This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1218 Grams must have some effect!

The pre-match confrontation between the two commentators made the Chinese streaming audience laugh like crazy.

"What a big deal! These two are really fighting every word, right?"

"One thing to say, Wanwan said 14% in an instant and I didn't even react. I had to use a calculator to calculate."

"Wanwan she is real! I cry to death!"

"Brother Chengzi, look at this woman! She treats you so wholeheartedly, but she's not moved at all?"

"It's hard to say whether the senior colonel is really fond of Samsung, but Wanwan is really passionate about Brother Chengzi."

Not knowing that Wan Wan was fighting for himself against the gods in distant Shanghai, Lin Cheng couldn't help but turn around and give a thumbs up in the direction of his little wife when the game was loading.

Suddenly, KT fans at the scene burst into joy again.

Seeing Lin Cheng's actions, Xiao Tong's mouth hidden under the mask slightly raised, but she still muttered arrogantly:

"Tch! You're so careful and you'll be caught 0-9 later!"

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng chose the main system of precision: conqueror, triumph, resilience, and perseverance, and the secondary system of resolute: bone plating, and firmness.

This strapping method is also easy to understand.

First of all, Foego's hero trait is to harvest the endgame, and the continuous combat capability provided by the Conqueror is very suitable.

Secondly, the mechanism of Foyego's Q skill can stack Conqueror super quickly.

Furthermore, since Foego's passive transformation will not inherit the opponent's runes, Conqueror happens to be the most widely applicable rune and can cope with various transformation situations.

So no matter what aspect you consider, the most suitable cornerstone rune for Foego is Conqueror.

Entering the game, neither side did any offensive vision, and it started peacefully.

Foego's level one is relatively strong among all heroes. When Gnar followed the minions on the line, Lin Cheng first Qed the two front row minions and used the passive effect of the Q skill to quickly grab the line.

Level 1 Narr wouldn't dare to mess with Foego.

Foyego has very long hands, and his basic attack distance reaches 225 yards, which is even better than Sword Girl.

This is also what Lin Cheng wants to complain about.

Once upon a time, his beloved Sword Girl was the only long-handed melee player in the top lane. As a result, the basic attack distances of the two new heroes, Gwen and Broken King, were getting ridiculous.

With his long hands and Foyego's Q skill with a short CD and no consumption, it can hit a long distance. It is naturally difficult for a first-level poverty-stricken family like Gnar to grab the line.

Lin Cheng secured the lane right when he came up, but it was obviously difficult for KT's middle and lower lanes to grab the lane rights in the early stage.

Although Little Peanut sometimes has trouble with the operation, his ability to read the game is actually very strong.

In this game, the blind monk chose the blue BUFF → toad → F6 opening route on the blue side, and did not attack his own three wolves first.

And coincidentally, Clid's Rambo chose the opening route of red BUFF → own F6 → opponent's F6 on the red side.

Because of the advantage of mid laner Serti pushing the lane, it is logically easy for Clid to earn a set of F6 in an open field route like this. However, because Little Peanut gave up the three wolves and went to fight F6 first, Rambo came just in time after traveling thousands of miles. I saw F6 being eaten by the blind monk.

In this way, Clid wasted time because of his jungle design.

After all, it was not his own jungle area, and Clid didn't come in frantically to grab the red, and left in frustration after suffering a depressing loss.

After the little peanut finished his F6 and red BUFF, he didn't hit the stone man. He went back to the upper half to kill the three wolves and immediately went to control the river crab.

Zeyuan: "Peanut's jungle route is very thoughtful! He just completely avoids communicating with Rambo in the lower half of the jungle, because he knows that if he is caught by Rambo at this time, he will definitely suffer a loss, so he simply comes up and relies on Brother Chengzi's line Quan first controls the crabs on the river."

Wanwan: "Although there is one less group of stone men to farm, the time was wasted because of Rambo's failure in counter-jungling. Now the blind monk's number of jungle clears is in the lead...and he seems to want to catch the river crab after killing it." ?”

Just when the blind monk came closer, Lin Cheng WE suddenly took action.

