This endless world

Chapter 291 Another World Line: Pledge of Allegiance

(The original Chapter 37 was okay when I wrote it, but when I went back and re-examined it, I found that Zhang Jie’s disguise was too dark and a bit OOC... although it is more reasonable in terms of the plot and the influence of the villain. , but I thought readers might not like it, so I changed it to the current version.)

(Text below.)

"Sorry, Zheng Zha, I can't let you save Yang Yun."

Just before Zheng Zha rushed to Yang Yun's side, Zhang Jie's eyes emitted a ray of light, and the telepathic wall that Zheng Zha had just broken suddenly stared again, stopping Zheng Zha's footsteps abruptly.

"What the hell are you doing?"

His steps were blocked, Zheng Zha suddenly looked at Zhang Jie with an angry look on his face. He couldn't understand why Zhang Jie was stopping him from saving Yang Yun now. He knows the injuries he suffered best... Just looking at the huge wounds on Yang Yun's body and the horrific scene similar to the current murder scene, you can understand how a seriously injured person who has lost a quarter of his body can still barely survive. What a difficult thing.

"I'm just doing what I should do as a 'leader' or as 'Zhang Jie'."

Facing Zheng Zha's anger, Zhang Jie smiled and shrugged. It's just that it's different from his usual bold laughter. The smile on Zhang Jie's face now is so unfamiliar. Although it is a similar expression on the same face, something hidden behind that face is completely opposite: "It would be more in my interests if Yang Yun died."

"After all, Yang Yun has been disobeying me since a long time ago, but I am limited by the restrictions of the Lord God and cannot directly attack him... Now I finally borrowed your hand and almost got rid of him in the battle for captain. And he It is true that he only has one breath left now. Even if he is left alone, he will die of excessive bleeding and severe injuries in a short time. How could I let you revive him again? "

"What did you say?"

Zheng Zha watched in disbelief as Zhang Jie uttered such cold and heartless words. He never dreamed that these lines, which were equivalent to the final words when the boss revealed his true identity and revealed his previous conspiracy, were actually spoken by Zhang Jie. : "Zhang Jie, are you..."

"That's right, it's the 'you don't' you think about, Zheng Zha. It's just that you are too gullible and think about things in the Lord God's space too simply... In my opinion, your thoughts It is still a childish fantasy that is completely different from belief. Only those who are immature and still have hope for the world will have illusions about this world and other reincarnations who have entered this hellish main god space."

Zhang Jie mercilessly mocked Zheng Zha, and his words were even more heartbreaking and merciless than Yang Yun's, and his qualifications are comparable to those of a senior who entered the main god space in three horror films earlier than Zheng Zha. The identity of the author is enough to support his words: "Have you forgotten that everyone who can enter the main god's space is desperate for the real world? In this case, you actually believe that everyone can Let’s work together to form a united and cooperative team to survive in this main god space?”

"Let me tell you clearly, Zheng Zha! The years I spent with you were actually all faked by me. In order to survive, in order to preserve myself under the mission assigned to me by the Lord God, I deliberately pretended to be a fake person. A face!"

Zhang Jie smiled nonchalantly, and Zheng Zha finally understood his smile. There was no warmth in that smile, only cruelty and indifference to the loss of other people's lives: "Do you really think that I, who entered from you? Could the person who had been hiding in the Central Continent team before the Lord God Space be a good gentleman? Those were all plays I staged deliberately in order to deceive everyone."


Zheng Zha was stunned immediately, and Zhang Jie didn't know when he gave up his usual cheerful and cheerful attitude, and put on an expression that was so cold that Zheng Zha was unfamiliar: "In this cruel and cruel place, In the desperate main god space, not everyone has your high moral standards. There are many people who will do anything to survive. They will breed others, abandon their partners, and even kill their teammates because of their exquisite self-interest. For a Christian, the lives of others are nothing more than a ladder to climb higher!"

"Zheng Zha, don't you know this truth?"

How could Zheng Zha not know how ugly things people can do in order to survive...

