This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1048 European Server Qualification Tournament

After getting the top lane blind monk, Lin Cheng saw the characteristics of European server players in the first RNAK game.

how to say?

The European server is simply the ultimate brawl, with waves of you and me going back and forth.

Lin Cheng had obviously killed his opponent Nuoshou online, but his teammates couldn't even lie down and were sent flying from below.

Even though he knew he couldn't beat him, he still had to be tough. Lin Cheng killed the opponent indiscriminately, and his teammates were also killed by the opponent.

Lin Cheng found it hard to believe that this was the teammate he was matched with in the first round of the super number.

At present, these passers-by in the European server seem to be more numerous than the orphans at the top of the canyon.

Of course, Top of the Canyon is made up of players with diamonds and above from various domestic servers, so their natural level is guaranteed to a certain extent. However, most of the players Lin Cheng matched with in the first round were players around the platinum level of the European server, which is indeed not the same as Top of the Canyon. Compare.

Facts have proved that the top laner is still much stronger than the AD dad. When Lin Cheng’s 5-0 blind monk went down and easily killed the opponent’s 9-1 AD dad in front of everyone, the nature of the game was determined. Come down.

In fourteen minutes, the two-piece blind monk drove everyone on the opposite side to run away, and his teammates were responsible for showing nice expressions behind him.

"This guy is so fierce! I love you so much!"

"I Want FK U!"

"So Sex! I want!"

"is on the way"

Teammates not only watch the show, but also engage in Lin Cheng's mentality in the chat channel with their opponents.

Oh shit! These guys don't deserve to win!

Lin Cheng was considering whether to lead them to win or not.

But after all, it was his own qualifying match, and these Europeans really liked to joke, so Lin Cheng didn't bother to argue with them.

In the end, Lin Cheng's blind monk carried the game with a terrifying record of 24 kills and 0 deaths. Four teammates held his thighs and won the game.

Continuing to start qualifying, Lin Cheng easily won three consecutive victories.

It's easy to say it's easy, but it's not necessarily so.

Although Lin Cheng could crush him every time he faced off, the European players were really happy. Seeing that Lin Cheng's superior teammate liked to play rough, they almost broke Lin Cheng's legs.

However, things changed a lot when the team members were queuing up to the third level. The team members' awareness suddenly seemed to have gone up to a higher level and they began to play in a very orderly manner.

But the top order line is still very different.

Even if Lin Cheng doesn't come to play, the mid-to-high-end European server games will still often see top laners collide with each other, and one side will always be beaten to the point where they can't play the game.

It's just that when Lin Cheng comes to fight, the opponent is always the one who gets blasted.

Blind Sin, Lucian, Jess... Anyway, Lin Cheng strictly followed the arrangements of the coaching staff and tried to choose some powerful heroes for practice. Blind Sin was naturally the first choice, followed by heroes such as Lucian and Jess.

He didn't take Lin Cheng's signature Sword Girl and Qinggang Shadow once.

Even heroes such as Riven, which he is also very skilled in, were not used to increase points, otherwise the difficulty would be too low.

Even so, Lin Cheng still carried the game very strongly and won seven consecutive victories.

After winning seven games in a row, it was almost dinner time. Lin Cheng stretched and weighed himself in the room for a while before ordering dinner.

Lin Cheng's dinner today was cauliflower with fried steak, plus some plaice and garlic sauce, which already exceeded the basic dinner consumption level of Icelanders.

While slowly eating steak, Lin Cheng suddenly received a WeChat message from Wanwan.

Brother Chengzi, what are you doing?

Lin Cheng was stunned. At this time, it was seven o'clock in the afternoon in Iceland, and it was already three o'clock in the morning in BJ time, right?

Lin Cheng: We’re having dinner, why aren’t you sleeping yet?

Wanwan: I’m waiting for news from you (crying loudly)

Lin Cheng:? ? ?

Wanwan: What is your European server ID? Have you started ranking?

Lin Cheng suddenly realized that Wanwan had indeed said before that he wanted to OB his European server ranking and asked Lin Cheng to tell him his ID after getting the super number.

But he forgot.

Lin Cheng sent a crazy kowtow emoticon: Sorry, I forgot, my ID is Shasi Mr.K, and I have played seven placement matches so far. "

Wanwan: How many games have you won?

Lin Cheng: Total victory.

Wanwan: Are you still RANK today?

