This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 10 The ultimate secret·Daddy

"Young people are a little impulsive when it comes to things. I'm going to come up soon. Why don't you wait for me to make an assist?"

The factory director was a little regretful about Lin Cheng's sudden outburst, but suddenly realized something was wrong: "Why did the number of people in my live broadcast room suddenly decrease?"

"Did Qijiang just find out? A large number of piglets have already rebelled."

"Many of them went to Huya to watch Wanwan's live broadcast, which is from OB Akali's first-person view."

"Who is Wanwan?"

"Just a little anchor from Huya."

"I want to see it too, this guy is very good at his skills."

"Let's go, Qi-chan. I'll see you again tomorrow."


After taking the first blood, Lin Cheng's Akali quickly turned back to deal with the soldier line. Seeing Jace resurrecting TP, Lin Cheng ignored the remaining soldiers and retreated directly to the back.

With just over 700 gold coins in his possession, Lin Cheng's Akali took out an amplification book and shoes and chose to run online.

Because Jace didn't dodge or choose to push the lane, Akali didn't lose many soldiers when she saved TP and ran back to the lane.

When Jace returned to the line, he had already reached level three. Lin Cheng did not go up to attack, but sent a signal to the wine barrel that was about to fight river crabs.

The ultimate secret of top lane: Come on daddy!

Qi Jiang also understood very well. Originally, he planned to go to Jace to trouble him. After finishing the river crab, he went directly to the wall with the E skill of Dalong Pit. He turned on the scan to confirm that there was no red square in the triangle grass.

While waiting for the E skill to cool down, Wine Barrel touched the direction of the stone man's grass and took a look under the scanner.

The signal is sent out.

The blind monk was not there, and the location of the wine barrel was not found on the opposite side. Jace was already a dead man.

At this time, the army line was slightly pushed towards the blue side in the top lane. The moment Lin Cheng sent the attack signal, Akali, who was huddled behind, directly reversed the E Falcon Dance and started her hand, casting a cold shadow in the air.

Akali's reverse EQ can directly pull out the passive as long as the target distance is within the range of the E skill. This is also an important means for Akali to consume in close range online, especially when facing some long-handed heroes.

Of course, novice Akali had better prepare the Xia Zhen before doing this, otherwise she will be easily beaten by holding down the array if she runs out of energy.

Lin Cheng's reverse EQ found a good position and naturally made no mistakes. The moment he landed, Akali wielded the Ninja Scythe to deal passive Hidden Dragon Seal damage.

Jess saw Akali's movements, and without saying a word, QE took action and hit Akali with a shot in the face. At the same time, a vertical acceleration gate appeared at his feet. Jess switched forms and beat Akali away and turned her head. Run back along the accelerator gate.

At this time, a figure with a big belly appeared staggeringly from behind, and the wine barrel had already been taken out.

Meat bomb impact is activated.

Jace used the E skill in great detail to speed up his turn and try to twist open the barrel.


Mr. Mingkai decisively dodges his hand and pushes Jace up with his belly. Akali backhands another cold shadow shot to electrocute him, spreading the cloud formation on the spot and accelerating to pull him back passively.

Taking advantage of Akalila's passive, Wine Barrel used a set of skills to smash Jace to pieces and then turned around confidently.

Akali wielded the Ninja Scythe and passively scored the kill with one shot.

After killing Jace, the two quickly pushed their troops into the red square tower, and then read the return journey together.

Wanwan: "Jace has collapsed! He has been killed twice and has no TP. He has to lose a lot of lanes. This hero does not accept disadvantages, and now he is completely unplayable. If not for this wave, Jess almost left. It’s the E skill that dodges the wine barrel. If the wine barrel doesn’t use E to dodge, Jace will be even more miserable.”

"Wuhu~~~Take off, link up with the field, so strong."

"Factory Director Barrel Classic Card Vision GANK, my youth is back."

"You guys are laughing at me for not being able to start a team in the Qijiang Wine Barrel Competition. Qijiang RANK is going to hit hard."

"Jace is so bad. He was killed by Akali alone, and the blind monk couldn't help."

"It's a pity that the brewer in the factory was not taken over by the big Sima. Otherwise, if I E-Kong and Q-Kong again, Jace would show off."

Wanwan defended Jace: "Actually, Jace is not as good as you said. His accelerating positioning was already very good. He just lost the detail of coming up to grab the second. This wave of soldiers is at this position. , when the wine barrel flashed around his field of vision, Jace couldn't survive. The main reason was that Akali forced him to flash in the last wave and it was too painful."

"Young lady can see clearly, how can Jace, the Korean server king, be a loser?"

"Let's not talk about Wanwan's game level. My understanding ability is perfect, no worse than those vase explanations. It would be a pity not to go to the official explanation."

"As for that cheeky QE vertical portal cannon, I guess not two of the loudmouth kings here can unleash it."

"I also think Jess is very detailed. The accelerator door is placed so well, otherwise the factory wouldn't even use the E-flash."

Wanwan: "Yes, the accelerator gate that Jess placed in seconds was actually very well placed. The proficiency of a Jess has little to do with whether he uses QE or EQ. It mainly depends on whether the accelerator gate is placed well. Well, many Jace in the high-end games of the Korean server use EQ combos in many situations. If he can react in such a situation and instantly release the vertical door to move, this Jace is really amazing."

Seeing a barrage asking about Jess's shooting skills, Wanwan tilted her head and thought about it:

"Hmm~~~~What should I do if Jace can't place the vertical door? It's very simple. Although I, Jace, am also very good at it, can you do the horizontal door? Can you click the mouse to move the hero's butt 90 degrees and then place the horizontal door? Is it just a vertical door? Or if you put a horizontal door and run along the door, wouldn’t it be equivalent to a vertical door? "

"????What are you talking about?"

"Pfft~~~I can't refute it, it seems to make sense."

"Guigui, are you the logic leader?"

"Wanwan actually knows how to get better, Ye Qingjie."

"When you tilt your head, it's a bit generous."


Generally speaking, if Akali faces Jess on the top lane and uses an arm guard first, the pressure on the line will be much less.

However, after killing Jace twice in a row, the advantage on the top lane was already huge, so Lin Cheng simply went straight to the technology gun.

Akali's strong period originally appeared with the core equipment of the technology gun. If you still worry about the person who comes out with some defensive equipment even though you have a huge advantage, you will undoubtedly be a tough guy. Lin Cheng has a carry. heart of.

Akali is not afraid of ganking as long as she doesn't mess around with Xia Zhen. The blind monk on the red side is single-killed by Akali as soon as Jace comes up the road. Later, apart from helping to counter-crouch, there is no counterattack at all. Instead of thinking of taking action on the road, he found an opportunity in the middle and cooperated with Zoe to kill Yasuo.

As for the blue side, Qi Jiang also found the wealth code and frantically attacked Jace who didn't dodge on the opposite side.

Especially after Akali level 6, Jace was forced directly into the autistic grass as soon as the wine barrel appeared, and he didn't dare to eat the lines under the tower.

The two players on the blue side happily ate two layers of tapas in a row. It wasn't until Zoe disappeared in the middle that they began to retreat swaggeringly.

The contract status has been changed, and the update time will be around noon. Thank you for your support.

Thank you book friend Aichner for your reward. The last book failed to live up to my expectations, and this book is definitely not clumsy. . . .

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