This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1222 Hot Chicken AD! The dogs don’t even play!

Lin Cheng was also unlucky.

He resisted the tower for a while and was burned by Rambo's ultimate move, so he picked up Kalista's ghost just to get some blood back.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Dai suddenly came over with Titan's ultimate move and attacked him in a sneak attack.

Hard to guard against!

After Foego transformed, he couldn't change back for two seconds. When he transformed into Kalista, he also inherited the opponent's equipment and attributes. Lin Cheng turned into a little squishie and faced Seti and Rambo who rushed in and was instantly killed. Not surprising.

Lin Cheng: "Ah~~~Jin Hyukkyu, did you do it on purpose?"

Deft chuckled: "No! Who told you to become a Calista?"

Lin Cheng: "What a hot chicken AD! He will die in one second!"

Deft: "Who are you scolding?"

Lin Cheng: "I'm not scolding you! Hot chicken AD! You don't even play with dogs!"

Deft: "······"

I suspect that someone is criticizing Sang and Huai, but unfortunately there is no evidence.

Fortunately, although Lin Cheng was killed in this wave, Seti and Rambo who attacked only took away Foyego's bounty and then killed the bloody Japanese girl, and were then easily pinned to death by the KT team members.

KT played 2 for 4 and also removed a tower in the bottom lane. In fact, it was still a profit.

"Look! Isn't a miracle coming? Brother Chengzi has really found a chance! 1,000 yuan!"

At first, when he saw Foyego being defeated, Zeyuan sounded a little bit embarrassed, but the subsequent situation made him regretful again: "The equipment is still too different! KT was able to kill Foyego because it gave him the opportunity. .”

"Brother Orange transformed into Kalista and was knocked away by Deft with his Titan ultimate move. If it hadn't been for Mr. Dai's help, GEN·G really wouldn't have been able to kill Foego."

Wanwan: "What a pity! Because Ruler came out with the attack speed shoes first, he hasn't made the shield bow yet. Otherwise, Foego would definitely not have died after being able to trigger the shield bow."

Zeyuan: “I can only say that Brother Chengzi is somewhat obsessive-compulsive. Many Foyego players can’t help but want to pick it up when they see the soul exploded, but if it becomes a squishy one like AD, it will die easily. "

Wanwan: "Foego has appeared in the LCK more than once, picking up souls under the tower. When he could clearly walk, he had to hold up the tower to pick up souls, and then was killed by the defense tower. I can only say that I really can't play this hero because of his obsessive-compulsive disorder. ····Of course, except Brother Chengzi!”

"You're so funny! Brother Chengzi's way of death is a bit outrageous."

"One couldn't figure out how to become crispy, and the other came all the way to deliver Titan's ultimate move. It was a yes in both directions."

"The current situation of Foyego players, casually picking up AD souls usually doesn't end well."

"This wave of rulers has achieved heavenly power, and the skateboard shoes that don't even have mythical costumes can be exchanged for each other's big daddy (funny)"

"The most outrageous thing is that the colonel's prediction was accurate again. A few days ago, the gatekeepers in the LPL were killed violently. In the LCK, they are still as powerful as before, right?"

"Ze Yuan: Let me just say it, what if Brother Chengzi makes a mistake (dog head)"

Lin Cheng's 1,000 yuan bounty given to BDD had no impact on the situation on the field. It's not that BDD is a bastard. When his teammates are so disadvantaged that their output is insufficient, it is really difficult to tank Seti to change the situation.

KT still focused on vision and took advantage of the trend to win the second vanguard.

At more than 18 minutes, KT activated the third dragon in the game.

When Xiaolong refreshed, the red party group pushed the bottom line of troops out of the group, looking like they wanted to come over and fight for it.

The blue side was ready, and Lin Cheng rushed over from the top road.

But in the end, GEN·G just pushed the bottom line to the river position. After hesitating for a while, he found that Foyego didn't move when he came down.

After taking the dragon, the five KT players turned down and prepared to lead the vanguard to pull out the tower.

"Clear your eyes! Clear your eyes! Don't be left behind."

The opponent's disadvantage was already huge, but KT did not take it lightly.

Effort scanned from the river all the way to the alcove without finding the opponent's field of vision. After the Japanese girl's scan was completed, Lin Cheng immediately started scanning and looked forward, and found that the opponent had left a jewelry eye behind the broken tower.

Teammates also arranged vision in the jungle, turning over the places where the red team might place their wards.

Zeyuan: "This is the understanding of the game! KT has done such a great job in these details! GEN·G just launched a group push just to keep these distractions. Gnar has very good anger. Once KT demolishes the tower It’s hard to say after being surrounded by Gnar and Seti.”

