On the fifth day of the National Day holiday, Xu Nan posted a Weibo post.

"Thank you for your support of Beginning. I will repay you with more exciting movies in the future."

"In addition, I want to announce something here. Summit Film and Television's new movie "Changcheng" is in preparation and will be available to everyone in seven days."

"The plot of Changcheng is as follows: In a time of chaos with monsters, people all over the world are living in dire straits. Only ancient China relied on the Great Wall and black gunpowder to eliminate the monsters and maintain peace. In order to fight against the monsters, the king of the West sent a prince to China for help. The Chinese emperor upheld the international In the spirit of communism, we decided to send warriors to save the Western Kingdom, eliminate demons, and establish a harmonious human society."

At this time, it was the time when "The Beginning" was being released. As a director, Xu Nan's popularity was also rising. Although not as good as the two leading actors in the movie, he still attracted a lot of attention.

Netizens noticed his Weibo post.

After reading the content, three black lines appeared on the heads of netizens.

Xu Nan, are you serious?

Especially the audience who had watched the movie "The Great Wall" were speechless to the extreme.

You, Chang Cheng, are too shady about the Great Wall.

While speechless, the audience also felt very excited.

They like to watch this kind of plot where the two directors are tit-for-tat.

Best to fight.

Weibo soon received many comments.

"Xu Nan, you really impressed me this time."

"The movie "The Beginning" is particularly good, really."

"I always knew you had talent, but I didn't expect it to show so quickly."

"Xu Nan: I don't pretend anymore, I show my cards, I can make good-looking movies."

"So I won't be able to watch your bad movies from now on, no."

"You Changcheng, why does the plot look so familiar?"

"Is this really good?"

"I just like the way you make trouble by taking photos of imitations."

In addition to comments, Xu Nan's new Weibo quickly became a hot search topic.

# Xu Nan’s new film Chang Cheng. #

That’s what big bang movie directors get.

Insiders quickly got the news.


"Who are you talking about?"

"Whoever feels uncomfortable is trying to make a fool of himself?"

"Xu Nan probably didn't make this movie. He doesn't need to make this kind of movie now."

"The director of Summit Films will film it, but Xu Nan will not."

"I'll just say it."

"Why are you talking about this? Shouldn't the key now be Zhang Yange's mood?"

"I seem to see Zhang Yange's expression (it's not a big deal to watch the excitement)."

Of course Zhang Yange was in a bad mood.

No director would like to make a copycat movie, especially if the movie is a hit, and suddenly a copycat movie is copied, and making money from it, not to mention how bad the mood will be.

But unfortunately, there was nothing he could do.

The only thing Zhang Yange can do is to severely condemn this behavior.

Once when promoting the movie "The Great Wall", a reporter asked.

"Director Zhang, what do you think about Xu Nan's announcement that he will shoot a copycat movie "Chang Cheng" and release it within a week?"

Zhang Yange immediately said: "My attitude has always been to resist copycat films. The reason is very simple. Copycat films are too vulgar. If everyone makes copycat films, who will make good movies in the future?"

Zhang Yange's statement has indeed been agreed by many people.

The domestic atmosphere tends to be conservative, and there are indeed many people who can't stand things like knock-off porcelain tiles.

After all, this is a country where entertainment is sinful.

The famous director Liu Dongdong even tweeted to Zhang Yange to express his displeasure.

"Some people say that "The Great Wall" is not good to watch, while "The Beginning" is good to watch. Others say that Zhang Yange is so trashy, and they curse Zhang Yange."

"I don't want to comment on the quality of the two movies here. I just want to ask everyone why they are so harsh on Zhang Yange and so lenient on Xu Nan."

"Director Zhang Yange has been making movies conscientiously for decades and has contributed good works to everyone. Just because of one failure, he was yelled at by everyone. Xu Nan has been making bad movies since he started his career. Just because he made a good movie, everyone was scolded. Full of praise."

"What's wrong with this world?"

I have to say that Liu Dongdong’s Weibo is very profound and worth pondering.

It's a pity that netizens don't care that much, and few people really think and reflect.

During the National Day period, it began to dominate.

On the fifth day, the box office of "The Beginning" was 110 million, and "The Great Wall" was about 80 million.

On the sixth day, the box office of "The Beginning" was 112 million, while "The Great Wall" was still around 80 million.

On the seventh day, the box office of all movies in this period fell, but "The Beginning" still had a box office of 90 million.

During the seven days of National Day, "The Beginning" grossed 650 million at the box office. Although it is not as good as the 730 million box office of "The Great Wall", don't forget that the movie will not be released in a month. The reputation of "The Beginning" is already well known. As everyone knows, there are still more than twenty days to harvest the box office.

