This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1140 Commentary: Bobby can’t carry the game!

Since Lucian was in a good position at the first level in this game, Lin Cheng's passive plan to get stuck in the grass at the beginning failed. Instead, after Bobby made a Q to clear the troops, Lucian used his hand length to stop the troops.

The jungler's own red card was ready to go down. Lin Cheng didn't want to be consumed too much blood in the early stage, so he didn't forcefully look for opportunities to exchange blood.

After Little Peanut discovered that his jungle area was being countered, it was no longer easy for Lin Cheng to get on the road and grab the lane.

Little Peanut entered the blue square jungle area at more than two minutes and forty seconds. There was no movement in RNG's midfield and jungle for the first time. Little Peanut thought that Udyr had gone against the jungle and went back to his own red jungle area.

It seemed that this wave was about exchanging one zone and one area, but KT did not expect that Lucian would place the first trinket eye on the grass opposite the blue buff pit in advance before going online.

During the last moment of this eye position, the movements of Little Peanut were clearly visible.

Just when Morgana was about to counter the blue BUFF, Lucian suddenly moved towards the jungle.

At the same time, Nightmare is moving towards the jungle in the middle.

Lin Cheng warned it was too late, Udyr hit the explosive cones and fell from the sky. Although the little peanut punished the blue buff, Udyr flashed directly and stunned Morgana.

Little Peanut's level 3 Morgana didn't learn the black shield!

Morgana, who had just handed over her skills as a jungler, had no countermeasures against Udyr's attack. She was stunned by being slapped in the face twice.


Little Peanut dodged towards Hedaola's position, but the blue side's midfielder had already surrounded him.


Lucian, who was approaching, flashed decisively, E, W, Q, Q, and drew his gun at the speed of light. The nightmare that came over from the other side also dealt damage with a Q skill.

Morgana died suddenly, and Xiaohu gained the first blood and gained double BUFF.

Lin Cheng and Chaowei could only retreat.

Miller: "Beautiful! The little peanut enters the jungle and is given away! The little tiger gets first blood + double BUFF! At this time, KT's mid and top players don't have absolute lane rights, why do you dare to counter blue?"

The doll's tone was full of happiness: "Morgana exploded! She is still dead even though she has lost a jungle area. RNG's early rhythm is very good!"

Remember: "This time the early advantage comes very early, I hope RNG can seize it!"

Wawa: "There is also good news. In this game, Orange Brother is just Poppy. We all know that Poppy is a hero who has no carry ability, and after Lucian equips it, it will become better and better to defeat Poppy."

"It's started, it's started! Little Peanut is really on its way, 23333."

"Although it's late, it's here, a must-have traditional performance in the Little Peanut Contest."

"After hiding it for so long, little peanut finally couldn't bear it anymore, haha!"

"Outrageous! Lucian's double BUFF + first blood, Brother Cheng is paralyzed."

"As expected of a little wreath! It was the same thing with Little Peanut in Laogandaddy last year. He made a wave out of nowhere and brought down his teammates."

After giving the first blood, Little Peanut helplessly held his head and smiled: "Ah!!! The other side came so fast, Lucian and Udyr didn't dodge!"

"But Lucian has double BUFFs, so I don't feel comfortable laning."

Lin Cheng put on the pain mask, "No! Brother, if you are against blue, why don't you put an eye through the wall first? You haven't even clicked the exploding fruit, but you dare to be against blue?"

Little Peanut: "I said I forgot, do you believe me?"

Lin Cheng: "???"

referee! Pause for a moment, have an eye!

After this wave of little peanuts were killed and resurrected, they immediately went to the lower half to control the river crabs, but Wei was also really ruthless. After fighting the upper river crabs, he ran to the middle to help Nightmare push the lane, and then led Nightmare down to grab the river crabs.

Udyr just happened to catch Morgana's opportunity to beat the river crab and hand over her skills. Little Peanut could only give up the river crab in tears.

In the early stage, Morgana's jungle rhythm has exploded.

Fortunately, this version of the wild area can be cleared quickly, and the wild monsters above are cleared again, so Little Peanut will not have no wild monsters to start shopping.

On the top road, Lucian had both BUFFs in hand, so Lin Cheng chose to develop honestly first.

Of course, Lin Cheng will still choose to exchange blood if he finds the opportunity.

After Xiaohu's Q wave failed to penetrate the troops and consume the troops, he still wanted to press the position and use the red BUFF to target people, but Poppy's passive was farther than Lucian's basic attack. Lin Cheng decisively controlled Poppy and threw the round shield with his backhand, hitting Lucian.

You Udyr is down there, why should I be afraid of you?

The moment A took action, Poppy launched a heroic charge and pushed Lucian against the wall.

Poppy's passive buckler will fall against the wall. Although Lin Cheng's E does not have the effect of wall-dong stun, the buckler just happens to fall near where Poppy's E came.

Lin Cheng moved AQ and took advantage of the situation to take a step to pick up the soap.

At this time, Xiaohu turned to E to gain position, but Lin Cheng immediately opened W to interrupt Lucian's sliding step.

Lucian took damage from the second stage of the Holy Hammer's slam. After picking up the soap, the small hammer-shaped cannon chased the two hammers and hit another Q. Lucian lost most of his health.

Poppy's skill damage is very high in the early stage. Whenever Lucian is interrupted by the E wave, he will lose blood. This is why Poppy has such a high line kill rate against Lucian.

Bobby can be hit countless times by Lucian, but Lucian can't stand it after being hit twice.

Xiaohu also discovered that Poppy's damage was very high, so he no longer pretended to be in position, and no longer relied on the red BUFF to cross the line and target people.

Just at 4 and a half minutes, Udyr suddenly launched a GANK on the bottom lane.

Xiao Ming originally only had a little more than half health, but he didn't hesitate when he saw the jungler coming. Just when Udyr entered the river, the Titan hooked Braum in the grass first.

From RNG's perspective, Morgana, who exploded in the jungle, must be farming to replenish her growth, and there is no risk of being counter-crouched.

It is true that the little peanuts are not around this time, but the KT duo counterattacked very decisively.

Braun's backhand was passively linked to Titan, and Jayce activated W, Lightspeed, and A.

Jace's gun form W provides three basic attacks with the upper limit of attack speed, but it is much more insidious than Cluster Braum's routine. Titan was knocked out of Braum's passive stun almost instantly.

Then Jace QE blasted over, switched to hammer form and launched Sky Leap.

Titan died suddenly on the spot.

Xiao Ming ignited it and gave it to Braum before he died. After discovering that Udyr had come around, Effort took the initiative to sell himself to let Mr. Dai retreat.

In the end, the two sides traded one for one, and Kai'Sa took Braum's head.

Miller: "Wei is here again! This minion line has a great opportunity to go down the lane. Xiao Ming takes the lead... Wow! Jess's damage is so high! Titan was knocked out? Oops~~ Xiao Ming is too early for this wave. ! It’s not very profitable to trade one for one like this.”

Remember: "KT's bottom lane, Jayce + Braum, has something! It turns out that their cooperation is here. Jayce's W attack speed A is too fast, and Braum's passive is instantly played, which makes Xiao Ming unable to even flash. come out."

"At first, I thought that Jace was forced to move down the lane, but Deft's skill seems to be very high, but it's actually okay to trade for one head at a time."

Wawa couldn't help but add: "That's the same point. Fortunately, Brother Cheng Zi is a Poppy, so he can't carry like Dao Girl. We don't have to worry too much on the road."

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