Foyego's E skill, Scorched Earth, can be released in the middle of any skill, just enough for Foego to enter a stealth state and hide the W skill Qianzai Youyan's raised hand.

Rascal couldn't react in time, and Gnar was stunned by the sword rushing out of the black mist.

The passive effect of Foego's Q skill, Ruined King's Sword, will mark the target with all his skills. Foego's subsequent basic attacks will cause an additional attack special effect and restore his own health.

Because of this feature, Lin Cheng's WAQA was instantly filled with conquerors.

The blind monk came over and used his Q skill.

At this time, the army line was stuck in front of the red square tower. Seeing the blind monk using his Q, Rascal decisively stood up and went straight back to hand over the flash.

He knew that once Tianyinbo was followed and his health was reduced and he flashed again, it would be the same as death. The soldiers who entered the tower immediately would not dare to eat it.

"Forget it, forget it! The other side hasn't handed over E yet, just dodge and make money."

Seeing his opponent acting so decisively, Little Peanut gave up and stopped preparing to surpass Lin Cheng.

At this time, the bottom lane Titan took the initiative to find a blood exchange opportunity in front of the KT tower. Effort's female tank accurately controlled Kalista with her backhand, and the KT duo did not suffer any obvious disadvantage from the blood exchange.

Although Clid was in the lower half, he was unable to attack the KT duo under the tower.

In this way, the first wave of rhythm of the junglers of both sides was obviously that Peanut took the lead.

After this wave of return to the city, the blind monk immediately brushed down the stone man. When F6 did not refresh, the little peanut leaned towards the middle.

At this time, Seti just pushed the army line in front of the blue square tower.

Wan Wan: "Little Peanut wanted to hit...but the support from both sides arrived, and Clid was also using F6 beside him. It was like the two sides were in sync with each other."

Zeyuan: "Laifu has a really good sense of smell. Knowing that Seti, the soldier on the line, might be caught, Titan went out and came directly to the middle to cover."

Before he finished speaking, the powerful Enchantress W stepped into the pile of soldiers, and her E skill Phantom Chain accurately chained Seti.

The blind monk emerged from the grass on the side.

Probably because his support was nearby, BDD did not choose to cross-dodge at the first time and was imprisoned by the chain.


The Effort from behind flashed decisively, and the E skill pointed over.

Xiaohuatana touched the Japanese girl and got closer. AQ took action and slapped the ground at the same time.

Sett hadn't returned home to replenish his equipment, and his health was dropping rapidly.

Although the titan's hook next to her hit the Enchantress, the super-powerful set of damage had already been dealt. Seti stood up and punched with W to brush a layer of shield, and immediately dodged back and tried to run away.

The blind monk activated the second stage of Q to follow up, stuck his two palms together and ignited them to take Seti away.

"First Blood!"

After taking control, Titan turned around and ran away when he realized something was wrong. At this time, Rambo emerged from the path next to F6.

warn! warn!

Seeing that everyone in KT was coming to beat him aggressively, Rambo's feet lifted off the ground and he ran away red-faced.

Zeyuan: "Chaowei directly stepped on the chain and got hit! What can I say about this wave... The Japanese girl flashed and took control, this is too decisive! See if teammates can save it? Titan hooked...Rambo?" Where’s Rambo?”

"Ke Li De! Ke Li De has some effect! Why are you still taking F6 when your teammates are already dead?"

Wanwan: "Wow! The influence of the first-level jungle clearing route of both junglers has come out. At this time, there are no wild monsters in the lower half of the blind monk, so he can only catch it. However, Rambo was attracted by the refreshed F6. This wave of red temperature There’s really nothing you can do if you come here.”

"It's so funny! The pills must have some effect, the senior colonel is numb."

"This Rambo just brushes his head, right?"

"Red Wen Rambo is so classic and spicy! I'm still growing even after my teammates died, right?"

"Why is C if AD is not fat? What's wrong with eating some wild monsters... Oh! It's the jungle! Then it's okay!"

"Driving the Uzi again, right? The red Rambo is annoying you?"

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