This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1173 Press Conference

Lin Cheng unilaterally tore up the peace agreement with Faker, and KT fans in the live broadcast room began to applaud.

"We won't accept surrender! We'll do it until we're done!"

And T1 fans naturally feel that I have the advantage and KT is just a temporary success.

"Why does this guy declare war on Faker? Look at his arrogant face! Faker is the perfect e-sports player."

Now that the home team's record is poor and T1 fans are clearly at a disadvantage, they can only attack Lin Cheng's moral character. However, it has been proven in the past that as long as the team's record begins to improve, these T1 fans who are bathed in the glory of the Triple Crown will show their arrogance.

The harmonious atmosphere between the two players that had just been seen suddenly changed again, and the live broadcast room once again became a battlefield.

It was the first time he saw someone saying harsh words to someone offline, and Faker didn't know how to respond. He scratched his head and just laughed.

Lin Cheng ran away after saying the harsh words, and returned to the coach and said: "Coach, next time I meet T1, I'm going to play in the middle!"

Kang Dongxun didn't know why.

Lin Cheng added: "If you don't give it, give it away!"

Kang Dongxun: "???"

Are you crazy?


Although he knew Lin Cheng was joking, Kang Dongxun was still curious about what he had just posted.

Just as a staff member informed them to enter the venue, a group of people went to the screening room one by one to attend the media conference.

Players and coaches from ten teams sat in the middle of the stage in the screening room, while reporters and representatives from various media sat in the stepped auditorium.

After taking a look, there were no less than forty or fifty people. Lin Cheng had never known that there were so many e-sports media in South Korea.

Before the press conference started, Lin Cheng quietly waved to Kim Ji-hyun in the front row, who hid behind the laptop screen and chuckled.

Lin Cheng had an inexplicable feeling like a naughty student teasing his senior sister in class.

The media conference went smoothly under the auspices of Yin Xiubin. She first introduced the specific implementation method of the offline mode of the summer competition, including broadcast arrangements, the number of spectators entering the venue, and a series of issues were explained in detail.

Next is the routine prediction session, where the representative players of each team have to select their own summer champion.

KT received eight votes in support.

Except for Faker who voted for DK, the other team players all voted for KT.

The reason given by Faker is simple: "Because I haven't played against KT for a long time, I don't know what their current status is, but DK performed well against us in the training game, so I chose DK."

Lin Cheng curled his lips. It was obvious that Faker deliberately refused to vote for them.

Brother Cheng just tore up the non-aggression pact, and Lee Sang Hyuk was deliberately disgusting with his backhand, right?

We all went to Iceland to participate in MSI. Why are you playing training games with us?

As for the status, didn’t you see your buddies killing people in Iceland?

You guys can still be better than RNG... Well~~~Although RNG was always beaten by SKT in the past, you haven't beaten RNG since T1 changed its name, right?

Faker is also famous for his tough talk. Since his debut, he has rarely praised the players who compete with him directly. Even if he loses in a head-to-head match, he still thinks that he did not perform well enough, not that he is worse than others.

In fact, this is true. It is precisely because he firmly believes that he is the best and maintains hard training day after day that Faker can maintain a good competitive state in such a long career.

However, this personality has also attracted some controversy for Faker.

In the past, he could use his strength to prove that his statement, "Ryu has no shortcomings and no advantages," was correct. But later, when he no longer had dominance in the middle, many of his words became arrogant in the eyes of outsiders. .

Of course, Lin Cheng felt that Brother Li's ability to speak harshly showed that he was still angry.

If one day Faker is completely defeated and admits from the bottom of his heart that he is inferior to others, the devil in the middle may really become history.

Compared with Faker's approach, Lin Cheng is actually quite unexpected.

He couldn't vote for himself, so Lin Cheng abstained from voting.

He didn't even bother to vote for DK, the runner-up in the spring split.

After several years of organizing the LCK, no one has ever abstained from voting at this stage, but no one has ever questioned Lin Cheng’s behavior.

There is no way, now KT's strength is obvious to all.

However, if KT pulls his crotch in the summer game, Lin Cheng's slightly arrogant behavior will definitely be pulled out and whipped.

E-sports only plays real. If you win, everything is easy to say. If you lose, even breathing will be wrong.

When explaining the reason for his vote, Mike said: "KT worked very hard at MSI to win an extra finals ticket for LCK. I am really grateful to KT."

Obviously, the outstanding performance of the young players in the Spring Split gave McGee the illusion that he could lead the team to the World Championships upon his return.

Not only Mike, but other coaches are also gearing up to get an extra spot in the S competition, and at the same time, they do not forget to thank KT Lao Tie for his efforts.

Due to the cancellation of the LMS division, Riot Games has set up two floating quotas since last year to reward divisions that perform well in international competitions. Unfortunately, the LCK failed to win the first place, allowing the LPL and LEC to grab the quotas respectively.

What's very funny is that the fourth seeds in the two major regions did not have a good time in the play-in last year.

I won’t talk about the old godfather, he has back and forth with the wild card.

MAD, the fourth seed in Europe at the time, was even worse. It was directly swept out of the play-in round by the wild card team, becoming the first team in the four major regions to be eliminated from the play-in round.

Among the rules updated by Riot Games this year, the two floating quotas for the S competition will be awarded to the region where MSI directly won the championship and the region with the highest points in the international competition in the past year.

KT not only won the S Championship last year, but also won the MSI Championship this year. If Riot had not stipulated that two quotas cannot be obtained by the same division, the LCK would already have five World Championship quotas.

Faced with the thanks from his peers, Kang Dongxun also pretended.

"To be honest, I feel a little regretful... If I had obtained four tickets earlier, I could have gone to the World Championships twice more. I wouldn't have been called a holding back coach."

What Kang Dongxun said was that when he coached KZ in 2018 and 2019, he collapsed at the last moment before going to the World Championship. This wave was about remembering the bitterness and thinking about the sweetness, and the audience burst into laughter.

Next is the question and answer session from the media.

Lin Cheng naturally became the darling at this stage. Everyone caught Lin Cheng and asked questions. Lin Cheng lived up to expectations and frequently made risqué remarks. He had the potential to turn the press conference into a talk show.

Finally, the media conference ended, and Lin Cheng walked out while chatting with the coach.

"You have a good rest these days. When the Summer Split is ready, let's compete again!"

"Don't be so ambiguous. As long as your BP, coach, doesn't hold you back, KT will be invincible."

Kang Dongxun scolded him as a brat and was about to say harsh words when he bumped into Kim Ji-hyun on the other side.

Lin Cheng quickly approached, "Miss Zhixian, do you have time to drink coffee together?"

Jin Zhixian hesitated, "Is it okay? Will it be too disturbing?"

"It's okay, don't bother."

After Lin Cheng finished speaking, he waved to Kang Dongxun, "Coach, you go first, leave me alone."

Kang Dongxu: "·····"

What does your gesture to drive away stray dogs mean?

Also, why don't you ask me if I drink coffee?

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