This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1483 Larson: Addicted to the military

In the 4 vs 5 situation of the Xiaolong team, Lin Cheng perfectly demonstrated the pull of a wave of Jace team battles, allowing the big jump of the Scarecrow stopwatch to not cause any waves.

It was also through Hirano Aya's analysis during the replay that the audience discovered how correct Lin Cheng's decision was in this wave.

He obviously had the opportunity to force another one through damage, but he chose the play style that was most beneficial to the team.

Separate the opposite back row, let your teammates concentrate on dealing with the scarecrow that turns on the stopwatch, and then cover yourself.

Although Lin Cheng's immortality in this wave was largely due to the crushing of equipment, it was even more terrifying that Jace could be so calm when being crushed by equipment.

If nothing else, it will be different if you change your ID.

Those who are more aggressive will most likely just hammer the enemy in to exchange lives.

Those who are more timid may not dare to block the three C positions on the opposite side from entering the field alone when they think of the bounty on them.

Lin Cheng performs all kinds of extreme operations online, but when it comes to group play, he can often make the best decisions.

Who said Jace is only in lane?

Many people's Jace seemed to be very strong in the lane, and when he was in a team fight and leading the lane, he suddenly died suddenly. The audience then remembered that Lin Cheng's Jace didn't seem to have any sudden death scenes in everyone's impression.

Even Jess, who was a Jinchūriki like Mr. Niu Bao, often died violently every three days when he took it out, but Lin Cheng exerted ultimate suppressive power while barely giving him a chance.

So Orange Brother’s Jace is so strong?

Because the upper limit of Jace's operation is not as entertaining as that of Sword Girl, no one has ever thought that Lin Cheng's Jace can be compared with his signature hero. However, after digging into the details, it was discovered that Lin Cheng's Jace is actually equally terrifying.

Is there anything in his sea of ​​heroes that he is not good at?

A wave of 5-on-4 opportunities failed to capture Xiaolong, which was a huge blow to RGE.

In the LEC, Rouge prefers teams with late growth. The current disadvantage in this game means they can only avoid the growth game.

Give KT whatever he wants.

The meat pigeon team communicated within the team and made a unanimous decision.

Next, RGE was prepared to avoid fighting and try to delay the game as far as possible.

Since Peanut only won the first dragon after 11 minutes in this game, KT just won the second dragon. The rhythm of Dragon Soul is a bit slow. According to RGE's thinking, they will not have the pressure of Dragon Soul until 27 minutes have passed.

There is hope as long as it lasts.

With the key equipment of Scarecrow and Clockwork, and Luna's strong node in the mid-term, RGE will have a chance to make a comeback as long as they can play a good team.

However, the opponent's calculation was very good, but KT was not prepared to delay with the opponent.

In 20 minutes, KT took advantage of the scarecrow's flash to force Baron directly in front of his opponent.

Lucian's flank tried to drain him with the Holy Spear, but with one shot from Jace, half of Lucian's health was gone. The consumption of both sides was simply not on the same level.

The economic gap on the field is already 8,000, and the field of vision is not good. Due to various factors, the meat pigeons cannot fight in team battles at all.

Seeing that Lucian was exhausted, Larson's clockwork did not turn to the T to go to the front, and continued to lead the lane in the bottom lane to strive for development.

The four teammates in front of RGE also wanted to involve the scarecrow to win the opportunity to jump up and fight for punishment.

However, Lin Cheng's Jace fired another shot from the side to find the scarecrow hidden by the wall. Mr. Dai's Varus activated W and directly went far away with a Q to kill the scarecrow in seconds.

The jungler died, and the remaining three players from RGE had no choice but to let go of the baron and run away.

Chao Verez drove and prepared to pursue.

"Forget it, forget it! Fight the dragon first"

"I can't handle it, stop chasing me!"

The dragon was almost finished, so Little Peanut directed his teammates to give up the pursuit.

Upon hearing this, Lin Cheng, who was about to get in the car, quickly left the range of the warp realm.

As a result, Evert next to him was a step slower and was sent away before he even got off the car.

