This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 412 Please save the United States

"what happened?"

"what's the situation?"

Netizens were confused.

Didn't it mean that Paris withdrew from the campaign? Why are there so many people campaigning for her? What happened?

Wait, is there a hidden secret inside?

Netizens all became excited. They liked conspiracy theories the most.

The tabloids began to add fuel to the fire. They really like conspiracy theories because the American people believe this very much.

"The reason Paris dropped out of the race."

"Shocking news, the mysterious organization Freemasons tried to assassinate Paris but failed."

"The leader of the Donkey Party failed to woo Paris, forcing Paris to give up the campaign."

"Paris has a relationship with the Kennedy family and is being boycotted."

Don't tell me, some people really believe this, mainly because it is popular in the United States.

After hearing that Paris was being persecuted, more and more people knew about this presidential candidate, and some even sympathized with her.

Others took to Paris’ Twitter to cheer her on.

"Paris, don't lose heart. I will always support you."

"It's not your fault, there's no need for you to back down."

"We are always with you."

"America needs you just like mankind needs the sun."

"Don't give up, we are still here."

When Paris saw the overwhelming comments of support, her expression was subtle.

What happened and why things turned out like this.

Could it be that Chinese director Xu Nan is hyping up again, but didn’t he say he has given up on hyping up?

Confused, but this thing is really fun.

It won't have any impact on her anyway, so so be it.

Paris just let it go.

She lay flat.

But Paris is lying down, and her fans are not there yet.

This group of people were all moved by their actions.

The evil organization originally wanted to cover the sky with one hand, but due to their perseverance, the majority of people woke up and stood up to support them. They achieved a staged victory.

But there is something strange.

That is, why is their goddess Paris silent?

The goddess is silent, and fans like them have no backbone. They always feel that something is missing, and their hearts are empty.

She is still a big fan of Paris.

"It's strange why Goddess Paris hasn't done anything recently."

"Is it because the evil organization has controlled her?"

"Probably not. With our actions, the American people have all begun to support us. Under such circumstances, evil organizations will never dare to act rashly, otherwise their conspiracy will fail."

"What's the reason?"

"If my guess is correct, the goddess should still be hesitant."

"How to say?"

"Think about it carefully. Goddess Paris is the reincarnation of President Washington. She must love this country deeply and hope that this country will get back on track and regain its greatness."

"But this matter is very dangerous, because there is an evil organization in the Federation that organizes the goddess to participate in the election. They are afraid that the goddess becoming president will crush their conspiracy and have been threatening the goddess. In this case, the goddess will of course hesitate."

"What should we do?"

"We must support the goddess and let her see our strength and know that she is not alone, so that she will have the courage to stand up. Just like in the War of Independence, President Washington also relied on the militia to defeat the evil British."

"But we have already done everything we should do, so how can we support it."

"Every presidential candidate has a campaign team and hardcore supporters."

“I feel that online support alone is not enough, we need actual support offline, just like those who are die-hard fans of the campaign.”

There was a moment of silence in the group.

You can let these people do things online, but if you let them participate in activities offline, many people will shrink back immediately.

Seeing this scene, Gray, a big fan of Paris, was heartbroken and typed quickly.

"What are you all hesitating about? Goddess Paris is the reincarnation of Washington. Only she can save the United States. We are not only doing it for ourselves, but also for this country."

"Anyway, no matter whether you go or not, I will definitely go."

As the saying goes, a snake cannot survive without a head.

If no one took the initiative, this matter might just go by, but if someone takes the initiative, it will be different.

Others quickly echoed.

"I'm going too, not just for the goddess Paris, but for the United States."

"Yes, for the United States."

"Plus me."

Soon, hundreds of people responded.

Outside Paris's villa, the elephant gang members came again.

The reason for such enthusiasm is mainly because Paris is valuable and popular enough to canvass votes for presidential candidates.

As long as there is enough value, there is a need to win over.

But Paris still hasn't made up her mind. After all, running for president is too big a deal. Although she thinks it's fun and is ready to move, she always has concerns.

The representative of the Elephant Party is not in a hurry. He has already sensed Paris's wavering. As long as he continues to persist, it will not be long before Paris agrees.