In order to survive, he treats his teammates as a burden, in order to survive, he steals key items and wants to keep them for himself, in order to survive, he bullies his teammates, and even in order to survive, he turns the entire team into a breeding team... Zheng Zha has personally experienced some of these things Some of the things he had experienced and experienced were what Zhang Jie in front of him told him!

It is precisely because of this that Zheng Zha can't believe it. He can't believe that Zhang Jie, who told him about the situation of the breeding team and the situation of the Zhongzhou team in the past, has now turned into the kind of person, the kind of person he hates the most!

"Who are you? Are you really the Zhang Jie I know?"

Zheng Zha said in a trembling voice: "The Zhang Jie I know is someone who can laugh and chat with us. He can patiently teach us how to train and teach us how to live in this God's space. He will make my sister-in-law A true brother who cooks a table of good dishes, drinks and brags with us...not the Zhang Jie I know now!"

"Because the Zhang Jie you know has completely died in A Nightmare on Elm Street. Now I am just the guide who fused part of his soul."

Zhang Jie's voice was frighteningly cold, and what made Zheng Zha feel even colder were his words: "Have you ever thought about it? After A Nightmare on Elm Street, the entire Central Continent team was wiped out. And after the difficulty level was lowered, the newcomers What’s coming is Scream, an extremely simple horror film. In this horror film, there is only one murderer who can be killed with ordinary firearms... And now you have experienced the attack of death several times. Have you ever thought about why, after Scream, the last Central Continent team that just left the Novice Village was greeted by the God of Death in a world that could wipe them out more than ten times?"

"Do you want to know what's going on? I can tell you everything..."

"No! I don't want to hear it! For me now, saving Yang Yun is the most important thing I should do!"

Zheng Zha roared like thunder. At this moment, he had entered the "explosion" state again. As he opened his wrist, a high-concussion particle dagger suddenly appeared in his hand: "I don't want to listen to your nonsense. But if you want to stop me from saving Yang Yun, then I will defeat you first!"

"That's ridiculous, who do you think you're talking to?"

Zhang Jie just stared at Zheng Zha's action of directly pulling out a weapon, and Zheng Zha felt a majestic force coming straight from the front. This force is invisible and has no quality. At the same time, it contains a force that seems irresistible. Even though Zheng Zha tried his best to slash the high-concussion particle dagger forward, trying to break through this layer of invisible force, he was still overwhelmed by this force. It was pushed so hard that it flew backwards!


Just this time, Zheng Zha was seriously injured. The battle with Yang Yun had consumed most of the energy in his body. At this moment, he was so angry that he spurted out a mouthful of blood. Even though he still wanted to rush towards Zhang Jie, his physical condition did not allow him to do so, so he had to kneel down on one knee, cover his heart and keep breathing.

"Do you understand? This is the difference between you and me..."

Smoothly sucking the dagger that had just fallen to the ground back into his hand with telekinesis, Zhang Jie, under Zheng Zha's gaze, pressed his fingers directly on the tip of the dagger, and then pressed down bit by bit until the unknown The dagger, made of famous materials and known to be extremely tough and sharp, was directly crushed into a ball of scrap metal... During this action, Zhang Jie's fingers were actually unscathed.

"Double A-level telekinesis, coupled with the leader's 100% authority to exert enhanced attributes, this is the power that you punched Yang Yun to the brink of death with a punch just now. It is a 'subtle' power."

While explaining the gap between the two of them to Zheng Zha, Zhang Jie glanced at Yang Yun on the ground, and his expression suddenly became a little unhappy: "You are really an invincible little Qiang Ming. Even in this state, he can force Hanging his life, if we have to wait for him to die naturally, I'm afraid it will take a long time... But whatever, I have plenty of time."

"Zheng Zha, are you interested in hearing some stories from me? The story about 'me' that you have always wanted to know... belongs to the story of 'Zhang Jie'."

"Who wants to hear your bullshit stories!"

Zheng Zha felt angry. Regardless of his physical condition, he stood up forcefully and was about to rush towards Zhang Jie again: "I'm going to knock you down now! I'm going to..."

