This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1003 I want to beat Jin Donghe from level one to level eighteen

This time the trash talk session was more brutal than the last, but after the AD exchanges between the two sides, the little Death began to respect the elders, and simply acted coquettishly and cutely with Beryl, asking the elder brother to give in to him.

After the trash talk session, the screen switched back to the commentary box, and the three commentators continued to analyze the pre-game data and key points for watching the game.

Players from both sides are also making final adjustments in their respective training rooms.

Entering the finals, the priority for side selection will not be determined based on regular season points. The coaches of the two teams guess coins to compete for the right to choose sides in the first game.

To be honest, this coin-guessing method is a bit naughty.

The coaches on both sides guess coins through the Internet connection at the base. The referee at one base will toss the coin, and the referee at the other base only plays a role in communication and supervision.

The first time he saw this method of tossing a coin, Lin Cheng thought it was like taking off his pants and farting.

WeChat’s guessing function seems to be more convenient.

Soon, the referee confirmed that the first game had officially entered the BP session.

Kang Dongxun lost the right to choose sides. DK chose the blue side in the first game and KT chose the red side.

As soon as he comes up, DK will ban the sword girl in seconds.

Zeyuan: "There's no problem with Dao Girl! Brother Chengzi may set a new record again. If DK bans Dao Girl in three consecutive games today, then Brother Chengzi's Dao Girl will be the only one in the history of League of Legends to have his player ID banned for the entire season. The hero of 100% lockdown.”

"Previously, no player's unique hero could be targeted in all games throughout the season, not to mention Brother Cheng's Sword Girl was banned in the top three BANs."

Remember: "If you want to blame me, I can only blame Brother Chengzi for being too cruel with Dao Mei last year! He took out the sword and killed her indiscriminately! He directly killed himself to the BAN position."

Wanwan: "What a pity! KT's champion skin should be on the shelves soon. When everyone can use the Dao Girl skin, the champion skin owners will probably just stare blankly."

"We live in Bengbu, hahaha!"

"Brother Cheng is expected to become the only victim of the S competition championship."

"Trivia: Brother Chengzi also participated in the design of Dao Mei's skin, and the original drawings drawn by Brother Cheng are still available online."

"One thing to say, the original painting of Dao Girl's skin released by Riot Games is really awesome, with black stockings and long legs."

"Brother Cheng is really miserable. He won the championship and designed the skin himself, but in the end he couldn't use it."

"Why does it feel like Brother Cheng is being cheated? He has put in so much, but in the end he is working for the old perverts."

"I think of that unlucky guy Lupine. Anyone can play Fujiko Mine, but Lupine can't."

"Haha! I can't wait to buy Dao Mei's skin, I want to be green Brother Orange!"

"Are you devils?"


Lin Cheng didn't know that netizens were crazy about him, so he banned Serafani on the red side with his backhand.

The second BAN slot on the blue side was given to Jinx.

Zeyuan: "Jinx? DK's ban is a bit unexpected, isn't it? When facing KT's obvious ban shortage, Jinx is the top three banner?"

Remember: "Although Jinx has a high priority now and is Deft's signature, now everyone is generally targeting the combination of Golden Hammer, and the probability of banning Thresh is higher."

Wanwan: "Is it possible that DK has prepared a special hero in the bottom lane? I see that Beryl's RANK seems to have a lot of weird auxiliary options recently, and he can be used by Zach Big Head and the like."

Because they haven't played a training match with DK recently, KT didn't understand what the opponent's ban Jinx meant, so the red team backhand ban Rirael.

Beryl's Riel has a winning rate of over 90% this season, which is worth noting.

The blue side DK disabled Olaf in the third BAN.

This move is very smart, because Olaf is the hero that the LCK team uses specifically to fight Udyr in the playoff version.

Anyway, the junglers with the highest priority right now are the T0-level troops and Udyr, who is the next-level player. If KT’s third hand does not target junglers, then there will be one Udyr on each side, and DK will definitely take the higher-priority troops. .

