This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1078 They all chose the script with the most comments

Seeing KT grab the blind monk, the red side RNG did not hesitate and took out Udyr with a backhand.

Although the Turbo Alchemy Pot has been cut, in this version where everyone is fighting for jungle speed, without Morgana and Rambo, everyone still thinks that Udyr is still a good choice on the field.

The main reason is that Udyr himself is too restrained against jungle core heroes. RNG playing Udyr first will greatly compress KT's jungle options.

Of course, the heat of the MSI arena cannot conceal Udyr's decline.

In the recent RANK records of the Korean server and the European server, Udyr's winning rate has plummeted. After a while, Udyr will gradually withdraw from the stage after a better choice is found in the game.

From the moment the Turbo Alchemy Tank was chopped down, Udyr was destined to become increasingly unpopular. However, unlike the men and horses who were weakened in all aspects, Udyr still needs a process to become a sewer.

After locking Udyr, the red side did not hesitate in the second choice and directly sacrificed Kai'Sa.

Remember: "Kasha! No problem, Gala's unique skill!"

Cat: "I feel like Gala is very stable if she gets Kai'Sa. RNG has inherited Kai'Sa! It's just that the previous Kai'Sa was better at laning, while Gala's Kai'Sa is more inclined to work hard in team battles."

"Ancestral Kasha, hahaha!"

"Infuriated! Cat King means that Uzkasha is not good at team fights?"

"One thing to say, Uzi is really strong in lane, but it is easy to die suddenly in the later stage."

"Gala is more stable, Uzi is more aggressive, and their styles are different."

"Ka'Sa gets it! Half the game is won."

“I really like a saying: Gala’s Kaisha is unstable! (Funny)”

The blue side didn't think too much and locked up Cannon and Olaf on the second and third floors.

Theoretically, the small cannon has an advantage in fighting Kai'Sa in the early stage, and Olaf was also chosen to target Udyr. KT's two picks were quite satisfactory.

RNG showed Lucian on the third floor.

Remember: "Here he comes! He is here! Xiaohu has a 100% winning rate. Lucian is here! He just wants to have a head-on confrontation with Brother Chengzi!"

After triggering the Onmyoji bond, Cat immediately answered: "Okay! A 100% winning rate for Lucian against the blind monk who has never won a match."

"That makes sense! Hehehehehe."

I remember that I couldn't stand it any longer, so I looked at each other and smiled at the Cat King.

"How do you say Wanwan? Maomao, Lucian, who has a 100% winning rate against the blind monk who has never won a match, is there no problem, right?"

Wanwan said in a serious tone: "That's still different. Brother Cheng Zi's blind monk didn't win a game because he didn't choose a game. Little Tiger Lucian's winning rate is 100% because he hasn't met Brother Cheng Zi yet."

Suddenly, the barrage exploded.

"Pure! So pure! 23333."

"That's outrageous! This is too much."

"The three commentators all chose the script with the most comments! The show is very effective."

"I thought the two onmyojis were already full of yin and yang, but I didn't expect that Wan Wan would become a blockbuster."

"The other two are acting strangely, but Wanwan is the only one who speaks the truth, haha."

"This female commentator is hooked as soon as she catches a fish, she's so funny!"

"Wanwan talks seriously every time when she talks dirty. It's so cute."

"The duel on the road is great! Brother Chengzi has short hands and long hands."

"Little Tiger Lucian has a 100% winning rate, and Orange Brother has a 100% winning rate in this year's competition. There will always be someone who wants to go out sideways today."


The second round of BP started, and the red side BAN Zoe first on the fourth floor.

Brother Guozi doesn't play Zoe, and RNG doesn't have a particularly good way to deal with Zoe, so in this year's LPL competition, RNG will almost always ban Zoe by default when encountering Zoe's master.

Although Chaowei rarely plays Zoe recently, this hero is one of his best mages after all, and RNG chose to give him respect.

The blue side KT disabled the clockwork backhand and chose to target the mid laner Cryin.

The main reason is that neither side has a choice of auxiliaries. When Xiaoming has a wide hero pool, it may be KT who suffers the loss if he continues to target auxiliaries, because the red side on the fourth floor can grab the auxiliaries first.

On the contrary, it is much easier to target Brother Guozi.

Cryin is famous for his hero coins. He only used 7 heroes in the entire LPL Spring Split this year, among which Rambo and Crocodile are already in the BAN position.

Moreover, in this MSI version, three of the remaining five heroes of Brother Guozi have been cut.

Who is this not directed at?

RNG's last BAN move was for Niu Niu. Effort's brave Niu Niu still has something to say.

Although the delivery is awesome, the assistant really dares to fight hard.

In this year's Spring Split, KT had multiple players in one game and was forced to RUSH the Baron from the upper half of the opponent's side. The Little Death's Bullhead Hex flashed to grab the Baron and kept all the opponents alive.

The last BAN position on the blue side continued to target Cryin, and the card was also banned.

I heard that Guozige is very addicted to cards?

Sorry, the table has been turned over for you.

Starting to select people, the red square on the fourth floor locked Titan first.

Titan is the most commonly used hero by Xiao Ming in MSI. RNG did not expect that KT would release Titan in the second round.

RNG’s team voice is like this.

"Has the opponent never seen our game? Can we still get the Titans?"

"I think they must have seen it, otherwise they wouldn't target the mid lane hero pool so accurately."

"The central lane came into play before the game even started. Brothers, I have to praise Yuan Chengwei for this."

"Yuan Chengwei, you have made great achievements in heaven!"

Seeing that the opponent took the Titan first, KT used a backhand to lock the Japanese girl on the fourth floor.

After thinking for a while, the blue side finally took Victor.

Remember: "KT is so cruel! He banned the cards and clockwork and then grabbed Victor with his backhand. Brother Guozi didn't have many heroes to choose from."

Cat: "It's time to test Cryin. Let's see what he chooses to play Super Power? It doesn't feel particularly comfortable anymore."

Wanwan: "I think it's okay. If Chaowei can get Victor, it can only develop in the early stage at best. He can't use Victor to crush Cryin, right? If it doesn't work, Cryin can use Tsar. Taking a step back, Ryze can also be used as a card. replacement of."

As soon as the words fell, RNG locked Galio with one last move.

Remember: "Gario? In my impression, Guozi Ge has never been used in the spring games, but this hero doesn't particularly require proficiency."

Cat: "This hand is not bad. It can make Xiaohu's life more comfortable on the top lane. Xiaohu is going to be embarrassed on the top lane in this round."

"This one is very elegant. I just want to see how Brother Cheng beats Lucian + Galio."

"Short hands versus long hands, and there's Galio on the opposite side. Is Brother Orange finally going to resist the pressure?"

"Can Brother Guozi know how to play Galio? I have no impression."

"Actually, I have practiced Guozige's version of heroes and I know how to do it. I just don't know why I don't dare to win them in competitions."

"Didn't Emperor Rang do the same thing back then? He was a tough guy, right?"

The lineups of both sides are selected.

Blue square KT:

Top road: Cheng (Blind Monk, Lee Sin)

Jungler: Peanut (Berserker, Olaf)

Mid lane: Chovy (Mechanical Herald, Victor)

Bottom lane: Deft (Merlin Gunner, Tristana)

Support: Effort (Goddess of Dawn, Leona)

Red Square RNG:

Top lane: Xiaohu (Lance Ranger, Lucian)

Jungler: Wei (Spirit Walker, Udyr)

Middle: Cryin (Colossus of Justice, Galio)

Bottom lane: Gala (Daughter of the Void, Kai’Sa)

Support: Ming (Abyssal Titan, Nautilus)

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