This endless world

Chapter 240 The Light of the Holy Spear, the Light of Human Heart


Endless light.

Intense yet clear, dazzling but not dazzling light.

The pure and vast blazing light submerged Ashiya Michitoshi's entire body, and in this light, whether it was the sins of the unspeakable monster, the soul essence, or the pollution and erosion it carried, they were all disappearing and melting. , disappear...

If that's the case, it's fine. The problem is that Ashiya Michimitsu, who is in it, clearly feels that this blazing light is not only annihilating his body, but also following some kind of cause and effect, connecting to The tentacles on the body are burning down, trying to burn out all the cancers parasitic at the bottom of the river of life!

"No! Impossible! How dare you, how dare you do this!"

Even the last means of life-saving that he left behind may be completely destroyed. Ashiya Michitoshi was really panicked this time. He tried his best to curl up his indescribable body into a ball, trying to delay the arrival of death as much as possible. At the same time He was still yelling, sending out his own message through the fluctuations of his soul: "Are you crazy! Directly attacking the River of Life with such a powerful attack will cause irreversible damage to this planet!"

"Even if you can completely eliminate me like this, so what! What are you protecting!"


Listening to Ashiya Michitoshi's death wail, he named himself "Setsuna". A certain emotion finally appeared in the eyes of the cold-hearted woman who had regained her life. It was the joy of finally achieving her thousand-year goal, and it was also the joy of this thousand-year-old woman. The enemy's ugly taunt before death: "Of course I will not make such a mistake... For more than fifteen hundred years, I have been fighting against sin day and night. For the nature of sin you have mastered, , naturally what is familiar can no longer be familiar.”

"And the part of your soul essence that Liuli brought back before has made up the last piece of the puzzle. By inputting the data extracted from you into the core of Nether, we can naturally develop an attack to identify ourselves and the enemy. ...So this holy spear will kill nothing and destroy nothing except your soul essence."

Listening to the flow of information coming back, Ashiya Michimi looked at the light beside him in disbelief. Just like Setsuna said, although the light was extremely blazing, it burned nothing except Ashiya Michimi's body. , nothing is destroyed. Even the silver river water did not evaporate in the golden light. Instead, the two were like the closest partners, in harmony...

"How is it possible... can such a thing be done..."

Seeing the obvious facts around him, even if Ashiya Michitoshi no longer believed it, he had to accept it. After Setsuna received this flow of information, he sneered and said: "Ignorant and miserable soul, you know What?"

"Do you understand light?"

"Do you understand light?"

Faced with the question raised by Yang Yun, "Whether the attack of 10032-2 will affect the two of them?" Liuli stared at the blazing light falling from the sky and sent a message flow to Yang Yun calmly: " Light is light, and light is electromagnetic wave. It is a physics term. Its essence is a flow of photons in a specific frequency band. It is a basic particle with wave-particle duality. Its speed is 300,000 kilometers per second..."

"What I want to hear is not the things written in textbooks..."

Yang Yun shook his head, but Liuli was not wrong about one thing. The speed of light is 300,000 kilometers per second. The moment before the information flow was transmitted to Yang Yun's soul, the light covered their souls, including their bodies suspended in the river of life.

Miraculously, Yang Yun didn't feel any harm, not even the heat of the light, not even the slightest glare. Logically speaking, this kind of blazing light, which is almost beyond the rays of the sun, will definitely experience stinging and burning sensations even if it is touched with the soul rather than directly looked at.

This is determined by the nature of energy. Such a huge flow of high-energy photons cannot have the ability to kill matter or soul, but what is happening now is beyond Yang Yun's knowledge. The light that burned Ashiya Michitoshi's body was felt by Yang Yun, but it had a soft feeling. At the same time, it also made his soul feel full and powerful, as if he had experienced the healing light of the Lord God. , as if returning to the mother's arms...

"But you can't understand what I say more, because you have not been exposed to the corresponding knowledge of cultivation."

Liuli replied calmly. At this moment, she was in the flow of light. With her set of Valkyrie armor and cold face, she was already similar to the legendary Valkyrie who accompanied the aurora and led the hero's soul back to the Hall of Valor. Explosive. It's just that this Valkyrie who stepped out of Nordic mythology is saying some annoying words at this moment: "If you want to understand what 10032-2 did, with your wisdom, I'm afraid you need to study Thirty-Eight in Sanqing Academy. It takes years and eleven days to do it.”

"Okay...people are self-aware, so I won't ask further questions." Yang Yun shrugged helplessly, feeling his soul being penetrated by the golden light. I have to say, this is a very... Wonderful feeling: "But the feeling of not knowing anything is not good. Just for the sake of us fighting side by side, can you summarize it concisely in less than fifty words?"

"No problem, 10032-2 uses the powerful computing power of the Nether core, and then changes the wavelength and frequency of the light of the holy spear, so that it only works on Ashiya Michitoshi's soul essence."

——She really summed it up in fifty words or less!

This was Yang Yun's first reaction. Then he realized what incredible words Liuli had said, and he couldn't help asking hesitantly: "Well, I'm not questioning her, but if you want to do this kind of thing, If so, how much computing power would be required? Just by herself..."

Yang Yun didn't finish his words, because he saw the will conveyed in Liuli's eyes. It was a person who had been doing the same thing repeatedly for one thousand five hundred and seventy-three years, constantly climbing and forging ahead to achieve a goal. The determination of a warrior.

This light is not only the light of the Holy Spear, but also the light of 10032-2's human heart. It is the light that blooms in the human heart that becomes the decisive stroke.

"I trust her, and she trusts me, because we are all three corpses of 'me'. Our hearts and minds can be connected, and our emotions can naturally be connected."

Liuli answered calmly. She stretched out her hand, letting the light flow in her hand and penetrate it: "Just like this strong light, destroying the enemy without deviating from the right path, maybe her way of thinking is extreme. A little bit different, but my desire to save this world is no different from you or me."

"Okay, it's my fault. When I return, I will apologize to her face to face." Yang Yun smiled and shook his head.

After that, the two of them stopped talking. They just watched in silence as the black shadow above their heads became smaller and smaller in the burning light. They watched the light go down, illuminating the deepest abyss in the river of life, and the entire river of life. Hedu shines brightly like daylight, burning the last soul essence of Ashiya Michitoshi into nothingness, and completely erasing his last traces in this world...

And in this light, Liuli suddenly looked at Yang Yun and opened his mouth and said:

"it's time."

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