This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1228 Let’s see who dares to let go of Brother Chengzi’s Qinggang Ying from now on!

"Brother's flash performance is extremely good! Fortunately, Olaf was not replaced and should be able to take away Qinggang Shadow... Hook Lock CD! Qinggang Shadow wants to run away."

"Does this still allow you to run away? Kelid and Brother want to chase, but Effort just comes over and an AE sneak attacks on the crocodile... Why is he here?"

Zeyuan explained the battle quickly and passionately, but when he saw the assistant suddenly appeared, he couldn't help but ask questions.

"Why is the Titan on the road again? Don't you care about your AD? Whose support is it?"

Wanwan's voice became louder: "Effort's move is really smart! Let's see what happens in the end game. Brother Chengzi first moves to dodge an axe... and then dodges another axe! Clid is paralyzed by the pull! We have to counterattack beated!"

"Wow~~~Double kill! Brother Chengzi won the double kill! This wave of cooperation and pull is so cool! Olaf has all the power but can't kill anyone!"

Zeyuan: "This mentality is going to collapse! Didn't you kill the Qinggang Shadow? How on earth can you cure this Qinggang Shadow?"

Wanwan smiled: "I'm sorry! Not only will I not run away, but I will also kill them all."

The barrage is very interesting.

"This is a great show, but why is my attention focused on the commentary box?"

"Ze Yuan: Does this allow you to run away?"

"Wanwan: I'm sorry! Not only will I not run away, I will kill you all!"

"Wanwan has a hand on his face!"

"These two explanations are so funny! 23333."

"Listening to the situation, I knew that GEN·G was being shown off again without even looking at the screen."

"I thought he had let go, but I didn't expect that he still misses GEN·G. I cried to death!"

"Let me tell you, even though I was numb from the strain, I can still smile on camera and my mentality is not broken yet."

"Is there a possibility that when Zeyuan said his mentality collapsed, he was referring to himself. (Funny)"

"KT killed GEN·G violently on the field, and Wanwan also had the advantage in the commentary booth. There is no suspense in 6V6."

In this wave, Lin Cheng and his assistant cooperated to kill the opponent's upper jungler. Clockwork was also caught by KT's midfielder on the other side, and all the blue side's upper, middle and jungler were killed.

The director quickly gave the replay.

"Let's see what happened in this wave! How did Brother Chengzi pull..."

Halfway through Zeyuan's words, he saw Olaf's embarrassing flash in the playback, and suddenly raised his volume: "What are you doing, Kelide?"

"That's outrageous! I was just wondering when Olaf got the flash, but you ended up doing this!"

"Found it! This wave of war criminals have been found! If Olaf doesn't make a mistake in this flash, it won't be a big deal."

Wanwan: "This mistake is indeed a bit fatal, but Brother Chengzi has also hit a wall here, so it is understandable."

Zeyuan: "The main reason is that I can't even calculate how the Titan came to be! Clockwork collided with KT's midfielder down there. Everyone in GEN·G thought that Cheng Zi was alone and helpless, but at this time the Titan arrived. , and because of the lane pushing advantage in the bottom lane, Mr. Dai will not lose lane by assisting this wave of roaming."

After this wave, KT's early advantage has been infinite, and all four lines of matchups have equipment advantages.

At 8 minutes, Little Peanut was stuck in time to activate the Pioneer.

Neither Crocodile nor Olaf have ultimate moves, and with the top half split open, the blue side has absolutely no idea about this vanguard.

Clid was not willing to play bad, and found that Kalista and Titan were pressing the line. Olaf, who happened to be in the lower half, tried to take advantage of Xin Zhao's vanguard to catch a wave.

To be honest, it makes no sense for the teammates above to play the vanguard duo and press the line in the bottom lane. The opponent will attack you if they get angry.

However, just when Olaf successfully circled behind and followed his teammates to form a containment force, a red square TP lit up on the line.

Lin Cheng's hand was in a more pretentious position, on the faces of the three people opposite.

GEN·G's players chose to press the TP position, hoping that Qinggang Ying was about to land.

Luo activated his ultimate move in advance and waited next to the eye position.

The assistant decisively hooked Luo, who was using his ultimate move, and threw his ultimate move towards Varus behind him.

The assistant's first move prevented the opponent from suppressing the Qinggangying TP. After landing, Lin Cheng's E offset Luo's counterattack W, and he turned back to cooperate with his teammates to instantly drop Luo.

There is an obvious gap in the equipment between the two sides. After GEN·G failed to achieve results in the first round of skills, it was chased and beaten. Olaf, who did not dodge, was killed by Qinggangying again.

Only Varus slipped away, and GEN·G lost blood again in this wave of battles that broke out in the bottom lane.

The score on the field became 8:0.

Zeyuan: "It's too cruel! The average number of kills has reached 1. How can GEN·G lose so much? Why don't we return to our original intention and start delaying? At least we won't be beaten so ugly."