The most important thing is that the cost of "The Beginning" is only 100 million, while the cost of "The Great Wall" is 150 million U.S. dollars, which converts to more than 1 billion RMB.

Xu Nan has made a profit, but Zhang Yange is still losing money.

The media went crazy with the news.

"Start to dominate the National Day season." 》

Can "Dark Horse Beginning" break box office records? 》

"Xu Nan's film journey, from "Along the River on a Qingming Festival" to Captain China and then to Spider-Man, the beginning was not accidental. 》

"Li Ruoshui: Thanks to Director Xu Nan for letting me become an actor." 》

"Zhang Wei, the counterattack from bad movie actor to A-list star. 》

"Zhang Yange: The Great Wall has the best of both the East and the West, and looks forward to overseas markets. 》

"Industry Expert: Beginning of the Great Era of Domestic Suspense Films." 》

The industry also has a lot of feelings.

"I didn't expect that Xu Nan could also make a wonderful movie."

"After this time, many people may have changed their impression of Xu Nan."

"Xu Nan is the director with the highest cumulative box office in China. He is certainly talented. However, due to controversies in the past, his reputation is not very good. Through this movie, Xu Nan has proven himself and will probably be accepted into the film." The mainstream circle.”

"Oh, I'm convinced. This guy Xu Nan is indeed quite capable."

"Zhang Yange has suffered a lot of losses this time. He won't be able to guarantee his fortune at the end of the year."

"No, that's not the case. The domestic box office of "The Great Wall" must have exceeded 1 billion, and there are also overseas markets."

"Yes, this one may not be popular in China, but it may bloom abroad."

"I admit that Xu Nan's "The Beginning" was well shot, but foreigners may not necessarily buy it."

Time flies, and the box office of "The Beginning" continues to rise.

On October 12th, Summit Pictures’ copycat film “The Everlasting Life” hit theaters.

Because of this incredible name and the foundation laid by Zhang Yange's "The Great Wall", it took in a box office of 3 million on the first day of release and successfully achieved profitability.

There is nothing to say about the quality of this movie. No one has any expectations for the quality of a movie shot in seven days. The key lies in the plot.

It has to be said that Summit Films has rich experience in this aspect, and the actors they hired are similar to most of the actors in The Great Wall, and the worst ones have a bit of the original version.

Although the movie's service is so rubbish that it leaves people speechless, it is full of loopholes, and there are cheating scenes everywhere, the plot touches the audience's heart.

The Western Kingdom was in dire straits and suffered so much from demons that in desperation, they ran to the Great Wall to beg the Chinese Emperor for rescue.

The Chinese upheld the spirit of internationalism and sent troops to the Western countries to eliminate the demons so that they could live and work in peace and contentment.

At the end of the movie, the king of the Western Kingdom burst into tears of gratitude and swore to the heavens to the Chinese warriors that from now on he would always be a vassal of China and pay tribute as a vassal. If he violated this oath, he would be struck by thunder.

Although such a plot is a bit shocking, Chinese people must have felt very happy after watching it. This can be seen from the comments of netizens.

"It's a shocking movie, shoddy, with too many loopholes and rip-offs to count, but it's still good to watch."

"As expected, it is the familiar style of Pinnacle Film and Television. It is definitely not suitable for serving as a big meal, but it still has a unique flavor when used as a side dish."

"I came here after watching "The Great Wall". I have to say that this movie is more in line with my appetite."

"I don't know what to say, just give it a thumbs up."

The most popular comment is: "Better than "The Great Wall"."

The production team of "The Great Wall" completely broke the defense and posted seven consecutive Weibo posts criticizing it.

But the fact is that due to the release of the copycat film "The Great Wall", the box office of the genuine "The Great Wall" increased a little on that day.

So theoretically Zhang Yange should thank Xu Nan.

Unfortunately, Zhang Yange didn't think so and criticized netizens for being too harsh on the great director.

On October 18, the box office of the movie "The Beginning" exceeded 1 billion.

This is the ninth domestic movie with a box office of more than 1 billion, and it is also Xu Nan's third movie with a box office of more than 1 billion.

Although this result had been expected for a long time, people in the industry were still speechless.

"Xu Nan is really perverted."

"He is not yet thirty years old."

"If nothing else, he is likely to become a dominant presence in the entertainment industry."

"The only thing that can hinder Xu Nan now is probably time."

"I wonder how far he can go."

In the past, Xu Nan was the number one person in the entertainment industry in terms of achievements. However, due to the controversy over her debut filming a copycat film, Xu Nan has always been vaguely ostracized.

But "The Beginning", a high-scoring movie with a score of over 1 billion, made up for Xu Nan's last shortcoming, and also made him a popular presence in the industry.

Countless stars flocked to contact Xu Nan and tried to participate in his next movie.

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