This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1195 Hilisang South Korea

The tower jump failed on the road. Although Gnar is still behind Gwen in terms of experience, he has recovered economically and has double BUFFs in hand.

However, when Kingen was in particularly bad condition, he still chose to return to the city and turn in TP to replenish the line after finishing the experience in the tower.

Thinking optimistically, if you don't look at the heads and double BUFFs given by Xiaohuahua, it is equivalent to catching the opponent's double moves in this wave.

At this time, Lin Cheng began to change his laning thinking, focusing on ensuring his own development, accumulating the charge layers of Q skills and then looking for opportunities to consume them.

There was no fierce fighting on the road for the time being, only small tests between each other.

For more than four minutes, the two sides started fighting in the bottom lane.

Effort hides underneath and hooks out the grass, hoping to hook out Kalma who is standing in the middle grass. As long as he can hook it first, the combination of Titan + Kalista will have an advantage.

But Effort was a blind hook. Not only did he not hook Kalma in the grass, but he hooked himself over the wall.

Mr. Dai stepped forward to cover, but Kalma directly and decisively held Calista on the chain, flashed over and set her on fire.

The DRX duo ignored Titan and focused on Kalista.

Does Titan have a hook that can limit Varus's output? Mr. Dai can only slide back and quickly cross-dodge to break Karma's chain.

It was originally the first mover of the KT duo, but in the end they showed a flash of their own AD.

After a hard fight in the bottom lane, no one broke out, and the director cut the camera to the middle lane again.

There was nothing interesting in the middle lane, and the audience just watched Chovy's last strike.

Soon, the camera turned to the road again.

Gwen has not returned home yet, and Gnar has just returned home to replenish the Doran Sword. The sword and shield combination + red BUFF gave Gnar an excellent laning ability, but Kingen did not take advantage of it after pulling his hair for a while on the top lane. Any advantage will only reduce the blood volume.

Even the commentator didn't know what was going on above, so why did Gnar lose sight of him for a while and was pinned down again?

It happened that Kingen spotted Gwen's opportunity to replenish his troops and wanted to use the Q skill to attack him and lead the troops together. Lin Cheng glanced at the position and instantly opened the remaining traces of W while moving forward with the E skill.

Gwen's W is effective immediately. The holy mist shroud will make all the skills of enemies outside the circle useless, and the displacement of WE's starting hand is just enough for Gwen to reach the edge of the remaining silk thread, and she will scissor at Gnar outside the circle. The basic attack also activates Q to cut with a sharp knife.

Although the distance between the two sides was very close, Gwen was stuck in the circle of W. Not only did the dart thrown by Gnar first come up empty, but the subconscious flat A also did no damage.

Kingen chose to jump back to avoid the true damage at the center of Gwen's Q skill.

Lin Cheng stopped chasing and turned around to continue replenishing troops.

Gnar's E has a very long cooldown, while Gwen's E has a very short cooldown. This exchange of skills means that Gnar will have to be very cautious in the future.

Seeing this, the audience also knew the reason why Nard couldn't fight even though he had a Doran sword.

It would be better if Kingen was more honest. Once Gnar wants to take the initiative to change blood, he will always suffer more and more losses.

Gwen had been pretending to be out on the road with Dolan Sword and followed Gnar who had returned to the city for supplies. Lin Cheng's insistence on the top lane was equivalent to killing Kingen twice.

Do you understand the value of the world's number one top orderer?

Of course, Gwen's killing ability was indeed weak in the early stage. Gnar's life was not in danger even if Lin Cheng had used ignition or not.

But it will be different after reaching level six.

The theoretical kill line for level 6 Gwen is full health.

Lin Cheng rushed back to the city because of his advantage in the line of troops. When Nalta went down and pushed the line back to the city, Lin Cheng saved TP and ran back to the line, which happened to be a wave of troops that was about to push back.

Lin Cheng chose to only repair the tail knife, blocking the line of troops here.

This kind of army line will be very difficult for the opponent. When Gnar comes and dares to attack the army line, he will die.

At this moment, fighting suddenly started again in the bottom lane.

This time it was the little Death who made the first move.

The bottom lane was exhausted by Varus and Kalma's long hands. Effort found an opportunity to hook Kalma first.

The two sides fought fiercely.

However, due to the difference in blood volume between the two sides in the previous line, even though Titan control was given in this wave, the KT duo did not fight together.

Mr. Dai's Kalista was killed first, but the perpetrator, Titan, flashed away.

Zeyuan: "Hey! Effort, this is too much! Do you dare to hook with this amount of health? This hook immediately killed Mr. Dai. Titan made two hooks, once causing AD to dodge, and once to kill AD will kill you, and everyone in Deft will be paralyzed!”

"We say that Titan is very capable of restraining soft assistants. This means that when the blood volume is equal, as long as the soft assistant is hooked, basically the soft assistant will not be able to fight back. But if you have consumed so much blood before, you must not be able to hook."

Xiaomi: "It's also annoying to be consumed in the lane. KT's combination of short hands really needs to be combined to be powerful. This is a good attempt, but it's a pity that I haven't beaten it before."

Zeyuan: "Effort is a player who really has a bit of a sly look on his face. Even with KT's record this year, he often makes waves out of nowhere. Of course, he can also often make very exciting extreme team starts, which is rare in the LCK. One of those 'I'd rather make a mistake than do nothing' kind of players."

Xiaomi: "His style reminds me of a European player, Hilisang."

Zeyuan laughed: "Okay! Hey Lisang Korea Fensang, right? Don't tell me that having such players in a competition area is quite effective. It is much more interesting than that kind of stagnant water."

"Fuck! Hey Lisang, Korea is outrageous!"

“I’d rather be wrong than do nothing and it’s so classic.”

"Brother Ba calls me an expert."

"Mr. Dai just had bad luck. The word "Titan" blew him up in the bottom lane, 23333."

The laning disadvantage in the bottom lane was already obvious. Knowing that the situation in the bottom lane was difficult to reverse, Effort went straight to the top lane after returning to the city.

"Brother! Let me help you squat."

Lin Cheng was stuck on the upper route. If his opponent Narr was cautious enough, he would definitely use someone to clear the route, and he might even attack Lin Cheng.

So there is no problem with Effort's consciousness.

When they hit the road, Effort crouched behind for more than ten seconds without noticing any danger, so he simply drove the scanner to the river to help Lin Cheng with his vision.

As a result, there was a problem with his vision.

Titan was in view of the grass along the river, and was picked up by the prince's EQ across the wall.

Since Lin Cheng chose to control the line in front, it was too late to support the river at this time.

Although KT's midfielder and jungler all consciously moved up early, Galio came faster with the help of the Predator.

Level 3 Titans don't need to be attacked from the opposite side. If the hook is blocked by the prince's body, Effort is destined to be dead.

The head was taken by Gnar.

Ze Yuan: "Something's wrong! KT's rhythm in the first game of the summer split is too bad! This Nosuke has ruined the early rhythm."

Xiaomi: "I still feel a little loose! From the death of Brother Chengzi at the first level to the rehearsal of assisting, KT's players seem to be a little less vigilant."

Zeyuan: "In this game, Brother Cheng is the first to serve. After Brother Cheng has sent out the peanuts, he will send them away. After the peanuts are sent out, Evert will send them out. Is the curse of winning the championship about to begin? Is there always someone who has a problem with his thinking?"

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