starting from the mid-term, the KT duo of the Double Myths are prone to trouble.

But for KT, it is enough if the bottom lane can seize the lane in the early stage. If it can put pressure on the bottom lane, it will actually relieve the pressure on the top laner.

Otherwise, according to FPX's linkage play style of mid and jungle assistants, once KT in the bottom lane is imprisoned, Doinb in the middle lane will start to roam wildly, and Lin Cheng will not be comfortable on the top lane.

It will definitely be difficult for the super powerful Victor to push Malzahar's line in the early stages of this game, so his teammates in the bottom lane must seize the line rights as much as possible.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue square FPX:

Top lane: Nuguri (Wrist, Seti)

Jungler: Tian (Prince of Demacia, Jarvan IV)

Middle: Doinb (Prophet of the Void, Malzahar)

Bottom lane: Lwx (Lance Ranger, Lucian)

Support: Crisp (Tide Summoner Samehime, Nami))

Red side KT:

Top lane: Cheng (Blade Dancer, Irelia)

Jungler: Peanut (Wrath of the North, Sejuani)

Mid lane: Chovy (Mechanical Herald, Victor)

Bottom lane: Deft (Explorer, Ezreal)

Support: Effort (Apocalypse, Karma)

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