At this moment, the housekeeper came over.

"Miss, a reporter from the Los Angeles Times wants to interview me, do you think so?"

Paris was very calm: "Then let him come in."

Isn't it just an interview? Paris has long been used to it and doesn't take it seriously at all.

She also likes the feeling of being noticed.

Soon, the reporter came over with the cameraman, but the elephant party members did not leave either and continued to stay here.

"Hello, Miss Paris, there are rumors on the Internet that you withdrew from running for president because the Freemasons threatened you. Is this true?"

the reporter asked.

Paris: "."

How do you ask me to answer this? Can I say that I never ran for election in the first place and everything on the Internet is just rumors?

But that’s where the embarrassment comes in. Paris didn’t take a clear-cut stand at the beginning, which led to everyone now thinking that she participated in the presidential campaign, and then withdrew again due to special reasons.

The main reason is that Paris likes the feeling of being talked about and being the center of attention, so this misunderstanding occurred.

Now the reporter asked questions, which made her a little embarrassed.

But Paris was experienced in making up lies. She thought about it for a while and quickly came up with a good one.

"Well actually I."

"Miss Paris, suddenly a lot of people came outside." The housekeeper hurried over and interrupted Paris.

"What?" Paris looked surprised.

The housekeeper said a little panicked: "Miss Paris, there are many people outside, hundreds of them, all coming to see you and saying they want to meet you."

I have to say that these Paris fans are quite capable.

As long as they wanted to, they could dig out the color of Paris's underwear every day, not to mention Paris's address.

In this regard, the combat effectiveness of these die-hard fans is really strong.

A group of people walked to the door of Paris's villa. They were so densely packed that it was quite scary.

If it had been anyone else, it would have been frightened, but Paris, a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, did not panic at all. She went downstairs and walked out of the villa and came to the front of this group of people.

She didn't quite understand what these people were here for, maybe they were fans, but having so many fans come to her proactively made Paris's vanity greatly satisfied.

Hundreds of people come at one time. This is the kind of treatment only the top stars can get.

"The goddess is here."

"Goddess Paris is here."

"Ah, my world lights up."

A group of fans were extremely excited, and some even shed tears.

Seeing this group of people like this, Paris was a little excited and asked softly: "Are you my fans?"

In front of their idol goddess, a group of fans suddenly became shy. You looked at me, I looked at you, but no one said anything.

In the end, Gray was bolder and walked to the front and nodded: "Yes, Goddess Paris, I am your fan."

"Yes, Goddess Paris, we are all your fans."

"I'm here to find you."

"Goddess Paris, you are like the sun in the sky, lighting up my world."

A group of fans bravely said that being able to meet their idol goddess and hear her voice would be worth it even if they die in the next second.

Paris was even more excited, and she was indeed a fan of mine.

Look, all my fans gathered to look for me, I was so popular.

Paris asked again: "Are you here to ask for my autograph?"

The fans fell silent.

It was Gray who took the initiative to answer again: "No, Goddess Paris, I'm not here to ask for your autograph."

Paris blinked strangely: "You are my fans. You came so far to come to me not just to ask for my autograph. What is that for?"

The fans were silent, their eyes fixed on Paris.

Gray took a step forward and walked in front of Paris. His face was extremely solemn and his eyes were fixed on Paris.

"Ms. Paris, I know you are the reincarnation of Washington."

Paris: "Uh"

Although this is her character, it is still a bit shameful for her fans to say it to her face.

"I also know that you want to run for president to save America and restore America to greatness."


"I also know that Goddess Paris, you quit the campaign not willingly, but because there are evil organizations stopping you."


"But Goddess Paris, we fans have always stood behind you and supported you, even if you are against the whole world."


"I also know that you don't want to give up, Goddess Paris. You have always had deep feelings for this country, so..."

The more Gray talked, the more excited he became, and his expression became fanatical. Suddenly, he knelt down on one knee, stared at Paris with piercing eyes, and yelled.

"Please save the United States!"

Bang bang bang!

The fans behind Gray all knelt down in a roar, and everyone stared at Paris feverishly, as if they were looking at God descending on earth.

"Goddess Paris, please save the United States."

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