"Hey! I haven't gotten off the car yet! I haven't gotten off the car yet!"

"Forget it, leave him alone and continue with the dragon."

After seeing Ryze's ultimate move, the three RGE brothers thought that danger was imminent and fled in panic.

It turned out that only a cute little Lulu got out of the car, and her face changed instantly.

Lucian and the male gunman slid forward, the gun barrel stuffed into their mouths.

Lulu was quickly killed.

Little Death successfully unlocked another way to die.

Miller: "Ryze is going to drive and lead his teammates in pursuit... Hey! Why is only Lulu in the car? Haha! It's a hearse!"

Doll: "I was deceived by my brothers! Riz and Jace suddenly got out of the car. It's a bit miserable for Evert."

"LOL! The little God of Death would panic if he didn't give it away, right? 》

"This hearse is really not tight. Chaowei plays Evert, right?" 》

"Salute to the God of Death, Evert Sends a Gift Again"

"Seeing the little Grim Reaper on the field, Hirano Aya in the commentary box fell into deep thought"

"27-year-old Hirano Aya is sitting there, looking over with affectionate eyes, all her eyes are the shadow of her 21-year-old self (eating melon)"

Although Lulu gave away this wave, Baron was still successfully captured by KT.

And Larson's clockwork also successfully replaced KT's bottom tower.

Due to the death of the auxiliary, KT's Baron offensive was delayed a bit, and KT started to split push after Lulu was resurrected and caught up with the main force.

Lin Cheng sent the bottom line forward, and four teammates pressed forward.

In order to avoid excessive pressure on the army line, the Baron defender will try to take out the opponent's unleaded army line.

Larson did the same thing, pushing the top line of troops across the river in advance.

However, everyone in KT has been pushed to the high ground, and the clockwork still has not come back.

Miller: "Isn't Larson back yet? Who will hold the line if you don't come back? With both sides being pressed, it will be difficult for the male gunman and Lucian to hold on."

Wawa: "It seems that they want to take the high ground. They feel that they can't defend it even if they come back, so they might as well delay their development. Larson wants to hold back his hat for the second time."

Hirano Aya: "But in this way, at least two roads will be broken. Even if it is dragged down, it will be difficult. We really can't let it go on high ground!"

Finding that their opponent was demolishing their own top tower, KT decisively commanded the high ground from the front.

The remaining four members of RGE did not hold on and chose to throw away skills to clear the line to delay.

Lucian's Baptism of the Holy Spear and the male spear's ultimate move were all used to clear the lane, but KT still switched lanes and broke through the two highlands.

Since Lulu's death just now slowed down the attack rhythm, there was not much time left for the Baron BUFF at this time.

Miller: "In this way, we are still broken in two ways... not bad! At least no one died. It seems that KT will not be able to continue attacking the front teeth even if the scarecrow has a big chance."

Hirano Aya: "But KT seems to be preparing to try a wave! They haven't retreated, and they haven't come back yet! They are addicted to soldiers."

With ten seconds left for Baron's BUFF, KT's five-man team continued to press into the front teeth.

Finally realizing something was wrong, Larson's clockwork began to choose to return to the city.

At this time, the front has been opened.

KT's lineup was weak at first, but it was not without means to start a team. Mr. Dai's Varus chose to directly avoid the team with R.

Lucian has Purification, and Chains of Corruption is looking for the male gun who was just forced to use his E skill by Jace.

Accurate hit.

All KT members are in.

The scarecrow is behind trying to make a big jump.

However, the blue jewelry found the scarecrow's position in advance. Peanut's blind monk touched the minion Q and directly R flashed to kick the scarecrow back who was reading the ultimate move.

The scarecrow was killed in the air.

RGE exploded in a wave.

By the time Clockwork returned, all his teammates were dead and the incisor tower had fallen.

Larson still couldn't hold back the second hat. He came out with a mask and two useless sticks and used his ultimate move. He struggled for a while and died instantly.

KT took advantage of the situation and flattened the opponent's base.

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