This endless world

Chapter 97 The Lord God’s Trap

It can be said that the Central-Continent team gained a lot from their first meeting with Dumbledore.

At least in Zheng Zha's opinion, although many plans were temporarily changed, the results of Yang Yun's temporary plan were clearly above expectations. What surprised Zheng Zha the most was that after Yang Yun finished talking about his Thought Disk idea, especially the plan to recast the three Deathly Hallows into a new Hallows Thought Disk, Dumbledore didn't stand up immediately. Expressing fierce opposition, he sat there silently and thought about it silently.

"Sorry, I was just thinking that most young wizards nowadays probably only regard the legendary Deathly Hallows as a bedtime fairy tale."

This time, Dumbledore's silence was really long. When everyone in the Central Continent team became impatient, the headmaster of Hogwarts showed an apologetic smile and said, "But I listen to you. Meaning, it seems very certain that the three Deathly Hallows really exist in this world."

"We know many things, and information about the Deathly Hallows is naturally one of them."

Yang Yun smiled and said: "But unfortunately, the third eye's vision is not so easy to control, especially for items with powerful magical power like the Deathly Hallows, which makes it more difficult to find... We can It is certain that the Elder Wand appeared nearly forty or fifty years ago, and that was exactly the time when Voldemort began to rise to prominence and form his group of wizards known as 'Death Eaters'."

"So that's it." Dumbledore showed a look of surprise: "In addition, there are rumors about Voldemort's immortality, so you think that both the Elder Wand and the Resurrection Stone are in his hands."

Yang Yun nodded: "According to some information, we determined that the last recorded owner of the Resurrection Stone may be one of the four founders of Hogwarts, Salazar Slytherin. And Voldemort happened to call himself Slytherin. The descendant of Slytherin, and his Parseltongue has been exposed in public more than once, which shows that there is a great chance that he is indeed related to Slytherin by blood."

"A very reasonable guess." Dumbledore nodded: "With the backing of the Resurrection Stone and the invincible Elder Wand, these two legendary Deathly Hallows brought him powerful mana and confidence... If I had two Deathly Hallows in my hands, I might as well dream of conquering the world."

"Ha, is this a British joke from the last century? The world is a big place." Yang Yun seemed amused.

"Yes, the world is very big, and it is not that simple to conquer the world..."

Dumbledore also laughed, as if it was really just a joke, and then used superb speaking skills to lead the topic in another direction, not talking about the Deathly Hallows, nor about conquering the world.

Things developed smoothly beyond Zheng Zha's imagination. The Central Continent team represented by Yang Yun and the Order of the Phoenix and Hogwarts represented by Dumbledore could be said to hit it off and quickly reached a cooperation. After Zheng Zha showed off the red flames that he had achieved through cultivation, as well as the strength and speed he possessed, Dumbledore was slightly surprised.

After all, in this world, although wizards can do many magical things, such as turning rocks into living things out of thin air, modifying the memories of ordinary people at will, and even achieving random space transfer... But they also have corresponding shortcomings, that is, in The performance in terms of destructive power has never been very high.

In Dumbledore's view, Zheng Zha's strength in his normal state without unlocking the genetic lock was already comparable to that of a hybrid giant like Hagrid, and his speed and agility were far beyond that. If ordinary wizards can only chant spells and shoot at enemies on the spot, then Zheng Zha is a rampaging chariot, which also makes Dumbledore a little happy.

Voldemort has always had giants as thugs under his command. These creatures with extremely high magic resistance have long made it difficult for the orthodox wizards in the Order of the Phoenix to deal with. The magic resistance of giants is comparable to that of dragons. Ordinary magic spells are almost ineffective against them. Even powerful magic spells have their power reduced by several percent, and advanced black magic consumes too much magic power of wizards... So these minds A simple giant with well-developed limbs, it can be said that it is a smelly and hard stone on the battlefield, an enemy that no wizard wants to face.

Fortunately, there are not many giants, and now that the Order of the Phoenix has Zheng Zha, the pressure on the front line against the giants will be reduced a lot. No wonder Dumbledore is so happy.