"What a pity. I'm not asking for your opinion. This is a notice, not an invitation."

Zhang Jie's eyes narrowed, and Zheng Zha suddenly felt like a mosquito caught in a spider web. He could only keep struggling on the spot, but could not even take a step. Zhang Jie nodded with satisfaction and said: "The story starts from the fierce ghost." The street started to talk..."

—————Zhang Jie is explaining——————

"...How? Do you understand?"

Zhang Jie's eloquence is very good, and his narration is clear and coherent, just like he once played the role of narrator in Resident Evil 1, introducing Zheng Zha and others who had just entered the main god space to introduce what this place is.

But Zheng Zha was not in the mood at all and had no time to listen. He just tried hard to break away from Zhang Jie's telekinesis: "Then what are you doing now? What did you say about killing Yang Yun with my hand... ...What is your purpose?"


Zhang Jie was stunned for a moment, but then he sneered and said, "Of course it's to survive...who would want to die if he could live?"

"It's just that at the beginning, I just wanted you and Yang Yun to fight each other for the position of captain. After you two decide the winner, I will use the all-pervasive 'Death' to kill you completely here. In a horror movie...but now I have changed my mind."

"Rather than living as a half-leader and half-reincarnation team member again, I want to take this opportunity to liberate myself from this annoying identity. And the cultivation techniques that Yang Yun got when he returned to the curse are Give me a chance!”

At this point, Zhang Jie's face suddenly twisted, with a complicated expression that was mixed with ecstasy and pie-in-the-sky: "Can you believe it? That guy actually wanted to save me! He gave me a book of cultivation skills. He also promised to take advantage of this horror movie to separate the captain's authority from me, and then allow me to become an ordinary person again, out of the main god's space... Ha, it's so innocent and cute!"

"But that idiot doesn't want to think about it. Who would be willing to fall into the mortal world after possessing great power? Rather than being an ordinary person, it would be better for the two of you to fight until Yang Yun dies. , I will transfer the captaincy authority to you, and as the manipulator behind the scenes of the Zhongzhou Team, I will still control this team, just like before!"

When Zheng Zha heard this, he was convinced. He had personally experienced the magic of cultivation and had no doubt that there was a cultivation method that could solve Zhang Jie's problems. Zhang Jie's explanation just now also explains very well why Yang Yun said he was acting together with Zhang Jie, but in fact he gave him hints everywhere and finally guided him here...

But despite Yang Yun's calculations, the only thing he missed was that Zhang Jie had deceived everyone. Zheng Zha didn’t know whether he had lost his disguise of humanity and returned to his original appearance as a leader, or whether this was Zhang Jie’s true character. In fact, he had never changed and was still the same person who could live for himself. An unscrupulous man... This traitor who has been hiding in the Zhongzhou team for a long time has betrayed everyone's trust!

Zhang Jie's eyes flashed as he finally finished talking about his plan. Zheng Zha, who was bound in place, suddenly felt that he had regained his ability to move. The final BOSS hidden behind the scenes of the Zhongzhou team showed a cruel smile and emerged from the space bag. A purple thunderbolt sword was thrown out, and it was inserted right in front of Zheng Zha.

"Come on, Zheng Zha, I'll give you this knife."

Zheng Zha didn't bother with the big knife stuck on the ground, but stared at Zhang Jie closely, as if trying to read something from his expression: "What do you want to do again?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I exchanged a contract with the Lord God, and you only need to use this knife to kill Yang Yun, and then you will be the new captain of the Zhongzhou Team... Of course, the captain on the surface."

Zhang Jie took out a piece of paper, shook it quickly in front of Zheng Zha, and then put it back: "In the battle just now, I have obtained your blood. Now I only need to complete the last step. Then this contract It can be achieved... From now on, I will not influence any of your decisions, I will just hide in the Central Continent team and be an ordinary spiritual power user like in the past."

"Come on, Zheng Zha, choose. This is the last chance I give you."

"Should you overestimate your capabilities and become my enemy, or should you pick up that knife and take away Yang Yun's life..."

"Swear allegiance to me again?"

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