Wanwan: "But to be honest, KT's abuse of food is very harsh, and you can't just drag it off if you want."

In 10 minutes, Xiaohuahua went up to release the vanguard to free Lin Cheng.

The blue side chose to stick to the top lane, and when Qinggangying pushed the lane, everyone moved up.

But something happened again.

Before the fight started, Ruler's Varus was caught by Chaowei when he came over from the jungle. Enchantress single-handedly killed Varus who didn't dodge.

Clockwork ran over to rescue him, but Xin Zhao used his ultimate move and narrowly escaped.

Clockwork was driven away and Varus was killed. At this time, GEN·G Uenosuke, who was already under the tower preparing to defend the vanguard, felt uncomfortable.

The back road in the wild area was blocked by Xin Zhao, and the three of them were blocked under a tower.

As the vanguard launched his headbutt, Lin Cheng's E skill took the lead.

Everyone in KT rushed forward.

The three brothers GEN·G died suddenly under the tower.

Originally, after Lin Cheng's ultimate move reset the defense tower's hatred, the blue side had hope of replacing the Titan carrying the tower. Unfortunately, Evert's stopwatch made people despair.

The score on the court reached 12:0, and GEN·G was completely defeated.

In 12 minutes, Lin Cheng entered the jungle and killed Clid alone.

Olaf's roar to start Ragnarok started, and he was kicked to death before the BGM was in place. This scene really made Zeyuan unable to hold his nerve.

Zeyuan: "Why is this Olaf so brittle? He looks like a toy in front of Brother Chengzi."

Wanwan: "Not only Olaf, but everyone across the street is Brother Chengzi's toy. So, I really can't figure out why some people always like to show Qinggang Ying to Brother Chengzi!"

"Every time he gets Qinggang Ying, it's not just the opponent's top laner who feels uncomfortable. The opponent's jungler and mid laner are also often made to have no game experience. He even goes to find trouble with AD if he has the chance."'

"Although his Qinggang Shadow doesn't look like Dao Mei's as shocking one-on-five operation, in fact, his Qinggang Shadow will cause massacre every time, and he will lead his teammates to become villains. This kind of radiating ability in battle situations You can’t see it on other singles.”

The more she spoke, the more enthusiastic she became. Wanwan couldn't help but snort: "Let's see who dares to show Brother Chengzi's Qinggang Ying in the future!"

As if to confirm Wanwan's words, Lin Cheng became more and more aggressive on the court.

In the 14th minute, Lin Cheng cooperated with Chaowei to catch the clock again and broke the first tower in the middle.

At 15 minutes, Qinggang Shadow in the jungle once again single-handedly killed Olaf. Keli, with his remaining health, tried to run out of Hex's Ultimatum, but was kicked to death by Qinggang Shadow, which seemed a bit delirious.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Cheng, who caught Olaf to death, cooperated with Zhao Xinyue to kill the crocodile in the second tower. The opposite duo came to the rescue, but turned into gourd dolls to save grandpa, and were stabbed to death by Zhao Xin one by one.

At 16 minutes, the score was 18:0, and the scene was extremely bloody.

Mainly because Lin Cheng played too proactively and his opponent couldn't hold back.

With GEN·G unable to maintain its position of vision, it was completely unknown that a green steel shadow would suddenly pop out from somewhere, and Lin Cheng led his teammates to cause crazy trouble.

Finally, the dragon was born in 20 minutes.

KT took the initiative to open a baron team.

The blue side leaned towards the big dragon pit with a dark field of vision. Before the opponent could react, the superpower transformed into an auxiliary killer and stole Luo from the side.

Once you see a few people, GEN·G automatically triggers muscle memory.

Collapse, withdraw, sell, slip away.

The four brothers ran faster than the other.

Everyone in KT was too lazy to chase. They took down the big dragon and made up for it. After steadily breaking the two high ground, Lin Cheng suddenly used the stopwatch E to dodge and force open.

Lin Cheng entered the field with a stopwatch to avoid a wave of damage, and KT easily fought a 0-for-5 team battle.

GEN·G's torture finally ended, and KT took advantage of the trend and pushed to the front tooth tower.

Seeing that the support on the other side was about to resurrect, Lin Cheng leaned towards the spring water.

"Brothers! Come with me and take a splash of spring water to celebrate."

"Come on, come on! Everyone is standing still!"

Five villains stood in line at the entrance of the opponent's spring.

"1, 2, 3, rush me!"

After Lin Cheng finished speaking, a very embarrassing scene occurred.

None of the five people moved.

Lin Cheng and Xiao Peanut looked at each other and smiled.

A bunch of scheming boys!

He is indeed my good brother, Lin Cheng!

"Forget it! Let's demolish the base! Peace-loving people like us are not suitable to abuse the spring."


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