After the two parties reached an agreement, Dumbledore not only opened the Hogwarts library to the three members of the Central Continent team, promising that they could borrow relevant magic books to study if necessary, but also arranged for everyone to stay in the Pig's Head Bar. ...As for why the Central-Continent team is treated so well, it has to do with the number of wizards in the world of Harry Potter.

——The total number of wizards has never been very large.

Even though the Death Eaters and the Order of the Phoenix seemed to be fighting fiercely, causing chaos throughout the UK, the total number of people fighting them did not exceed a thousand at most, and the scale was not as large as the village fighting in District 11. Just because they have the power of magic, their individual combat capabilities far exceed the destructive power of ordinary people in the real world... Of course, if wizards can really pull out a standing army of several thousand people, and be united and organized, Organized people are skilled in using apparation and memory magic to perform memory operations on the top leaders of various countries. It is estimated that this world has long been secretly ruled by them.

In such small-scale encounters, every bit of combat power is valuable, which is why Dumbledore treats the Central Continent team and others so highly.

In Zheng Zha's view, this was already gaining Dumbledore's initial trust and a staged success. After leaving Dumbledore's office, he couldn't wait to ask Yang Yun in the spiritual link: "So , Yang Yun, how on earth did you come up with so many things to say to deceive Dumbledore?"

Yang Yun glanced at Zheng Zha speechlessly: "What is cheating? What did I say to lie to him?"

"Why do I feel that every word you say is lying to him..." Zheng Zha muttered: "There seems to be no truth from beginning to end."

"Can technology combined with magic be called fraud?"

Yang Yun spoke eloquently: "Mobile hotspot network technology and signal base station are just another term. You can't help but notice. At most, I have replaced these technologies in the real world with a language that the magic world can understand... Oh , there may be some explanations about brain computers in those last words. After all, unlike the real world, wizards can really use extraordinary energies such as mental power and magic power."

"Of course I can hear this. Compared to what Chu Xuan explained about gene locks, human evolution, mental control and soul research, these basic technologies are much easier to understand." Zheng Zha quickly explained , he was obviously a friend who entered the biohazard together, but he didn't want to be regarded as an idiot who didn't understand anything.

Even so, Zheng Zha still had the illusion that his IQ was left far behind by Yang Yun: "I mean those wandering seas, thought magic, the furnace of heaven and earth, and the thought disk. These are all things I have never heard of before. Ah. From organization, to motivations, to goals, and theoretical research on have integrated these series of things together, until in the end, you can actually circle back to the Deathly Hallows and Voldemort?"

"If I hadn't known that you had changed your plan at the last minute and made up another story on the spot, I would have been fooled by you... But making it up is just making it up, so why does it sound so unclear and serious? ? Even Dumbledore was fooled by you." Zheng Zha said while gesturing at the triangular handprint that Yang Yun made when he first met Dumbledore: "Including this handprint, this is also Did you think about it on the spot?"

"First of all, Zheng Zha, I want to correct a mistake of yours. I didn't make up these remarks on the spot." Yang Yun corrected him.

Zheng Zha obviously didn't believe Yang Yun's words: "It's not just made up, is it still true?"

"In a sense, it's true, but it doesn't work in this world. Because these things are actually some settings I borrowed from other works, and they are reasonable to a certain extent."

Yang Yun explained in the spiritual link: "Just like the handprint you drew, it is actually the Weishan Emperor Seal of the Supreme Mage in the Marvel world. I just wrote it down when I read the comics before, and applied it to Harry Bo as it is. In this special world... Weishan Emperor is composed of Oshutu, Hogs and Agamotto, symbolizing the Trinity, which happens to correspond to the first part of the three Deathly Hallows symbols. This is also the reason why I use this handprint. It’s not used blindly.”

"Moreover, the symbol of the Deathly Hallows is still the symbol used by Dumbledore's old friend, the 'Saints' formed by Grindelwald. In my conversation with Dumbledore, whether it is the triangular handprint, the gift of prophecy , the Wandering Secrecy Act, thought magic or other things, all aimed at bringing back Dumbledore's memories."

