This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1205 Four consecutive victories

In the end, Lin Cheng still didn't know what crime he had committed yesterday.

Judging from the known information, it seems to be a very social thing, but Lin Cheng really can't think of how he can be embarrassed by joining them.

With his mind in a blur, Lin Cheng vaguely remembered that someone was going to kick his head off yesterday as he walked down the corridor.

He suspected that he was beaten while drunk.

Could it be that he was teasing them?

Could it be that they left fatal injuries?

Returning to the dormitory, he checked the surrounding parts again worriedly.

In mint condition.


Since this is the case, there is nothing to be afraid of. Anyway, no matter what happens, it will not be you who suffers.

As a result, Lin Cheng became optimistic again.

After a day's interval, KT ushered in its second opponent BRO in the final game of the first week of the LCK Summer Split on June 13.

Although BRO has not had a good record since entering the LCK this year, it has the temperament of a strong team killer.

In the spring split, BRO only won five games in total, four of which were against teams in the top half, and one point came from DK.

You know, although KT's eighteen-game winning streak is very dazzling, DK's 15-3 record in the spring split is actually quite outstanding. In the past few years, it was enough to win the league championship.

As for this DK team, apart from being double-killed by KT, the only game they lost was to BRO, and they were completely beaten 2:0. At that time, their glasses were broken.

Speaking of which, there are always some special teams in each division. They become stronger when they are strong and weak when they are weak.

For example, the old godfather of the LPL is known as not killing unknown people, but frequently changing the trend of the league at critical moments.

In recent years in the LCK, Hanwha has also begun to block the championship groups as soon as they enter the second half of the league.

In the European and American divisions, due to the great chance of the BO1 competition system, almost every capita is a water ghost.

In fact, having a giant killer come out to disrupt the league can also increase the viewing angle. Obviously, this year's BRO is expected to play such a role in the eyes of the audience.

It just so happens that BRO mid laner Lava is also the mid laner of the Tigers in the post-Kuro era. Following the name change, Hanwha has also defeated countless strong LCK teams. Maybe he carries the Kelpie gene?

Some people are already expecting BRO to overthrow KT with a victory and break KT's undefeated streak.

The biggest suspense in the LCK now is who can end KT's winning streak. We can't let them keep winning, right?

KT's game is attracting so much attention now. In addition to KT's good play style and being sought after by fans, the fans also want to see which hero can stand up and give KT a sap.

Everyone understands that no team can win all the time.

That's a punch in the face.

It just depends on who plays the David who defeats the giant.

In this game, BRO's investor Kim Heechul also came to the scene to cheer for the team. He even held up a sign very coquettishly:

Cheng! Can I ask you to return to Earth temporarily?

Because this year KT is called the Cosmos team, and Lin Cheng, as the captain, is called an alien in LOL by the commentators in the outer division. Although Kim Heechul and Lin Cheng have participated in variety shows together, they obviously still care more about their own team.

Unfortunately, his arrival did not allow the team members to transform into Saiyans on the spot, nor did it allow the alien Lin Cheng to return to Earth.

KT swept BRO 2:0 with all players performing well, and the two games took only 43 minutes in total.

The director is also very good, always giving Kim Heechul opportunities to be on camera.

At first, the star of the universe, Kim Heechul, was very graceful and shouted cheers for the team. Later, he was beaten to the point where Hongwen stopped talking. When he faced the camera, he just applauded with a melancholy look on his face.

What's even more confusing is that Kim Heechul was invited to watch the game as a guest, but all the people sitting around him were KT fans.

Every time the camera came over, KT fans were cheering, but he could only clap awkwardly but politely with a grimace. The contrast in the picture was very strong.

The first week of the LCK Summer Split has ended, and KT has taken the top spot in the standings with a record of 2 wins and 0 losses.

However, the results of the first week have not yet opened up. In addition to KT, there are three teams with two wins, namely DK, GEN·G and NS.

T1, which easily won the opening game of the summer split, failed to maintain its momentum. After being defeated by DK in the second game, T1 fans temporarily gave up their illusions.

Let’s not talk about the championship. Let’s set a small goal first: enter the World Championship.

On June 16, KT ushered in their third opponent in the summer split, AFS.

The owner of the African team is very interesting. After spending a lot of money to retain Kiin, he always likes to mix things up in other positions, buying a top player, and then buying a few mediocre players.

It's not bad, but it doesn't look like it's an attempt to achieve results.

For example, this year, they have Lehends, who has the highest salary in the LCK, in the support position, but the AD team is a slop brought back from North America.

The description of "Swill" may not be very respectful to Mr. Bang's past, but I have to say that Bang's performance in returning to LCK this year is really hard to describe. Every time he faced each other in the lane, he was naturally pressured, and he couldn't produce output in team battles. Already Leo was firmly pushed to the bench.

Coupled with the fact that the mid laner is a player like Fei Ge who spends most of the game messing around, AFS's double C will definitely not perform much better.

In fact, every year AFS's transfer ideas highlight one of the confusion.

They didn't think about it from a balanced perspective. They always deployed two or three outstanding players in the team, and then introduced one or two particularly bad players, forcing the players with the ability to compete in the world championship to be left on the edge of the playoffs. .

KT showed no mercy in this encounter. They easily swept the African team 2:0 with a violent attack from the third line.

On June 18, KT faced NS.

Nongshim performed very well in the summer split. They currently have the same record of 3 wins and 0 losses as KT, but are slightly behind in small points.

In the summer split, Bay, the most profitable mid laner in the LCK in the spring split, was kicked away. Nongshim replaced Gori, the former Faker's substitute, and the team improved significantly.

However, the shortcomings of this team are still obvious.

The laning ability of single lane players is weak.

After Gori came on the scene, although he often performed well with warrior heroes such as Yone Sett, his laning strength was really poor in the early stage. There was almost no time when he was not suppressed by a big core like Viktor Clockwork.

Let’s not talk about Rich on the top lane. The Storm Triple Crown’s overall awareness and teamfight selection are indeed excellent, but the LCK does not have too many teamfights for him to show his strengths, and Rich’s weak laning characteristics are amplified.

This team would be quite capable of teamfighting if it were delayed until the later stages, but KT's top and middle lanes are players with extremely strong laning abilities. KT will not let them mix up easily like other teams.

In this game, Lin Cheng and Chaowei's on-the-spot efforts coupled with the active invasion of Little Peanut, Nongshim exploded early on.

They simply couldn't sustain the teamfights they were good at. Nongshim was sent away by KT in the early 20 minutes of both games.

In this way, after two weeks of competition, KT topped the standings with four consecutive victories, and its momentum was not stopped by the changes in the summer version.

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