This endless world

Chapter 380 Forgive me, brother, this is the last time


Someone who can communicate with gods and ghosts? An agent who conveys the will of the gods?

This is an unfamiliar word, and one that Zhao Zukong has never heard before. But the silent understanding he had grown up with Zhao Yingkong made him understand that his little sister seemed to have really found some truth and the origin of their genes.

The third-level gene lock that had not been used for a long time was spinning in his mind. Facing the unprecedented closeness to the truth, Zhao Zukong's brain began to think crazily. Rational thinking regained the high ground, so much so that even the scarlet in his eyes A little bit of it has faded away, and the precarious black pupils have begun to revive again...

"Witch is a biological weapon created by the makers of this main god space, that is, the saints and cultivators through genetic modification and based on the fourth-level gene lock opener."

The girl's voice came from far and near, like the rainbow in the sky, far away but within reach: "Witches have great power, whether it is space and time, or matter and energy, they are all within the scope of their abilities. . But while exerting great power and energy, the witch will slowly sink until his spirit is completely engulfed by the skyrocketing power..."

Genetic modification, the body controlling the spirit, the irreversible fall into inner demons, biological weapons... all of these can match the characteristics of the "empty" plan.

At this moment, Zhao Zukong's expression froze. Because a long-lost emotion rose up deep in his heart. This emotion suppressed the boiling murderous intention in his heart, making half of his face distorted like an evil ghost, and the other half of his face looked like he had seen the dawn of hope. He used sad words to express his anger. He asked in a tone of voice: "Little sister...where did you hear these things?"

"I learned about it from a very powerful sister."

There was a wry smile in Zhao Yingkong's voice, a sense of relief, and a sense of relief that comes from a sudden realization after pursuing the truth for a long time: "The reason why we can still persist for a while in the fourth level is because the product of Kong's plan is just Half of the witches. Those elders created us by cultivating witches, but they did not dare to provide us with further energy... so that we had a strong body at the beginning, but because of the lack of energy, we could not perform as well as we should The strength produced is not at the level of the fourth level."

"Although brother, you don't know the reason for this, but you subconsciously refuse all blood exchanges, because the replenishment of energy means that your spirit will be swallowed up by power faster. The self-proclaimed beautiful fruit, but even as a The consumables are all’s ridiculous, isn’t it, brother?”

"If this is a lie, it is too truthful and logically self-consistent..."

Zhao Zukong's body was shaking even more violently. He seemed to want to raise his right hand holding the dagger, but the young man's left hand was tightly held on the wrist of his right hand at this moment. The corner of his mouth twitched, His face looked like crying and smiling: "Then, little sister, we, no, you..."

——Is there any hope?

These were the words that Zhao Zukong didn't dare to ask, because he already knew that he was hopeless.

The young man's soul is irreparable, and even the Lord God cannot save his fallen body and mind. He has gone too far and too far on the road to becoming a demon, and has long been unable to look back... And the only few minutes he can wake up in a day , is his last ray of hope.

Today, Zhao Zukong was overly surprised by the long-awaited reunion between brother and sister. He was afraid that after he asked, he would get an unexpected answer, which would make his bubble-like dream disappear in an instant, and he was also afraid that he would not be able to control his body...


There was no need for Zhao Zukong to put his words into words, Zhao Yingkong answered his question one step ahead: "Although the vast majority of witches are dominated by instinct, they become walking disasters that kill people everywhere. But there are also some witches who, through Researching the technology called cultivation, I embarked on a path called 'hereditary', thereby avoiding being swallowed up by the crazy and rampaging genes, and gaining the power to break my own destiny..."

The gentle body was close to him, and the love-inducing voice was close at hand.

"That's it, little sister, you have really grown up..."

After hearing the answer that he didn't dare to expect even in his dreams, Zhao Zukong's smile changed, becoming gentle and strange: "It seems that you don't need my useless brother at all... you are alone. It can also be done well.”

The biggest questions have been answered.

My deepest obsession has also been answered.

So half of Zhao Ruikong died when he killed him with his own hands, and the other half died after killing his ten brothers and sisters again, so Zhao Zukong had no reason to live.

"Little sister, my spirit is very similar to yours... If one day I no longer look like myself, I really hope someone can kill me as easily and simply as I am now, although at that time my My thoughts may have changed, but this is indeed my most sincere thought now..."

Holding his right hand tightly with his left hand, even though he heard the unwilling roar of the will inside his body, wanting to tear everything into pieces, Zhao Zukong still said with a smile: "Come on, Kill me, my little apple, and live on with my share."

"Although I am just a copy created by the Lord God, I am very happy to be able to meet you first..."

Zhao Zukong didn't finish his words, because the girl who walked in front of him at some point suddenly showed a sly smile. That was an expression that Zhao Zukong was very familiar with. It was the cute expression she would show when she succeeded in teasing herself when she was still on the island.

The lips with a girlish aura blocked the words Zhao Zukong wanted to say.

Zhao Zukong felt that his heartbeat skipped a beat, and his heartbeat indeed skipped a beat.

The body is faster than consciousness. When Zhao Zukong realized what he had encountered, as a certain rune that had been engraved long ago lit up at the base of the girl's tongue, the light of his soul was already flowing along the place where the two of them touched. Into his sister's body.

The girl's black-lined palm and his right hand, guided by his sister's deliberate guidance, penetrated each other's chests at the same time.


When their lips parted, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of Zhao Yingkong's mouth: "Although I had expected it, it still hurts, brother."

"…Why do you do this?"

Zhao Zukong's eyes were no longer bloodshot, nor was he that cruel smile. He looked at his sister with an expression of regret and disbelief: "Yingkong, you can obviously survive, why..."

"Brother, do you think I will leave you alone now that things have come to this?"

Zhao Yingkong's other hand gently touched Zhao Zukong's face. She smiled and said, "I don't care whether you are a copy or not. I only know that you in front of me are the real you."

"Forgive me, brother, this is the last time."

Facing his sister's words, Zhao Zukong was speechless. He just let go of the dagger with a doting smile and hugged Zhao Yingkong tightly, who was teasing him.

Just like countless times in the past.

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