"Even the most powerful wizards cannot withstand time. As time goes by, they will gradually age. The older people get, the more they like to reminisce, recall the past time, recall the beautiful memories, and recall the unforgettable people. ...So, I adopted a strategy of mainly playing an emotional card, which helped us borrow the so-called 'Third Eye' and 'Prophecy' to quickly get closer to Dumbledore and gain the relationship between the principal and the leader of the Order of the Phoenix. author’s trust.”

"You smart people have dirty hearts..."

Zheng Zha was shocked when he heard these words. He never expected that there were so many tricks behind Yang Yun's gestures and rhetoric, so he had to complain: "So, why did you suddenly change your plan?"

"Because we all made a mistake. This mission to deliver the message is a trap by the Lord God."

Until now, Yang Yun couldn't help but feel a little scared: "Fortunately, I noticed something was wrong when Dumbledore said 'first meeting'...According to normal logic, when facing several people who have never met before, , a wizard who doesn’t know the details, Dumbledore will never have real trust and entrust important confidential information to us to pass on."

Zheng Zha nodded and said: "Indeed, after you raised the question, I also thought about this... But I don't understand what you mean. What kind of trap has the Lord God set? Is that intelligence false, just a Deng Bu Lido’s temptation for us?”

"I don't know. It might be a fake, or there might be some manipulation in that memory. Something bad will happen if we try to peek."

Yang Yun sighed: "This is why I said this is a beautiful trap... The Lord God did give us an initial identity, but this identity cannot withstand scrutiny at all, and is not even as good as the security identity of Resident Evil 1. Because even if No matter how bad our performance was at that time, our identity certificate was clearly written into the Umbrella Company's system. As long as we don't explicitly disobey the mercenaries' orders, we will be safe for the time being."

"That's not the case this time. If we directly hand over our memories without doing anything else, we won't be able to truly gain Dumbledore's trust. Whether we are sent out as cannon fodder to cover the real members of the Order of the Phoenix, or we are marginalized and continue to receive more information. Too many tests are actually equal to failure. Because if you don’t take this opportunity to seize this stepping stone, it will actually be a waste of the two days to enter first.”

"And if you are being clever and trying to check Lu Ping's memory, then Dumbledore must have corresponding backup plans..." Zhan Lan, who had not spoken for a long time, also understood the key: "By then, let alone completing the main mission, I'm lucky not to be Dumbledore's enemy."

In fact, this trap is not complicated, nor is it fatal. As long as Dumbledore does not try to check this memory, even if Dumbledore sees that there is something wrong with the group of people who sent the memory, he will not openly show his face.

——But if you think you can gain the help or trust of the Order of the Phoenix and Dumbledore just by sending a letter, the chances are obviously very low. The greatest possibility is that he will still be marginalized and excluded from the main plot. If he wants to protect Dumbledore or participate in the decision-making of the Order of the Phoenix, that is a fantasy.

After thinking about this, Zheng Zha also breathed a sigh of relief. He said: "Fortunately, Yang Yun, you discovered it in time. I didn't expect that the Lord God would dig a hole for us to jump into... But then again, Yang Yun, as a wise man, The style is really completely different from Chu Xuan’s.”

"Compared to Chu Xuan, how can I be considered a wise man... Even the trap was discovered at the last moment. If Dumbledore hadn't checked the memory for a few minutes, I wouldn't have been able to borrow settings from other works to make it up. With that round of lies, please stop trying to elevate me." Yang Yun waved his hands and said with a bitter smile.

Although Zheng Zha took the initiative to compare Yang Yun with Chu Xuan, which was a sign of recognizing him as a wise man in the team, Yang Yun felt that he was a bit quick-witted at best. If it were Chu Xuan, I'm afraid he would have seen through this trap immediately, made a plan like one, two, three, four, five, and then used perfect words to achieve his goal...

——But who can compare with that perfect wise man?

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