This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 149 Clicked on the next one (please vote for me)

Although Bono escaped, but after this flash, the prince lost another set of F6 and stone men under the pressure of Seti.

The prince himself lags behind the pig girl in jungle farming. If this continues, there will probably be a level gap soon.

However, Lin Cheng was quite happy. Seti and Zhumei went to mess with his teammates, while Kenan happily pushed his troops under the opponent's tower on the top lane and returned.

Moreover, Zhumei handed over Flash in the middle river, and Kenan's Flash was about to get better. Lin Cheng suddenly felt that he was getting better.

Corgi: "Look! Karma is here! Bono let Cheng die because he didn't help on the road in the early stage. On the contrary, Cheng couldn't help him this time. Bono lost F6 and handed over Flash. There's no problem. We are all brothers. .”

Eleven: "Kenan secretly developed a wave in the top lane. Don't look at Cheng's lane, but it's not easy, but if you look at his last hit, this person is really outrageous. In this case, he actually suppressed Seti for more than ten hits. .”

Keji: "Generally speaking, because the top lane is more confrontational, most of the time the last lane is less effective than the middle lane and the bottom lane. However, Chengzhen's basic skills are too solid. I often see him crazily suppressing people. He doesn't miss any shots, which is actually a bit similar to Chovy, but Chovy doesn't play as fiercely in the middle."

Eleven: "Don't tell me, I really want to see these two people face off one day to see who can beat who's knife. Basically, the camera can't see these two people missing the knife."

Corky smiled: "Then you can only hope that Doran will be banned again, and then Chvoy can go to the top lane again."

Previously, Doran, the top laner of DRX, was too happy playing Yasuo in RANK and gave away 15 kills. Riot Games considered it a negative game and suspended him for one game.

This made many people suspect that Doran was targeted by the Korean fist. Otherwise, based on Niu Bao's RANK performance, he could be suspended until retirement. Niu Bao is also a big player in RANK.

However, the penalty has been handed down. When DRX did not have a top laner, Chovy appeared as a top laner in the first game of the new season. As a result, he showed strong single-line suppression ability, which made many people doubt that Chovy is actually a more suitable position. It's the top order.

Lin Cheng does have some similarities with Chovy, that is, he has a strong ability to suppress the line and both of them have very solid basic finishing skills. No wonder the commentator wants to see the two of them facing each other.

Lin Cheng's Kennen was under a lot less pressure after his flash improved. He could develop on the top lane with peace of mind, and he was not afraid of being jumped by his opponent even when he had a big flash.

At more than 8 minutes, Canyon's pig girl took advantage of Seti's pressure to touch the road and get stuck in the grass. She used her ultimate move to sneak attack Kenan, but Lin Cheng was very alert and quickly transformed into a thunder ball without any vision and twisted it away. Extreme Ice Lasso.

The first long-distance ultimate move failed, Canyon gave up its plan to continue attacking Lin Cheng, and turned around to get Canyon Herald.

Although Bono's prince is in the top half, he has not yet reached level six, and Syndra does not have a big move. In this case, KT does not dare to rashly stop the opponent from taking the vanguard, and can only let it go decisively.

Corgi: "KT is very sensible. He didn't rush to pick up the vanguard just because Kennen had a big move. The top, middle and jungle on the opposite side were too weak. Even though both bottom laners couldn't be there, Senna still had a big move. Once the KT Pioneer team loses, there will be a big wave of rhythm."

Eleven: "Now the game has become a racing game. Let's see if KT can delay Aiming until he develops and take over the team fight, or if DWG can completely open up the lane and make Cheng completely silent in the mid-term."

Corgi: "Yes! KT's biggest reliance in the mid-term is Kennen on the top lane. As long as Kennen has a voice in the mid-term team battle, KT will fight. If Kennen is pushed to death, KT's mid-term team battle will be very difficult. Difficult to pick up.”

After Cayon won the vanguard, he didn't rush to release it. He moved to the second half and won the first fire dragon. KT still didn't intend to take it hard.

Although there was only one head difference, the disadvantage for KT at 10 minutes was still not small. The lineup itself was not as good as DWG at this time, and KT became more determined to play Tai Chi.

KT's lineup is amazing. After Varus has the equipment, it is easy to use Karma's pulling ability to defeat DWG's group of bulky tanks, but before that, Syndra and Kennen must rely on Syndra and Kennen to survive the early and mid-term.

At 11 minutes, Verus' R flash in the bottom lane controlled Rambo first. Prince Bono came out from behind and cooperated with the duo to finally kill Rambo, allowing Varus to get the first kill on the red side.

The prince took action below. Lin Cheng knew that Pig Girl would definitely come up the road to cause trouble in the upper half, so he decisively chose to return under the tower.

Kennen immediately gave up the defense tower as soon as he left. Piggy released the Rift Herald on the top lane and took down the first-health tower, freeing Nuguri's Seti.

After Seti was liberated, he began to cooperate with Pig Girl to plunder the red side's wild area.

Now Lin Cheng can only ensure his own development and has no way to help Bono defend the jungle area.

Kuro's Syndra was even more extreme. When the first one directly released the ice gun, the damage faced by DWG's three lumps of flesh was a bit insufficient. This caused half of Bono's jungle to be almost paralyzed.

Because the first dragon DWG moved very late, it was not until 14 and a half minutes that the blue team controlled the two earth dragons.

But bad news came one after another for KT.

The third dragon is a water dragon, which means that this game is a water dragon soul.

The benefit of the Water Dragon Soul to the big chunks of DWG is too obvious, and Varus's continuous output of AD is exactly restrained by the Water Dragon Soul.

Keji: "The head-to-head ratio is now 1:1, but DWG already has an economic advantage of 3,000 yuan. It will take a long time for KT to make up for the situation. Can it survive until then?"

Eleven: "KT really needs time to develop, but Dragon Soul won't wait for them. The current situation may be a Dragon Soul team battle in about 25 minutes. At that time, DWG still has a high chance of winning."

Corgi: "And based on the scene, DWG is likely to snowball, because Kennen on the top lane has no line rights, and the situation just now where Seti suddenly ran to the middle to put pressure on you will continue."

In fact, Lin Cheng also knows how much pressure his loss of line rights will put on his teammates in the jungle and mid lane.

But he really can't go out to press the line. Even if he has the opportunity to operate Seti 1V1, he doesn't dare to take the risk.

In the middle, Kuro leads the team with purification. Once there is a teammate on the opposite side who can TP, he can only do it alone, and it is almost impossible to win.

Even now, Lin Cheng's skills cannot be exchanged with Certi, whether it is flash or ultimate move.

If Kennen doesn't have his ultimate move or flash, the opponent will be even more unscrupulous at this time.

Lin Cheng: "Hold on, brothers, we have fought so hard this time, we must win."

Tusin: “If I hadn’t played Karma, I wouldn’t have been able to resist this move.”

Kuro: "This one is too disadvantageous, so I ordered the next one."

Lin Cheng: "·····"

Are you talking about your mother? Do you think it's a training match, and if it breaks, you'll surrender to the next one?

Seeing his teammates rejecting him instantly, Kuro reacted suddenly, "Ah~~~ I forgot. I'm used to surrendering when I'm at a disadvantage. I thought this was a training match."

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