"But KT thought of it! The field of view was arranged so that there was no chance at all. The GEN·G map was dark, and it was difficult for Gnar and Seti to enter the field and threaten key positions."

Wanwan: "This is why KT's superior game has never been overturned. Vision is not intuitive to everyone, but in fact vision often plays a more obvious role than economy."

Zeyuan: "Yes! In my impression, in addition to the lineup reasons, most of the games where a big advantage was overturned were due to vision problems, including EDG's classic 10,000 economy being overturned, but KT did a good job in this aspect. "

The five KT players cleared out all the red square wards and advanced as a group with their troops.

No one in GEN·G's lineup can clear the line. Peanut is not in a hurry to release the vanguard, allowing EZ to put pressure on the front, and Enchantress looks for opportunities to consume in the side jungle.

KT's double C put a lot of pressure on him, and Foego used the cover of the vast scorched earth to keep showing off at the wall.

The two sides fought around the lower two towers for a while, and the red side's state was consumed a lot.

Gnar was overwhelmed, and Rascal tried to find an opportunity to enter the field from the side jungle.

But Chaowei's position is very good. If he catches Gnar from the side, he will be knocked back with a set of damage.

The health of the defense tower dropped to nearly half, and Little Peanut finally released the Vanguard.

The red side discovered that the defense tower could no longer hold its own, and when it happened to attempt a hook under the Titan Tower, it failed and immediately led its teammates to prepare to retreat.

But just before the vanguard crashed out, Lin Cheng suddenly hid in the scorched earth, flashed his hand and stunned Rambo.

The Japanese girl was strong, and KT decisively started the team battle.

Rambo himself was depleted of some health, and was instantly disabled by KT's control chain connection.


Brother's Gnar is about to shrink, so he jumps over and flashes to shoot his ultimate move.

At this time, KT's Ueno Suke was riding Rambo right next to the wall.

Seeing that Gnar was about to hit a big shot, Lin Cheng fired his big move.

The pain-piercing Tianling overcame Naru's control, and Lin Cheng killed Rambo with a backhand sword.

Gnarl slapped two up the wall, but there was no point.

Foyego dropped Rambo in seconds, and Clid didn't use his ultimate move until he died.

Without constant temperature burning to compensate for the damage, even if Gnar shoots two more people in this wave, it will not change the situation.

The double C output kept up, and Lin Cheng transformed into Rambo to start the arson feast.

At this time, Lin Cheng's equipment was crushing the entire field, so naturally he would not continue to transform. Two seconds after throwing the skill, he directly penetrated the Tianling and then slashed Naru.

"Double Kill!"

The vanguard has knocked down the defense tower, and his teammates' restraint allowed Lin Cheng to transform continuously without any pressure.

Transforming into Little Gnar, Lin Cheng quickly A-shaped three rings towards Seti.

The Titan next to him made a hook, and Gnarr's E skill was to step on the harp and jump to avoid the hook.

While in the air with a double jump, Lin Cheng pressed his ultimate move again.

Foyego dunked in the air, turned around and slashed towards Kalista.

At this time, Lin Cheng had the combination of God + Death Dance + Small Mallet. It was too bullying to find an AD with one and a half pieces to challenge him. He went over with his ultimate move and stabbed Kalista to death with two swords before starting to transform.

"Penta! Penta! Penta!"

Lin Cheng realized that he had a chance to kill five times, and the assistant also reminded him at the right time.

Unfortunately, the other side is too fragile.

Just when Lin Cheng's transformation was over, Seti was burned to death.

It's really ironic to say that the assistant was the first to think of giving Lin Cheng five kills, but his ignition ruined Lin Cheng's hope of five kills.

This time, his teammates didn't stop, and Enchantress took Titan away.

"Ah xi~~~~ I should have known I wouldn't have transformed."

Lin Cheng almost vomited blood, but if he didn't turn around and stab Seti with one strike, he might have gotten five kills.

Why do you have to be mean?

Do I really have obsessive-compulsive disorder?

No way!

I like black silk stockings, I also like white silk stockings, and I also like pork silk stockings. How does this look like I have obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Lin Cheng felt regretful and coquettish, and pushed up to the high ground with his teammates.

At this time, the vanguard was still there, and everyone swarmed up to carry the tower.

The defensive tower was knocked down by the vanguard before it had time to react.

Although it didn't take long to resurrect at this time, the place where the battle took place was just below the high ground of GEN·G. The vanguard bumped his head all the way, and the vanguard had already hit his front teeth before the opponent's personnel were resurrected.

Without giving their opponents a chance to struggle, the entire KT team turned into demolition maniacs.

In the end, the game was frozen at 19 minutes and 59 seconds.

One second before Dalong was born, the GEN·G base exploded.

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