And once KT chooses BAN troops as the third player, then DK can directly grab Udyr.

Anyway, Olaf is gone, and no matter what jungler KT comes up with, it will not be very comfortable against Udyr.

Of course, knowing what the opponent was thinking, KT did not intend to release its only T0 jungler to the opponent, and still chose to ban the team in the third round.

Starting to select people, the blue side grabbed Udyr.

The red side KT decisively won Aphelios + Thresh.

DK backhand locked Senna + Big Head on the second and third floor.

Zeyuan: "Oh? Senna and Big Head? DK has indeed prepared a plan in the bottom lane! Let Wanwan guess it."

Wanwan: "Beryl's ranking has been really useful recently, so it makes sense for Jinx to be banned in the top three."

"The big head going down the lane and pushing the lane wildly will make it difficult for the average AD. When losing lane rights, it is easy to miss the tower sword, but Jinx's lane clearing speed does not have this problem, and Jinx's hand length is also relatively long. It’s a good idea to clear the big turret, DK really has an idea for Jinx.”

Remember: "Okay! Coach Wan saw through the DK coaching staff's plan in an instant. He did a good job."

Wanwan was embarrassed, "No! I'm just talking nonsense. After all, I haven't hit my head with Jinx before. You can just listen to it."

The barrage of licking dogs has filled the screen with cuteness.

Seeing the opponent's black technology, KT selected Syndra on the third floor.

Syndra is a very counter hero. Even if the counter moves to the auxiliary position and cannot catch up with him, Syndra can still use W to capture the turret of the counter during a team fight.

Especially when the big fort is captured, the big-headed player may feel as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

Entering the second round of BAN people.

Based on the opponent's first three choices, it was judged that DK needed to strengthen the core in the middle, so KT chose to target the mid laner with BAN Tsar and Clockwork.

The blue DK is targeting the top lane, and BAN dropped Gnar and Big Bug.

As soon as the big bug opposite him was banned, Lin Cheng knew that Brother Khan was going to mess with him.

Brother Khan has played a lot of Thain this season. In the previous regular season, his Thain was cured by Rascal's big bug.

In fact, the DK coaching staff also found after analysis that Thain may be Brother Khan's best choice when facing Lin Cheng.

As a tank, it doesn't matter at all that Thain is suppressed online. In addition, Thain clears the line very quickly. It will be very difficult for Lin Cheng to penetrate in the early stage alone.

Starting to select players, KT took the lead in the male gun on the fourth floor of the red square.

The blue side finally decided on Victor + Thain.

"What did Lin Cheng say? Do you want Camille?"

Seeing the opponent playing Thain alone, his teammates automatically gave Lin Cheng the choice of Qinggangying.

Lin Cheng thought for a while: "Forget it! Camille needs equipment to fight against Thain. This time I want to beat Jin Donghe from level one to level eighteen."


Are you talking human language?

"Give me Fiona! You can hit me as you like."

"There is a strong opening hero like Thain on the opposite side. If Fiona can't penetrate it, will it be too risky to enter the team battle stage?"

"It doesn't matter! I'll kill him when we get into the game. He won't be able to survive the team fight."

Seeing Lin Cheng being so confident, Kang Dongxun stopped questioning him.

Anyway, everything Lin Cheng said came true.

If he said it could be pierced, then it would definitely be pierced.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue Square DWG:

Top lane: Khan (Undead Warrior, Thane)

Jungler: Canyon (Spirit Walker, Udyr)

Mid lane: Showmaker (Mechanical Herald, Victor)

Bottom lane: Gohst (soul-purifying holy spear, Senna)

Assistant: Beryl (The Great Inventor, Heimerdinger)

Red side KT:

Top road: Cheng (Wushuang Swordswoman, Fiona)

Jungler: Peanut (Graves)

Mid laner: Chovy (Dark Leader, Syndra)

Bottom lane: Deft (Sorrow of the Waning Moon, Aphelios)

Support: Effort (Soullock Warden, Thresh)

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