Lin Cheng: After dinner, we’ll play three more rounds. We’ll finish the qualifying round today.

Wanwan: Then I’ll wait for you.

Lin Cheng: It's not good for girls to stay up late. You should go to bed early and continue the same OB tomorrow.

Wanwan: No! I made a promise to the audience in the live broadcast room that your RANK cannot fall behind in a round.

Lin Cheng: But the front has already fallen behind.

Wanwan: (poor)

Lin Cheng: (Sigh) Then you should rest first. I won’t fight today and will send you a message before the fight starts tomorrow.

Wanwan was very happy after seeing the news about Lin Cheng.

Brother Chengzi didn't fight because he was worried about me... No! Don't be sentimental.

Realizing that her mentality was wrong, Wanwan quickly stopped and sent a message:

Then it’s agreed (the rabbit spins around happily)

Putting down his cell phone, Lin Cheng finished his meal slowly and did not continue RANK.

At nine o'clock in the morning the next day, Lin Cheng sent a message to Wanwan and then continued to rank.

From the beginning, Lin Cheng easily won two games in a row.

However, in the last game of the positioning match, he finally encountered some difficulties.

Due to a winning streak all the way, the starting point of the super number's hidden score was very high. Lin Cheng was matched with all the kings and grandmasters in this round.

Moreover, the ID of the opposite jungler was very familiar. It was the little sheep that he had only watched live before.

It's just you looking at my photo, right?

Let’s see how Brother Cheng deals with you!

Huya Wanwan’s live broadcast room.

Wanwan has done a lot of homework during this time, and she knows the IDs of many European server players.

Lin Cheng only knew that there was a lamb opposite, but Wan Wan knew more.

Wanwan: "Wow! Brother Chengzi has been ranked with many professional players. He is facing off against Broken Blade, the LEC's second-team top laner. The opposite jungler is Jankos, and the mid laner is an MSF player."

The barrage is very lively.

"Brother Cheng has finally encountered some serious trouble. Let's see if he can continue to kill indiscriminately."

"It's so fun to win over RANK from Europe and the United States! I'll take advantage of Brother Cheng and continue to kill randomly."

"Is this the Duanjian brother that the second brother has been bragging about last year? It's time to see how good it is."

"Brother Broken Sword? Fortunately, he didn't go to MSI. Otherwise, wouldn't this ID be Tianke's Sword Finger Team RNG?"

"RNG has arrived in Iceland. Can anyone tell me about their RANK?"

"The RANK hasn't started yet, just wait a little longer, Xiaopi will be OB."

"Get out of the advertising business! Protect the best Wanwan in the world."

Lin Cheng didn't know the background of the opponent's top laner, but found that he looked more human than the opponents he had encountered before. From the beginning, both sides had done a good job in exchanging blood.

However, Raven lacked recovery methods after all. Gradually, Lin Cheng used the AOE and W blood-stealing skills of E in the first two levels to gradually gain a health advantage.

At 3 and a half minutes, Lilia from the Lamb came up.

But it was because of the message sent by Xiaoyang that Riven exchanged blood in advance. Lin Cheng had the HP advantage first and hit the Q to move up and try to save Riven. He happened to reach the limit of W and touched the eye at the same time to avoid Riven's three attacks. Duan Q and Lilia’s vortex species.


Finding that it was possible to operate, Lin Cheng flashed back with E and hit the two of them, slowing down.

Even though Riven managed to dodge immediately, she was directly disabled by the blind monk's second stage Q and the previous killing damage.

Lin Cheng took advantage of the situation and killed Riwen with one punch.

This is not over yet.

The little sheep's Lilia also wanted to chase the blind monk, but was pulled by the blind monk's E to slow down and the Q skill was also empty.

The Blind Sin, who was stacked full of Conquerors, decisively pulled and counterattacked. He knew that Lilia was being dodged by her teammates below.

The silly roe deer was too fragile, and when the lamb realized something was wrong and wanted to run away, it ate the blind monk's second Tianyin Wave.

Then Lilia died and gave the blind monk double BUFFs.

Wanwan: "The operation has begun! Yangkosi has fallen! Do you dare to arrest Brother Chengzi now?"

"It's so funny! What Xiaoyang did is outrageous."

"BB was fooled! This jungler is unreliable!"

"The skills are all empty. I don't even know if the little sheep is doing anything."

"That's right, Europe's best jungler is not just a boast."

"Ueno and Ueno link up, one will die and the other will be given away."

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